Galaxy Hydro 300w 2X2ft. LED Grow (154 actual watts)

Thanks Vinny! What sort of lights are you running? Do you have a journal going? The temperature fluctuation has really depended because of the season changes and my roommates lead foot when it comes to the thermostat... I'd say that on average I get 15 degrees Fahrenheit of variation from lights off to on. Average temps being something like 67 to 82F. How have you been doing on temp fluctuation?
Yes I do have a grow journal going on. My temps have been horrible though. Been getting from 67 to 92 due to the heat where I am. Even with lights off the past two days I'm at 82 and almost 85 with light on the fans and an exhaust and I'm using a 90 watt ufo
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Pretty sure this is nitrogen deficiency towards the bottom but maybe you guys know better than I do...

Could this bleaching be related to a lack of light on the lowest stems? I've ruled out LED bleaching as its only apparent on the lowest stems, which are definitely not getting too much light.
It looks like they aren't getting enough light I usually prune that bottom stuff off as it consumes plants energy trying to keep it alive when it could better use the effort on top stuff that gets prime light that bottom stuff at best ends up popcorn just my opinion though I used to make the butter & these days they're making wax & extracts out of it
It looks like they aren't getting enough light I usually prune that bottom stuff off as it consumes plants energy trying to keep it alive when it could better use the effort on top stuff that gets prime light that bottom stuff at best ends up popcorn just my opinion though I used to make the butter & these days they're making wax & extracts out of it
Ya I should have done some more pruning earlier on, but now that it's this far into flower I think I'm going to let the popcorn keep on growing. My roommates make a lot of edibles, so I'm planning to give them all the trimmings and popcorn buds in return for the little bump in our electric bill (and all of the free edibles I end up eating)
Yes I do have a grow journal going on. My temps have been horrible though. Been getting from 67 to 92 due to the heat where I am. Even with lights off the past two days I'm at 82 and almost 85 with light on the fans and an exhaust and I'm using a 90 watt ufo
Ya I've had some problems with heat at times too. Now that it's getting hotter we're running the A/C more though, so its been manageable lately. What kind of ventilation do you have?
Ya I've had some problems with heat at times too. Now that it's getting hotter we're running the A/C more though, so its been manageable lately. What kind of ventilation do you have?
Well I just used my attic to vent my tent I'm using a 6 inch vortex inline fan and a 4 inch carbon scrubber. Cool air being dragged in from my ac cooled room also my temp was 82 all day long today
I have a freebie d/p skunk #11 seed I've never popped what's the quality like on yours?
I actually really like how the skunk #11 looks. Seems to be finishing faster than everything else, vigorous veg growth, and it looks to be a good yielded. A lot larger buds than the other strains in the tent. I actually just bought some more of them last night, along with a few other strains. Pics coming soon. Sorry for the slow response here
image.jpg Day 36 of Flower: One of the buds on the Skunk #11. Really liking this strain. Quick to veg and quick flower. Looks like a good yielded, and has they claim it's mostly Sativa which I like. Seems odd a heavy Sativa would be beating my indicas to maturity though..
image.jpg Day 36 Flowering: the whole tent. Skunk #11 back left, Phatt Fruity front left, White lavender front right, Phatt fruity hiding in the back right and one Skunk/NL poking out in the middle.

Overall not very impressed with Phatt Fruity. Slow in veg, and not looking to be a huge yielder. The buds look pretty good, but not as good as the others in the tent. Tight buds.

White Lavender is falling down under its own weight and has the most tops of any of the plants by far. Slower to mature, buds are still mostly white but already pretty well frosted. Looks like it should be a pretty good yielder and it's mostly Sativa which I like. Somewhat airy buds still.

Skunk/NL is doing very well considering the solo cup life. One very nice main cola going. Compact bud. image.jpg
Now the bad news..... Help! What do you guys think? Getting splotchiness like this on 3 of my plants.image.jpg Not spreading too badly yet, but it's been slowing creeping in in the past 2 weeks or so. I realize that's a hard question to answer since I haven't been checking PH, but any thoughts?
Thanks kmog, have you ever dealt with correcting this sort of thing in the past?
It looks like you're pushing a few toxicities anyway so it may be a good time to give them straight water for a week or so, both copper and boron are hard to remedy on their own because you need to add those particular elements, and not any others. And unless you have a crazy nutrient system that has all your elements separate, you're nutrients come bundled so it's better to flush a bit to lower the entire nutrient levels in your media and start with a fresh/complete/balanced nutrient solution in a week. At that point your plants will have all the nutrients they need without overdosing them on everything they don't right now.

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It looks like you're pushing a few toxicities anyway so it may be a good time to give them straight water for a week or so, both copper and boron are hard to remedy on their own because you need to add those particular elements, and not any others. And unless you have a crazy nutrient system that has all your elements separate, you're nutrients come bundled so it's better to flush a bit to lower the entire nutrient levels in your media and start with a fresh/complete/balanced nutrient solution in a week. At that point your plants will have all the nutrients they need without overdosing them on everything they don't right now.

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Thanks for the advice KMog! My nutrients come bundled into 8 bottles, so I'd have to do some research to see if any particular bottle contains a heavy dose of boron or copper. Think you are definitely right about the toxicities. Work got crazy the past week and a half - been so busy I haven't pulled the plants out of the tent/turned the LED off to really inspect them. Couldn't tell how heavy I was on Nitrogen underthat purple light. Going to give them a couple waterings without nutes and reexamine. Two of my plants get watered every two days, and two of them get it every three days. The solo cup is more like every day to every 2 days.