Hi guys,
I would have posted this in the newbie forum but some of the questions people ask on there are ridiculous. I may be on my first grow but I'm not an idiot.
I'm currently into week 4 of flower, I have 4 girls in coco (1xLivers, 3xPsychosis), in a space that is approx 32 inches by 32 inches, underneath a 600w hid, and I've just been letting them do their thing and watching what happens.
First, I'd like some advice on the best technique to use to maximise my yield in this space for future grows. Height isn't a issue but right now they look pretty crowded. I'm guessing topping probably isnt the best idea since that encourages them to get bushier, but on the other hand the top canopy is so thick I worry how much light is actually getting through to the lower leaves/buds.
Secondly, what do people think would be the best form of additional lighting to use? Possibly fluorescents vertically in the corners to increase light penetration?
Thanks in advance.