fucked up news!!!


Active Member
Well i just got a call from my land lond and he said my plants got to go. I have 13 plants that are about 4 feet tall. My question is can i bring em indoors? If so what lights would i need for my 12 by 12 room? Also whats the best way to take em out of the ground? Im thinking if i dig deep and wide enough i can safely transplant em into 30gall storage bins. Is it too late for me or is there still some hope?


Well-Known Member
oooo sorry to hear that dude, but digging up plants that are established in the ground, in this heat....your gonna have a hard time saving them. Good luck.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
tell him to fuck off, u have a doctors rec. your sick remember. tell him fuck him and his pills.
go through the whole eviction process could take 90 days u could be harvested.


Well-Known Member
did you sign anything on your lease saying you wouldn't grow there?
are you following all the counties rules and regs?
you have a month to month or a year to year lease?
you should try and keep things nice and friendly with landlords...
ask/tell him that your legal and following the rules...
tell him you wont grow next year...
you would need loads of light watts to flower 30 gallon plants inside...

or you could go this way....



Well-Known Member
My landlord was tellin me a story how a tenant would not let her on her property, kept the landscaper off as well. It took her almost a year. Lesson here is u do need landlord permission. But if it can't b seen from tne public eye tell him to fuck off and wait it out till harvest and move. Talk to a lawyer about how to keep a landlord off the property. Just nned enough time to stall unleess u wanna stay


Active Member
It would be way too hard and a lot of money save this grow and convert it to an indoor grow. Do you have a doctors rec? Also just talk to your landlord. Tell him that there is no risk of losing his property if you get busted. I believe the police have to prove that drug money specifically paid for the house for them to seize it. I believe thats what your landlord is afraid of. Anyways just talk to your landlord and explain to him that its a lot of time, money, and sweat spent on your grow. Also mention that it severely helps with some ailment that you have. Then tell him you promise you won't grow next year. Just play it nice maybe if you just talk to him and explain he might come around to atleast let you keep this crop. Good luck to you man.


Well-Known Member
My landlord was tellin me a story how a tenant would not let her on her property, kept the landscaper off as well. It took her almost a year. Lesson here is u do need landlord permission. But if it can't b seen from tne public eye tell him to fuck off and wait it out till harvest and move. Talk to a lawyer about how to keep a landlord off the property. Just nned enough time to stall unleess u wanna stay


Active Member
Ya i tried all that already and hes made his mind up. So now its just a question on what i need to do to bring em inside? Also will led lights work for flowering or are tgey too weak? The leds dont give off alot of heat or use that much power.


Well-Known Member
Ya i tried all that already and hes made his mind up. So now its just a question on what i need to do to bring em inside? Also will led lights work for flowering or are tgey too weak? The leds dont give off alot of heat or use that much power.
IMO LEDs are not "there" yet....
you would need a few $500-$800 lights...and they wont work as well as a few 1000w-600w hps....then,fans,de huey,ac if it's hot,carbon filter if smell is an issue.....
you might be better off taking some cuttings and growing those inside....
IMO it takes more skill,time and money to grow indoor.....


Active Member
How many 600w lights would i need for a 12x12 room with 10 4ft plants? Also if theyve been outdoor all season can i bring em indoors?


Well-Known Member
plus $400-$650 a month pg&e (if you're on care)

if you fight your landlord you will be pushing mmj forward...and you will win one internet

(and pissing off any woman you live with)

(sorry,if that was sexiest)


Well-Known Member
$600+ for fans
$700+ ac and dehuey
$500 play money if/when things go south....
(can i come over and kick it?...i wanna see this massive grow)

i could see you growing one plant vert with a few lights....
but it could cost just as much to buy it,if you have a good hook...
i am not trying to be mean or rude...im sorry


Well-Known Member
you should at least,before you cut them...talk to a lawyer,they will tell you,how much they charge....you haven't posted much info...that's why we keep pushing this....
good luck,mate


Well-Known Member
What does that mean he's made his mind up? What can he do? month to month lease then you just don't leave they have the burden of proof and need a court order to get the sheriff to remove you.