Fungus, PH, Nute Burn Ohh MY!!!!


Active Member
My plant is in about week 6 of vegging. it's Jock Horror from Nirvana. I am using Fox Farm nutes and follow their schedule except I flush every Sunday....OK maybe I missed one. Well about 3 weeks ago this rust stuff started popping up on fan leaves about mid way through the palnt. Thinking it was nute burn I flushed for two days and carried on. Only problem is I tihnk it's spreading up the tree to newer fan leaves. It is only effecting fan leaves as of now. Also it seems like it effects the steam as well. Has anyone seen this and if so what is it and how to I fix it.
Thanks :peace::joint:



Well-Known Member
Looks like an MG deficiency. What are you planning to flower those plants with? you got a 1000w light hiding somewhere?

Anyway, I'd bet that problem goes away when you start flowering. Adding the Bloom nutes will usually resolve it, but you might also wanted to add some epsom salt. Usually that resolved the "cheetah print".


Active Member
Looks like an MG deficiency. What are you planning to flower those plants with? you got a 1000w light hiding somewhere?

Anyway, I'd bet that problem goes away when you start flowering. Adding the Bloom nutes will usually resolve it, but you might also wanted to add some epsom salt. Usually that resolved the "cheetah print".
Actually, yes. I have a 1000 watt hps in the chamber next to this one. I have 2 ladies in there right now.

I was planning on keeping these as mothers. So I would like to try and fix the issue. After thinking about it....I may have had the ph a little off. I am going to try and keep it a little closer to 7.0 for a while and see if that works.

Could I add some bloom nutes here and there with out hurting them?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't add bloom nutes in veg. I would try epsom salt before doing that. What is the PH of your runoff? A lockout is more likely and if you add epsom salt it will lock out other things and just get uglier. I would suggest foliar feeding Epsom Salt until you can get it figured out. Light FF of course, don't have to go crazy.

What is your soil mixture also?


Active Member
I wouldn't add bloom nutes in veg. I would try epsom salt before doing that. What is the PH of your runoff? A lockout is more likely and if you add epsom salt it will lock out other things and just get uglier. I would suggest foliar feeding Epsom Salt until you can get it figured out. Light FF of course, don't have to go crazy.

What is your soil mixture also?
Using fox farm ocean forest and some prelite....think it was mirgle grow perlite.
I tried testing my run off but I don't think it was accurate. I used a rag to collect the run off and squeezed it out into a cup then I said probably not acurate. Yesterday was my day to flush with water and this morning it almost seemed as though the already bad parts on the leaves died off even more. Not that it spread just killed those parts off quicker. Also I plan on transplanting tonight. They are about 19 inches tall and ready to be topped. if it's not ph problems should I see other signs?

It may very well be ph....I may have been getting it to close to 6.0 the last couple of batches of food. My only way of testing ph is by taking a sample of food and applying drops and matching the color. Guess I'll lean more towwrds green from now on.


Well-Known Member
Using fox farm ocean forest and some prelite....think it was mirgle grow perlite.
I tried testing my run off but I don't think it was accurate. I used a rag to collect the run off and squeezed it out into a cup then I said probably not acurate. Yesterday was my day to flush with water and this morning it almost seemed as though the already bad parts on the leaves died off even more. Not that it spread just killed those parts off quicker. Also I plan on transplanting tonight. They are about 19 inches tall and ready to be topped. if it's not ph problems should I see other signs?

It may very well be ph....I may have been getting it to close to 6.0 the last couple of batches of food. My only way of testing ph is by taking a sample of food and applying drops and matching the color. Guess I'll lean more towwrds green from now on.

You need to know the PH of the runoff. The ph of the water in the soil is what really matters. How much nutes are you feeding it and how much perlite did you mix in? How long have they been in the FFOF in THOSE containers?

Oh and your setup looks really nice, what size Floro fixture is that?

You should pick up an electronic PH tester instead of using test strips. You need some degree of certainty.

Last, but not least, I would bomb the veg room with the lights off overnight. I do this now with every batch while they are in veg. Just avoids problems down the road from developing later in flower when you can't do anything about it.


Well-Known Member
Test my ph every time I feed. Always keep it around 6.5.

Calcium? Is this something not present in fox farm"s nutrients?

Do I need to add something extra?
I believe Calcium is a nutrient that is looked over in the fox farm lineup. The only mention of calcium is on tiger bloom and one of the main ingredients is derived from Calcium Nitrate. Im not sure if thats enough. I too have a similar problem I might try some cal/mag. I believe the mollasses Im feeding has calcium in it cause Once I started mollasses watering the problems started dimenishing. But not 100% sure on that so I may go get some cal/mag if problem continues.

Using fox farm ocean forest and some prelite....think it was mirgle grow perlite.
I tried testing my run off but I don't think it was accurate. I used a rag to collect the run off and squeezed it out into a cup then I said probably not acurate. Yesterday was my day to flush with water and this morning it almost seemed as though the already bad parts on the leaves died off even more. Not that it spread just killed those parts off quicker. Also I plan on transplanting tonight. They are about 19 inches tall and ready to be topped. if it's not ph problems should I see other signs?

