Well-Known Member
Yeah, I agree. It's not; why do electrons behave the way we think? It's; what are we thinking? In a very real way, there is nothing but quantum macro effects. That is, our brain only interprets various waves and pressures as the real world. Memory Storage, recall, Self, etc, all are not understood.Why is the biggest question of all... not who, not what, not how...(but how comes second in my opinion)...but, WHY?!
What the fuck is the point? Is the way the universe is now, the only way existence could exist? Does existence exist for the mere purpose of existence itself and nothing more? Why even bother asking questions we don't know anyways... and especially why bother giving answers to questions we don't know the answers to? the latter is even more absurd.
Fun to think about, destructive to claim knowledge about.
There is no way to know if any of this has existence beyond our Observation. In sensory depavation experiments, we see the converse. The cognition itself begins to fail without senses and the dream world takes over.