Gamers unite! What are you playing right now?

Fallout is one of the best games.
I love Fallout, I played 2 back in the day on my friends comp and was hooked. I've got all the fallout games, even wasteland on DOS. I'm playing through old world blues DLC for new vegas at the moment, been switching between that and Shadowrun on my SNES.
Anyone do puzzlers? I used to play the shit out of "The NEW Tetris" on N64 with my buddies. They all fucking sucked at it. Haha. We played it all the time and they'd get pissed because my girlfriend and I would still be going strong for like 20 minutes after they died.

On the other hand, they would kick my ass without missing a beat in smash brothers pretty much every time. N64 was a sort of golden era for multiplayer-in-the-same-room since it was the first 4-player-out-of-the-box console that gained mass popularity. Mario Kart anyone? Don't worry, the computer will guarantee we all win! LOL.

Also, there's this awesome old PSX game called Devil Dice, easily one of the most addictive puzzler type games I've ever played.
Speaking of oldschool multiplayer, who else played the shit out of Duke Nukem 3D with friends online or via LAN? Shit, bonus points if you played and/or owned the original Duke Nukem 1&2...
if your getting it for pc, make sure you get the extended.
Im hoping they would put out an expansion for the one on ps3, either way you will have lots of fun.

What did they add in the extended version? Does the storyline keep going, or is it just more side stuff? Because I hated NV's ending. It seemed really anti-climactic to me, even with the drawn out "pre-ending" scenes...
I actually just played this the other day on my SNES. ive been playing the rom for years so it was a nice treat :eyesmoke:

Oh man, I wish I still had the original to play. Long gone, to Funcoland, lol. I was horrible about that shit. Traded in my SNES for a Genesis when I got bored, then traded my Genesis to get my SNES back, lol. Then I think I managed to afford both at once... then I traded all of the above for a PSX... lol. Fucking Funcoland ruined my video game collection! Or being poor did, one or the other.

But I do have an Xbox360 USB controller that I use with my ROMs, and it is almost as good as the real thing!

P.S. I always get bored as fuck around the second dark world castle or so... heh.
just downloaded the x-men game from in the arcade back in the day and im doin WORK with nightcrawler.

Nice! Classic. Shit, that game was awesome. I miss the old days of good beat-em-up arcade games. Remember the fuckin 5 player simpsons beat-em-up? FUCKIN AWESOME.
Nice... I haven't ever owned a 360 or a PS3... kind of console-deprived these days since they're so fucking expensive and I'm a cheapskate. (And I can get games for free if I use PC, heh)
they're only around 200 for a new 360, but it only comes with 4 gigs. i need to get a new pc cause i miss playin games on it. all i got is roller coaster tycoon and age of empires 2 on my pc. id like to get a good enough tower or laptop to play bf3.
they're only around 200 for a new 360, but it only comes with 4 gigs. i need to get a new pc cause i miss playin games on it. all i got is roller coaster tycoon and age of empires 2 on my pc. id like to get a good enough tower or laptop to play bf3.

200's not too bad, but throw in all the extra controllers and games and accessories and BAM, too expensive for my blood again. :P I miss the old days where 200 was like an absolute price roof for consoles that have been out like 3 months...
games dont cost much for me cause i dont stray from fps and football games. i know i spend a lot of money on headsets tho. i just went an got the new street fighter vs tekken out of the ole redbox an its pretty cool.