It may very well be ph....I may have been getting it to close to 6.0 the last couple of batches of food. My only way of testing ph is by taking a sample of food and applying drops and matching the color. Guess I'll lean more towwrds green from now on.
Im pretty sure I read the miricle grow perlite also has timed release nutes in it as well and isnt just perlite. Might check into that as well.


Well-Known Member
The Cal is usually in your water, but if you are using RO water and Fox Farms nutes then some Cal/Mag would be the best solution and again, I would foliar feed at this stage to relieve the stress a little bit.


Well-Known Member
The Cal is usually in your water, but if you are using RO water and Fox Farms nutes then some Cal/Mag would be the best solution and again, I would foliar feed at this stage to relieve the stress a little bit.
Im using rain water not sure what elements contained in good ole natural rain water.


Well-Known Member
Im using rain water not sure what elements contained in good ole natural rain water.
Usually that's the best and doesn't come up deficient in Cal. I would suggest trying a little foliar feeding, the key is not to go overboard or do anything too drastic.


Active Member
Thanks. Floros are 4' t5's.

I'm using distilled water. Been in these pots for 6 - 7 weeks. I am going to transplant to a 5 gallon tonight. Plan on using just fox farm ocean forest. I noticed my other plants dries out quick. I have to water everyday. So I figured I woudl go with only fox farm this time. See how it works out.

I know I need to pick up an electornic tester but didn't want to spend the cash yet. This is only the second set of plants I've vegged.

Not sure what you mean by bombing. What would I bomb with and why? Sorry for tall the questions,new to all this.

Also.....what do you do for cloning? Where do you cut on the plant? How big of a clipping? What medium do you go into? I tried some about a week ago but it dosen't look like they are taking.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Floros are 4' t5's.

I'm using distilled water. Been in these pots for 6 - 7 weeks. I am going to transplant to a 5 gallon tonight. Plan on using just fox farm ocean forest. I noticed my other plants dries out quick. I have to water everyday. So I figured I woudl go with only fox farm this time. See how it works out.

I know I need to pick up an electornic tester but didn't want to spend the cash yet. This is only the second set of plants I've vegged.

Not sure what you mean by bombing. What would I bomb with and why? Sorry for tall the questions,new to all this.

Also.....what do you do for cloning? Where do you cut on the plant? How big of a clipping? What medium do you go into? I tried some about a week ago but it dosen't look like they are taking.
I would check out Mr. Green Grows, I believe it's #6 that covers cloning. Search for it on youtube. That pretty much sums up where to cut and the entire process that I use and I get 100% success. It's really simple.

By Bombing I'm referring to buying a can of pesticide. I usually use a Pyrethron(sp?) and bomb it once right before going into flowering. This is because I don't want to use any pesticides in flower so I want anything dead before it enters that room. I usually just use the pesticides every two weeks in veg and it keeps my plants pretty disease/bug free.


Active Member
Well.....does anyone think it's a fungus. I really want to rule out fungus because I plan on feeding it straight water for a few days and see if I can fix the problem. But, I don't won't it to get worse if I could fix it now. So I guess my question is.....can I take it out of the pot and see the fungus.....what other signs could I look for if it is something else other then maybe a ph or deficiency problem. I don’t see any bugs and I have good air flow and drainage. I didn’t think it would be a breeding ground for fungus…..but I’m new to this. So any and all suggestions are appreciated.



Well-Known Member
While I certainly can't rule out fungus without actually checking for fungus, I have no reason to believe it's fungus. It looks just like a cal/mag problem. No reason to suspect fungus in the first place. It's certainly not a fungus that's on the leaves, or it doesn't look like it. Looks like the leaves are doing that to themselves.


Well-Known Member
Good point this is what I would do as well. Much safer!

I wouldn't add bloom nutes in veg. I would try epsom salt before doing that. What is the PH of your runoff? A lockout is more likely and if you add epsom salt it will lock out other things and just get uglier. I would suggest foliar feeding Epsom Salt until you can get it figured out. Light FF of course, don't have to go crazy.

What is your soil mixture also?


Active Member
While I certainly can't rule out fungus without actually checking for fungus, I have no reason to believe it's fungus. It looks just like a cal/mag problem. No reason to suspect fungus in the first place. It's certainly not a fungus that's on the leaves, or it doesn't look like it. Looks like the leaves are doing that to themselves.

Cool. kiss-assI'm going with Ph problem.. going to flush for a week and check my run off. Also flushing so I can take some clippings. Guy at the hydro store says flushing helps to wash out the nitrogen. Thanks for all the help laserbrn :peace::joint:


Active Member
Man....... I just transplanted into 5 gallon pots. I ran two gallons of distilled water through both pots. It goes in at 7.0 and come out at this normal for FFOF ?


Well-Known Member
Man....... I just transplanted into 5 gallon pots. I ran two gallons of distilled water through both pots. It goes in at 7.0 and come out at this normal for FFOF ?
Would I call it "normal"? No. But it happens a lot, that's why I figured you needed to check your runoff. If you are really feeding at 7.0 then you need to flush through with some higher ph water. Maybe try flushing with 7.0 water, you ph is a bit low. Not terribly though, usually it's right about now they start showing troubles. When it gets down to 4.5 it starts to really show up.