So yea the trash bag idea worked. Double barrier with the panty hose tied over the drain pvc so its in.completely closed. Helps with dryback too probably, with my boxfans and 28rh. No more panty hose pots theyre all flowering which I saw not a single bug. This rootball is cleannn.
Anyway so how the hell am I going to do seeds? Well no issue I only do clones except I did a shopping spree of beans so I thought of something quick. Seed germinating now.
So I will do what I been doing with fabric pots staple shut with bug jell on seams. Il use 18” stakes around the inside of pots with drippers tied to stake temporary. 100u 20gal wash bag around the plant, stakes will keep it opened up for plant growth.
Drawstring end of wash bag tied shut around the drippers basically upside down wash bag. Air flows good infact I knew I was right, when I said I use press bags. Panty hose is no where near 120u. My 120u bags are waay finer. I got 100u to be safe.
Just defol/prune as needed its literally just to get it into a rooted clone size plant. So I can treat it the same way dtw coco just staple fabric pot shut around stem/drippers with bug jell on seams.