Galactic Alignment

I would assume because 50 is a good even number, even so, im 99.9 percent sure i will get to make fun of ol' chief here too! lolol!
Sure it is the King Crazy of crazy talk. The north pole precesses in a slow wobble. Every time thru, there is a day, where, at the equator, the sun will set thru the middle of the Milky Way. Big Deal?

It takes a long while. But, the King Crazy, of course, is that the Myan's predicted, XYZ, when discoveries earlier this year proved that there were never a prediction of anything. Now how their calendar has such a lengthy base line is still uknown. But, the Greeks kwew about the alignement, so it has to be calculated somehow.

But people have known about the mayan calendar for many years... I knew about it when I was in highschool...
No you're not because nobody can predict the future.

No you can't predict the future. But you can put pieces together to find out the truth. The truth may be in the past or if may be in the future; like the recession. People didn't believe it was going to happen. But it did and some people predicted it.

No you can't predict the future. But you can put pieces together to find out the truth. The truth may be in the past or if may be in the future; like the recession. People didn't believe it was going to happen. But it did and some people predicted it.

Many can understand economic cycles. What's to predict? :) I predicted all three of these recent pullbacks in the last decade or so based on the spot price of oil. And I did something to protect my assets.

We have to understand that the press has an agenda. Each Outlet is shaped by the advertisers. It's the Corporate-Media-Lobby Complex that is the real confusion. Actual agenda less, information is very hard to find. NPR is beholding to Congress and the "let's all get along" Lobby.

It is an interesting question. We all see the future, by about 1/10 of a sec. That the the path latency for our senses. There is work being done now, to understand how it is we accurately predict this 1/10 sec to be "real time." It is not as trivial as it seems as first. So making expert guesses is what we do. It's not actual prediction. That has never been proven, as yet.

And of course, we know about the Mayan calendar as the most accurate of the primeval calendars and the one with the longest baseline. It's baseline just happens to be this alignment. It was recently shown to be a re-cycling calendar. Not the end of the world.

The alignment is interesting, because only a dust cloud is visible. And the core itself is black hole. But, as cn says, the abstract centers do align.
We can't predict future events with certainty, but we can assume what the future will bring based on scientific evaluation. If we are dealing with something that has no basis for scientific evaluation... there is no basis for a prediction.
Exactly. In that way, we are no more or less superstitious than the Mayans. It is the pitiful need to have some certainty that has driven us. So, we discover and wonder about, but not understand, at all, the Uncertainty. That is what rules the behavior of the physical world. Simply why, the electrons do what they "do" is a mystery.
Im confident something is going to happen. Im %50 sure that something is going to happen immediately. I dont think an apocalyptic even is going to happen but Im sure that is going to happen during our lifetime. Who are your sources? Us crazies need to get together and discuss bongsmilie

Lol, coming from the guy who is certain aliens built the pyramids... then when shown a video on how a single man can move massive rocks by himself, discarded the evidence, and continues to believe aliens moved the rocks in the pyramids.

However you're probably correct in regards to something "happening during our lifetime". I would bank on an apocalyptic economic event here in the US, which would very likely turn into a global economic disaster. Apocalyptic? No. Will people die as a result? Yes.
Exactly. In that way, we are no more or less superstitious than the Mayans. It is the pitiful need to have some certainty that has driven us. So, we discover and wonder about, but not understand, at all, the Uncertainty. That is what rules the behavior of the physical world. Simply why, the electrons do what they "do" is a mystery.

Why is the biggest question of all... not who, not what, not how...(but how comes second in my opinion)...but, WHY?!

What the fuck is the point? Is the way the universe is now, the only way existence could exist? Does existence exist for the mere purpose of existence itself and nothing more? Why even bother asking questions we don't know anyways... and especially why bother giving answers to questions we don't know the answers to? the latter is even more absurd.

Fun to think about, destructive to claim knowledge about.
Lol, coming from the guy who is certain aliens built the pyramids... then when shown a video on how a single man can move massive rocks by himself, discarded the evidence, and continues to believe aliens moved the rocks in the pyramids.

However you're probably correct in regards to something "happening during our lifetime". I would bank on an apocalyptic economic event here in the US, which would very likely turn into a global economic disaster. Apocalyptic? No. Will people die as a result? Yes.

