Full journal of my 1st grow. Indoor aeroponics. Big Bud seeds. 400w HPS/MH


Well-Known Member
Calibrate your pH meter
and shoot for nute solution of 5.6

Looks like a little edge curl from too high pH.

If they start to yellow in the center,
they are growing fast and
you need to change out the nutes,
even if your tds has not changed.

If you are feeding them for the first time,
go easy on the load,
but change out nutes more often.

4 days instead of 7.

Some of the ingredients of your solution can become depleted
and you cannot measure this with a meter.

Also, a few days of adjusting the pH down,
and you have acid build up, just flush & re-nute.


Well-Known Member
Calibrate your pH meter
and shoot for nute solution of 5.6
great, that's about the number I've been going for.

Earl said:
Looks like a little edge curl from too high pH.
I was thinking it had something to do with the pH being off. I know I adjusted it quite a bit with pH down, maybe more than I should have, so I also thought it could be shock from too much adjustment at once.

Earl said:
If they start to yellow in the center,
they are growing fast and
you need to change out the nutes,
even if your tds has not changed.
Cool, I did not know that. Thanks for the tip!

Earl said:
If you are feeding them for the first time,
go easy on the load,
but change out nutes more often.
4 days instead of 7.
I gave them 1/4 strength nutes today. Let's see how they handle that. Planning on changing out the res in 4 day, so that should work with what you've suggested.

Earl said:
Some of the ingredients of your solution can become depleted
and you cannot measure this with a meter.

Also, a few days of adjusting the pH down,
and you have acid build up, just flush & re-nute.
That's another thing I was not aware of that could happen. Thanks once again Earl!:hump:

The plants today looked pretty droopy all over. I'm not sure what it's from but I'll post a pic if it gets any worse.

  • They were droopy before I added the 1/4 nutes solution so I know it's not that.
  • Water temp is 72-74F, still working on bringing it down a notch.
  • Had to adjust pH level again and added 4 gals of fresh water to the res



Well-Known Member
I flushed the res last night. There was some slime growing on the air hoses in the res, and the roots weren't looking too great. They were definitely more brown than white.

I rinsed the res with a H2O2/water solution and refilled it with cool pH'd water mixed with about 1.5mL/gal of 35% H2O2 and about 1/2 strength nutes.

I have a bunch of small bottles of water in the freezer right now and am going to start a rotation of dropping the frozen bottles into the res to keep the water cooler and slow the bacteria growth. I hope that helps. Really don't want to drop the bucks for a chiller.

I'll put up some more pics soon.



Well-Known Member
hey eagle what is your hunidity levels?? mine have been aroun 20% i bought a cool mist humidfier to see if i can get it up a bit, my resevoir temps have been hovering around 75% also gonna put some frozen bottles in the morning to see if it will come down. lets see some pics man.


Well-Known Member
The frozen bottle thing won't work very well,
because it requires 24/7 attention.

The cheapest method is to blow cold air into and around the rez.

I am using a window fan with blinds over it,
and as long as the weather is below 50º outside,
I am able to keep my room temp below 66º
and my rez stays cool enough to have high DO,
and no root rot.


Well-Known Member
hey eagle what is your hunidity levels?? mine have been aroun 20% i bought a cool mist humidfier to see if i can get it up a bit, my resevoir temps have been hovering around 75% also gonna put some frozen bottles in the morning to see if it will come down. lets see some pics man.
I think mine hover around 30% or so. I have a cheapo humidifier I bought at Walmart that I keep on and that seems to be doing alright.

pics are on their way :weed:


Well-Known Member
I went out of town this weekend for a day and a half, and when I got back, I noticed that my plants weren't looking very good. I'm not sure what's wrong here, but I think root-rot is back.

I've added 15mL of 35% H2O2 to my res of 15 gallons, so the rate comes out to 1mL/gal. I hope that helps the new roots to keep healthy for now. I've cooled the water down quite a bit and will be working on a permanent solution as described by Earl in a post above.

Here are the pics of my sick plants and their ugly brown roots :(



Well-Known Member
The frozen bottle thing won't work very well,
because it requires 24/7 attention.

The cheapest method is to blow cold air into and around the rez.

I am using a window fan with blinds over it,
and as long as the weather is below 50º outside,
I am able to keep my room temp below 66º
and my rez stays cool enough to have high DO,
and no root rot.
Yeah, I'll have to agree with you on that. I'm going to work out something to pull in air from outside. It'll be really chilly with the winter and all, but I'll just aim the incoming air right at the res and that should cool it down most and still cool the whole room down. I'm going to get on this asap, I think my poor plants are hating the growroom warming.



Well-Known Member
You are slimed with the root rot.


You may need 2 ml/gl H2o2 to hasten its departure.

Then cool the rez down below 69º


Well-Known Member
You are slimed with the root rot.

Yeah, bummer! Hope the plants can recover, they look like they are still growing. I think I got at least a half inch new growth overnight.

You may need 2 ml/gl H2o2 to hasten its departure.

Then cool the rez down below 69º
I am going to flush again today and go with 2mL/gl 35% H2O2 and 1/2 strength nutes. I am also going to work on getting the outside cold air directed towards the res. So far with my temporary solution of frozen bottles of water in the res I've been able to keep the temp around 70F.

I've also noticed that the pH levels seem to rise a lot slower in cooler water.

Moral of the story: Res temps matter!


Well-Known Member
good thing is there still growing, using a gallon jug of frozen water i can keep res temps around 70 also added a fan blowing in the tent. My 1 lone seedling is growing slowly myself :cry:


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure the plants are going to be ok.

The tops are growing nice and quickly, the bottom 1/3 of the plants is pretty much fucked though. Leaves are yellow and droopy on the bottom nodes and dying.

Should I cut off the dying leaves? They aren't going to recover, that's for sure.

I'll post some pics soon.


Well-Known Member
I cut dying leaves off.

They just waste light.
Well, I cut off most of the dying leaves and now my plants are looking a little naked.

There still seems to be good growth at the top, so I'm hoping for a recovery.

I plan on flushing the res once again tonight and going with another round of 2mL/gal of 35% H2O2 and 1/2 strength nutes.

Here are the now more naked versions of my babies:



Well-Known Member
Hey they look alot better than my lone survivor hehe. How long are you gonna veg??
I'm thinking of another couple of weeks to let the plants fully recover and build up some strength. Trimmed some more dying leaves today, but they seem to be doing ok. The rest are all green.

Any luck with your sprouts?


Well-Known Member
only have 1 survivor now, my 2 others i had in rockwool didnt sprout my fault i germed them in to cold enviro. But i got more seeds using my free seeds i will just add them to my lrak47. stop by the grow and check out the update.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've found that keeping up the warm temp and high humidity are key for germination. Good luck with your new seeds!


Well-Known Member
The plants are doing ok. They seem to be growing alright and looking happier. They still look scrawny and naked since I've trimmed all the dying leaves, but slowly starting to fill in. It's like they lollipopped themselves for me! I'll post some pics soon.

I had 2 Big Bud seeds left over so last night after eating 10 lbs of turkey I decided to germinate them and throw them in some soil as a side project.

I doing this the same way i germinated the initial batch since it seemed to work so well. Inside peat pellets in a tupperware container on top of the cable box. I also threw in 2 bag seeds in a damp paper towel in the same tupperware container to see if they'd sprout more than anything else.

I will be using Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil and perlite at 75/25 mix and the same Fox Farms nutes I have now.
