Fumble's First Grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jozikens. I was afraid the cutting would shock her to death, but she didn't even wilt a little. She is the one I was looking forward to the most for her sativa high. I got the shade cloth today and put it up. I still need to do a bit more, but it's better than it was.

I sure hope it is taken care of Hodge. I drenched the eff outta her this morning with the fruit tree spray. Gonna do it again tomorrow. it can't get any worse, if I don't do anything she will surely die. I would love to make edibles. I just need a recipe or something. Not sure how to make cannabutter. But I never made mayo before either! Glad you like it. I can make you more. Yes the Medi is great for the migraines. Doesn't take the pain of a migraine away, but makes it bearable. And it's great for all over body pain to. I was able to just keep going.
I use the crock pot to make my butter, or if you prefer vegetable oil, cannola, etc. Just put around 3 ozs trim per 4 lbs of butter, let cook on low overnight then strain with cheese cloth, make sure to squeeze the stuff good. Place in refrigerator, you can infuse the butter also with garlic, tyme or any herb(s) you like, you like toast eat it that way? Just leave plain for baking in pastry recipes, hint-hint, cookies.


Well-Known Member
If I got edibles and seal a meal them can I put them in my check in luggage? Don't they question food items? That would be so cool. Thanks ABM
I don't see why they would suspect anything wrong with cookies and brownies. :D I have done this 3 times through Southwest from Sac to Vegas. :D


Well-Known Member
i just started making my own butter, and some times i feel that eye thing am always paranoid about them keep putting in clear eys (force of habbit) but i think there fine,


Well-Known Member
My eyes are always red. I don't care. When I was working, I used eye drops all the time. I do still use them occasionally. I'm stoned, I really don't care who knows...olo hehe I mean't lol!


Well-Known Member
Okay, last update before I'm off to PA...Just a few shots of how they look today. Also, the finished privacy wall. I just finished writing down instructions for feeding and watering, I just hope it is followed. I am going to do one final spray with the fruit tree spray in the morning. I am winning the war (knock on wood). Most of the little yellow white fly larvae were brown and dead today. Yea!!! I sprayed with the SNS-203 this morning and will do the other tomorrow.
I sprayed the mantis on accident and was about to spray again when I saw him. I got a bamboo stick and moved him over to the PK while I finished spraying. He was still there this afternoon, right where I left him. I moved him back to the GR, which hopefully, is going to pull through.

Take care and wish me luck (with the cake).



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I'm hella excited - about the wedding and my girls. my son is amazing. He is a wonderful artist, tree climber, gardener, and musician. He plays guitar, electric guitar, bass(elec and stand up) banjo, fiddle, mandolin, clarinet, trumpet, sax, harmonica, and probably a few others. All self taught.
My daughter is just as amazing. She can do whatever she sets her mind to do. I guess you could say I'm a little proud of my kids. They both had hella hard starts in life so it really pleases me to see them accomplishing things and being happy....

Brandon, I think I have changed the whole recipe at the last minute...I still have a couple days to decide. I got a prescription for atavan just in case. lol


Well-Known Member
The plants are looking nice have a safe trip to PA. I take mine with me on the plane when I fly out of Oakland. Enjoy your trip dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Hey fumble, sorry I missed meeting up with you today, my bad!

I tried to send you a PM, but your mailbox is full. I didn't keep your phone number

Have a safe trip & congratulations on becoming a new 'Mom' again!

We miss you, hurry home



Well-Known Member
awwww...thanks guys. I made it here safe and will be checking in tomorrow. I want to show my son the RIU and all. He is hella excited. I will check back in tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
So far everything is going well. I got the candy made for the wedding favors and will be making the cake tomorrow. Poor girl though, my new daughter in law has a stomach virus at the moment.

It is so effing beautiful here. Lush and green all over the place. I can only imagine how beautiful it will be where the wedding is going to be. On the edge of an old growth forest. hella excited.

...hella worried about my girls too. I'm sure they will be fine. Just me. And I am fully down for a pig roast and a chicken BBQ. BAWK! BAWK!