Fumble's First Grow

Wow those is sums Phatt PK buds there. Damn ! What's wrong with the Doggie ? He's got a contact high ?:weed:
Beautiful fumble! Next season is going to be killer for sure (assuming there is a next season for you :), be hard not to with that medijuana lol!).
Thanks guys! I am just starting the cure. Hard to be patient. But I've been smoking the damaged CC since I have been back and it has kept me steadily high. I finally got my prescription. yea! I have been going to a couple clubs, checking them out. The one gave me a free gram of romulan. I can honestly say...mine is BETTER! lol. I can't wait to smoke the finished product.

If I am still in the same house next year, I will be doing one monster plant in the bed my flowers were in this year. Any thing I put in there has gone ape-shit. Plus, I plan on building a greenhouse. *winks* In the meantime though, we will be setting up "the room"

I think I am going to lose my whole GR. Effing sucks. It has just about everything you could think of wrong with it. Worms - check. White flies - check. Little yellow larvae - check. Little black larvae - check. And black spots on leaves - ch- m effing -eck. WTF?!?! Can I just make hash out of the whole thing still? Or is it a total loss? Anyone? I wouldn't mind an ass load of 100% sativa hash. Nope not at all.

TWS...the princess wore herself out with her new toy. And maybe a bite of special cookie or two. hehehe
u didnt! hahahahaha my dawg got half a peanut butter cookie.drooled for 2hrs &wouldnt move! poor guy was fucked up! now u put an edible near his face & his jawls cringe!lmao i need to get u ur stuff back fumble! lets do somethin soon.im impatient waiting for a shindig round up around here.
u didnt! hahahahaha my dawg got half a peanut butter cookie.drooled for 2hrs &wouldnt move! poor guy was fucked up! now u put an edible near his face & his jawls cringe!lmao i need to get u ur stuff back fumble! lets do somethin soon.im impatient waiting for a shindig round up around here.
I still have 4 weeks left on my SR-71 Purple Kush, I guess I'll have to show up with only one sample/strain to share.
I'm sure if we plan a party now, many won't show up because of harvest, (me included).
Right now I need to get these plants processed, or it's all for nothing. I can't spare the time right now. Look how dead the outdoor page has become, everybody is busy trimming.

mine is down.im not done trimming either,but im bored! i began sept 4th.have 2 left,chemdawg&rest of space jill.i have plenty to share,but we can do more than 1!lol we could make a habit outa this fellas!lol but ok!....ill be patient.hahaha
u didnt! hahahahaha my dawg got half a peanut butter cookie.drooled for 2hrs &wouldnt move! poor guy was fucked up! now u put an edible near his face & his jawls cringe!lmao i need to get u ur stuff back fumble! lets do somethin soon.im impatient waiting for a shindig round up around here.

lol...I just gave her a dime size bite. She is a sugar hound! But whew! she is silent and milky! Burns the hair right outta your nose. I try not to give her too many treats. hahaha

I know, I am so looking forward to the 'harvest party'! Even with my piddley little 3 plants, I wouldn't be able to make it yet. You can just bring something yummy to the meet up in my container. Or maybe you and the gf can come for dinner sometime. We will work something out.

Loooove the new avi by the way.
Thanks farmer woot. Mugan. The ladies are doing okay. Well most of them. The GR is gonna make some great butter or hash. Too many things wrong with her. The PK is dried and in bags curing. The CC is still drying. I need to get a scale, so I don't know what the yield is.
You guys are funny! I gots of trimming here i want to do but i hate doin it. Got 2 ounces so far of banana kush its kinda airy but smells and is sticky like no other to say the least! Did some dry ice has as well that was fun! I know what you guys mean by busy. Seems it cant get busier but it does! Keep it up everyone!
Good to know Woot. I think my parents have one I can borrow. It is cleverly disguised as a kitchen scale. hehehe
So here are a couple of pics. The first one is all of the PK bagged and curing. I am not sure without a scale, but judging by the looks, there is about a lb or just under. The second pic is one of the 3 CC clones I put in the small planter. The others are the PK that were in the same planter. I had 3 CC and 3 PK in there. For some reason, they all turned out beautiful. Although the CC did get some mold from moisture, but crystally as effff. Same with the PK. And the one pic is a bunch of basil I picked for a bouquet. The hummingbird is made out of beads and was my mother's. :peace:


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Lookin killer over there! Got some of my apricot and blue dream in jars i get loaded for hours on my own medicine i cant believe it! Thanks for all your help I will have to save some!