fucked!! cops are planning to kick down my door

They have to have probable cause to get a search warrant.someone has to be wired or you have to sell to a snitch. If someone got busted and said they got it from you they might come over and feed you a line and say you have no choice and have to let them in but thats not true. If you let them in they have free range over your house.The biggest thing they will do is try to get you to admit to something it could be anything dont admit anything dont say anything except get a warrant. admission to guilt gives them probable cause. dont smash a bong just clean it out real good and put flowers in it or something
i dont get this. you make threads every day, you were talking about growing and we helped you out. now the second you want to start the cops are already on to you? i dont get it what makes you think this stuff, ive been to the hood and its nothing like how you are describing. i doubt the cops even know who you are. also what are you on disability for? is it about excessive worrying? if it is that would explain all of this
I didn't know the op was a long hair!!! The only thing worse then that is a soulless long hair ginger!!!I'm with your friend on this one cops should just randomly kick in your door and beat you in the long hair....or you could just stop smoking shit and cut your hair. Your tweekerness is felt even threw the Internet!!!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:Great job that's a magnificent feat!!
I just found out that the police have been watching my house. i talked to guy who has a brother on the sherrif department. he said its just a matter of time. im throwing away all my seeds and will get rid of my pipes tonight.

this is bullshit, i dont sell drugs,cause trouble, or do anything illegal except for a 20 sack twice a month. i gotta cut ties with my connect. have to cancle all plans to grow. there is no freedom in texas. fuck the police! fuck this town!

im so pissed i could go postal on this whole fucking city. becareful who you allow to come to your home. i dont have the right to have visitors the cops even talked to my landlord so i might be kicked out of my home.

if they broke in right now, all i have is two pipes and a bong. no weed, no seeds, no plants, no drugs.

i cant believe this shit. trying to bust a 40 dollar a month weed smoker. yeah cops are really looking out for public safety here.
Hey dude listen to me.........unless you've got a decomposed body under your bed no law man is gonna waste their time on a $40.00 a month weed smoker on disability.....no disrespect intended......you gotta lighten up dude !
I doubt cops kicking in your door no offense but even if they do you dont got nothing or growing nothing so your fine they cant do shit jus hide your pipes/bongs out of the house if your that worried about it and just move as soon as possible if you dont like it there
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i agree with just paranoid though this is bullshit!!!! some times i just want to jump off a cliff anyone else want to do the same?
Texas or not, ghetto or not I somehow stumbled onto this thread.

Bro, you are overly paranoid.

1. You don't drive... you sound like a house stuck guy to me.
2. You don't grow...
3. You smoke a small quantity?

I think you are overly paranoid. Maybe that dude cut ties to you for SOME OTHER REASON, and is mad at you telling you stuff to get back at you.

My brother's girlfriend's father's sister's uncle told me that Obama told him he was going to come personally to my house for a party... that bastard never did show up./