When did I say aliens built the pyramids? I said the ancients had knowledge beyond our own. And a old man lifting stones PAINFULLY slowly doesnt even solve the mystery of the Coral Castle, never mind the pyramids, or 100, 300, and 1200 ton ancient stones elsewhere around the world. Yeah, they cut and transported a granite stone weighing 2400000 pounds using copper tools, ropes, and logs... It all makes sense now... What was I thinking? xD
When did I say aliens built the pyramids? I said the ancients had knowledge beyond our own. And a old man lifting stones PAINFULLY slowly doesnt even solve the mystery of the Coral Castle, never mind the pyramids, or 100, 300, and 1200 ton ancient stones elsewhere around the world. Yeah, they cut and transported a granite stone weighing 2400000 pounds using copper tools, ropes, and logs... It all makes sense now... What was I thinking? xD

The error is your certainty. You leave no room for other opinions, even ones with strong evidence.

This is the very problem with having dogmatic faith in something.

I've asked a few people here what would it take to change their minds, and they've literally told me "nothing will change my mind".

I'm sure you can understand why having a view like that could potentially be extremely dangerous. There always has to be room for "I could be wrong".
What do You think will happen, if such a thing as the "2012 Galactic Alignment" would happen ?? I personally believe in A divine intervention in which people become fully awoken to this materialistic reality ... And begin to think In new ways "of" thinking ... Without Limitations ... Because our Potential is potentially Infinite ... Though I know I should not be thinking about something so far a way, I still like to ponder ... Where do you stand ??

I think it will pass as any other day dose.It would be nice if it ushers in an age of enlightenment,which we badly need IMO,unfortunately something like that takes more than one event and certainly more than one day,its going to take time as all things do, for people to begin to redefine understanding.Most people wont do it,but people have got to keep an open mind and heart if we hope to gain any new insight to reality.
The error is your certainty. You leave no room for other opinions, even ones with strong evidence.

This is the very problem with having dogmatic faith in something.

I've asked a few people here what would it take to change their minds, and they've literally told me "nothing will change my mind".

I'm sure you can understand why having a view like that could potentially be extremely dangerous. There always has to be room for "I could be wrong".

I think the evidence is far too painfully obvious for me to change my mind. Terrence McKenna, Graham Hancock, and John Anthony West deserve far more credit... I think people are molded to be simple, and intelligent skeptics arent excluded from this simplicity. They just have to have simple answers to big questions, so reluctant to add more complexity to their reality.
I think the evidence is far too painfully obvious for me to change my mind. Terrence McKenna, Graham Hancock, and John Anthony West deserve far more credit... I think people are molded to be simple, and intelligent skeptics arent excluded from this simplicity. They just have to have simple answers to big questions, so reluctant to add more complexity to their reality.

Are you familiar with Occam's razor?
Are you familiar with Occam's razor?

When did I say aliens built the pyramids? I said the ancients had knowledge beyond our own. And a old man lifting stones PAINFULLY slowly doesnt even solve the mystery of the Coral Castle, never mind the pyramids, or 100, 300, and 1200 ton ancient stones elsewhere around the world. Yeah, they cut and transported a granite stone weighing 2400000 pounds using copper tools, ropes, and logs... It all makes sense now... What was I thinking? xD

So they had superior, alien-like, rock-moving knowledge and technology, but they essentially lived like cave men? Ok, sounds perfectly logical to me... lol.
So they had superior, alien-like, rock-moving knowledge and technology, but they essentially lived like cave men? Ok, sounds perfectly logical to me... lol.

Idk, I think it depends on what civilization/time period you're talking about. Ancient Egyptians were advanced as fuck when it came to buildings and agriculture. Same with the ancient Greeks and Romans, most people are pretty familiar with their famous structures, Parthenon, Colosseum.. But nothing they built requires outside intervention. That's what bothers me about these theories, when broken down, it amounts to an argument from ignorance, "I can't explain X, therefore Y"

They can't explain how humans could move huge blocks on their own, so it must be something other than humans that did it. Most of the time not realizing there is no good evidence to support the 'Y' part of the argument. Why not just say "I can't explain how humans could move huge blocks on their own, so it must be monsters, interdementional invisible beings, wizards from the future, Allah, Zues, Thor, Xena Warrior Princess, and on and on and on to infinity...". Just as much evidence exists for all of those examples as does for ancient aliens or God, none.

Then the argument usually turns into what is acceptable as "evidence". And that's where most of the disagreements happen. Proponents of ancient alien theories usually have lower standards for proof than skeptics, and that turns into "you're just close minded" or "you're being too critical!" or "you only accept what you can physically measure, you're missing out on the entire other half of the story"... When in reality, we're just using consistent standards of proof across the board.
^^Exactly, Pad. And like Heis always brings up, these people that you're referring to always appreciate the skeptical standards of proof when it comes to the safety and effectiveness of their mom's medication, or the structural integrity of the airplane they're riding in over the Atlantic, or the reliability of their precious internet connections. But when it comes to life's most important ontological, empistemological, and philosophical questions, we should all lower the bar... :clap: