Full Automation Checklist

Don't take this the wrong way - but i literally laughed when i read this post... I do understand that your serious, but i need you to understand that its not as simple as a blow-and-go grow. Its good you are ready to spend some time dialing it in, It takes around 6Mo to a year to really get it right and dialed in.

First you need to secure the property, That means 360 degree camera's in a neighborhood that is isolated enough people will not ask "Why does this guy have these camera's?" - without this you risk break ins. Weed is worth alot of money, the lights are worth a shitload, and people WILL rip you off.

Second is automating the system. I suggest the classic float valve tank as mentioned before. As well as using a combo EC/PH/Temp sensor that can be seen and read on the camera system to monitor the inflow/outflow of the RO water from the surge tank. it will show an EC/TDS increase if the filters blow, or a PH spike if the pump goes. You will also need an inflow system for the nutrients and balances being added to the system, Personally i recommend Agrowdose - they are expensive because they are quality.

Now that is out of the way you need a dumping system for the old, gross nutrients. This can be achieved by an electronic valve that can be controlled by you remotely. This will allow you to dump the system at will based on Age, PH ect and then re-flood the system with fresh nutrient compound from the RO water tank. This is VERY important as it allows you to control the long term contents of the reservoir.

Have been doing this since the 2008 recession... Don't give up if it looks too daunting.
Good stuff. Thank you.
It's a bad idea trying to manage plants remotely, especially with hydro, where at times, plants can grow 3" to 4" in a single day. Managing nutrient and pH levels is a daily thing, not to mention water levels. I'm in heavy flower right now, and my four plants are drinking gallons and gallons of water each day.

If you can't be there all the time, find a good friend, who's knowledgeable about growing weed.

If you're insistent on trying to manage your grow remotely, at the very minimum, grow in soil.

Used to check my grow once a week from start to finish cause it was 10 miles away. Used no automation other than timers but the whole setup was specifically designed to not need humans touching it on a regular basis.

That said, automation if done wrong is very bad and dangerous. Automation is the last step and should be done only if you can't find a graceful, robust, cheap and lazy solution to the problem.