Fungus gnats uncontrablable!!


Well-Known Member
image.jpg Tried sand on top
Tried Monterey BT
Tried letting soil dry out
Tried sticky paper

And they're still here,
Plant looks healthy to me but I wanna get rid of em!!!!!
You will find that the reason why you have fungal gnats is because the potting mix or soil in which your plants are growing is too wet. Fungus Gnats are associated with decaying organic matter, and many of them feed only on fungi. It is true that they will attack young seedling but if you dry out the affected soil or potting mix, you will find that they will soon dissipate.
You will never get rid of them completely, you can also try
Imidacloprid it's made by Bayer and you can use it as a soil drench.
I doBy know the brand name I'm the U.S. bit a Google search will tell you.
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I cut a couple disks out of poster board to lay on top of the container. The diameter of the disks are 2" larger than the diameter of the contaner so they overhang a little. I cut slots in both disk so the plant's stalk would be in the center of the disk. I overlap the disks so the slots are covered.

That made a huge difference in my gnats. It also keeps the soil more uniformly moist, it doesn't dry at the top as much. (I'm in a dry climate. I might have had drier topsoil than most people.). And, if you use white posterboard you get some reflected light. Every little bit helps.

Occasionally I'll spray some pyrethium in there. After a couple weeks (the lifecycle of the gnat) they're mostly gone. Very few find their way to the soil.

I want to buy panty hose to put on the bottom of the container so it will drain but keep gnats out. But, so far the top cover did enough.
Has been suspected of contribution to collapse of bee colonies but using it on a small grow isn't going to hurt anything
by the way fungus gnats are somthing that goes with growing, if you don't see fungus gnats at all your soil
Isn't healthy, don't sweat the small stuff, seriously.
it means you have a healrhy ecosystem that's creating fungus that helps feed your roots and make the plant more healthy the gnats are feeding off that same beneficial funghi.
If you have thousand I'd worry but a few gnats is not a issue it really isn't unless you are OCD
image.jpg This sticky paper has been in there about 24 hours.
Trust me I'm not OCD
... And I think you said the gnats don't hurt the plant ...?
If your flowering and your buds are all nice and STICKY wouldn't you think the gnats will stick to em??

Idk about u but I'm cool off smoking gnats.
How many gnats, spider mites, bugs, aphids do you think you've smoked in your life? Thousands? Millions? You had no idea you were smoking them but trust me you've been smoking insects for years my friend.
By the way fungus gnats generally don't go on your bud they usually hang around the soil, I've found dead spiders in my buds it's no issue really.
Has been suspected of contribution to collapse of bee colonies but using it on a small grow isn't going to hurt anything
NO one should resort to Neonictinoid poisons.....It's not suspected anymore, it's gospel on the colony collapse as of late last year...

Try this for me everytime....

Now get out your lupe....Look careful at those ones on the sticky trap. Compare the big ones to the small ones....
Do they look somewhat different?
The small ones - - -You got root aphids! Bad joojoo.....

Look back in the search area for posts by me about root aphids. look for a new chem from Bayer Ag. just for root aphids.....

Good luck
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NO one should resort to Neonictinoid poisons.....It's not suspected anymore, it's gospel on the colony collapse as of late last year...

Try this for me everytime....

Now get out your lupe....Look careful at those ones on the sticky trap. Compare the big ones to the small ones....
Do they look somewhat different?
You got root aphids! Bad joojoo.....

Look back in the search area for posts by me about root aphids. look for a new chem from Bayer Ag. just for root aphids.....

Good luck
I still don't think using it on a small grow during vegetation hurts anything.
Bees only pollinate flowering plants, but I'm gonna check out Bayer AG. Thanks for the heads up
View attachment 3385165 This sticky paper has been in there about 24 hours.
Trust me I'm not OCD
... And I think you said the gnats don't hurt the plant ...?
If your flowering and your buds are all nice and STICKY wouldn't you think the gnats will stick to em??

Idk about u but I'm cool off smoking gnats.
That's nothing. Check this out! Happened my last grow.


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