if you dry out the affected soil or potting mix, you will find that they will soon dissipate.
NO one should resort to Neonictinoid poisons.....It's not suspected anymore, it's gospel on the colony collapse as of late last year...Imidacloprid
Has been suspected of contribution to collapse of bee colonies but using it on a small grow isn't going to hurt anything
I still don't think using it on a small grow during vegetation hurts anything.NO one should resort to Neonictinoid poisons.....It's not suspected anymore, it's gospel on the colony collapse as of late last year...
Try this stuff...works for me everytime....
Now get out your lupe....Look careful at those ones on the sticky trap. Compare the big ones to the small ones....
Do they look somewhat different?
You got root aphids! Bad joojoo.....
Look back in the search area for posts by me about root aphids. look for a new chem from Bayer Ag. just for root aphids.....
Good luck
That's nothing. Check this out! Happened my last grow.View attachment 3385165 This sticky paper has been in there about 24 hours.
Trust me I'm not OCD
... And I think you said the gnats don't hurt the plant ...?
If your flowering and your buds are all nice and STICKY wouldn't you think the gnats will stick to em??
Idk about u but I'm cool off smoking gnats.
That is not true. Their larvae wreak havoc on the root system. Try using some diatomaceous earth and stop giving it so much water. Make sure the soil is totally dry before you water/feed again and every time.You do realise they won't hurt your plant don't you?
Are they just annoying you?
They only damage really small plant with tender roots
The DE kills the larvae when they try to leave the soil by dehydrating them. No fly away and no digging into the soil. Done.You'll only get rid of the gnats by getting rid of the larvae. This will do it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Thuricide-B...578?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item46358a0d72
Let your soil dry out completely and then drench with the thuricide.