

Active Member
fuck my 1.1 gram 50 i got today
That's your own fault! Gettin 3 instead of 3.5 is one thing, but 1.1 is a totally different story. Unless it was your first bag, you should be able to identify that 2/3 of your bag is missing! But then again, I just realized I'm responding to a 5 year old post. Who's the dummy now?


Well-Known Member
Fuck, would you believe that the person who didn't wanna swap a few clones with me a while back asked to buy my contacts off me last night. I said "No"!!


Well-Known Member
fuck me running.*

i need to stop getting high in the middle of the fucking day so i can finish planting my fucking garden.

*fuck these fucking asterisks.


Active Member
Fuck cars. More specifically, fuck tires. Fuck the cheapest one for my car costing $150. Fuck trying to beat the car hustle and ride my bike, cuz the fucking tires on that fuck were $65. Fuck my paycheck being gone before it even gets here. Fuck working for a paycheck anyways, it doesn't fucking work for me. Fuck gas being $4 a fucking gallon. Fuck my kids mom, what a cunt. Fuck cigarettes. Fuck people who say they play music but never want to jam. Fuck the pawn shop. Fuck utility companies worldwide. Fuck doing the dishes. Fuck politicians. Fuck Kanye West. Fuck mice. Fuck that, fuck pests of all varieties. Fuck waking up early. Fuck Monsanto. Fuck cheap coffee. Fuck camping in the rain. Fuck what you heard.