No problem cowboy. The science interests me greatly so I've been wading through the TONS of information and mis-information that are out there. Pretty hard to discern the gold from the iron pyrite, it all looks nice but is it real? I recently read "The Pot Book" released late last year and was amazed at some of the things I read. It is written/edited by a Dr. Julie Holland and is pretty easy to read except for a section about 1/3 of the way through that deals in detail with the medical and physiological effects of cannabis. I read this section 3 times to TRY to wrap my mind around what was being said. Very detailed explanations on how the different cannabinoids interact not only with the body, but also each other. Dr. Holland cites all her references in the back of the book. An entire 78 pages of references, citations, and definitions. Really reminded me of a college text book.
There are also a lot of good interviews with notables such as Tommy Chong, Soma, and others in the cannabis world as well as interviews with gov't. officials, scientists, Dr's, etc. I mention this since she cites several recent scientific studies and trials regarding the possibility that cannabis can stop or possibly regress/cure certain cancers. Sounds very promising, but as she says, only time and extensive scientific study will tell. We may very well have already found many scientifically backed benefits had research been allowed to continue from the 60's. If you haven't read it, I highly suggest it. About $14 on Amazon(I got it from the library). I was so impressed by it that I plan to buy several copies for family and friends and got through each one highlighting the particular areas that apply to each individual.