Gamers unite! What are you playing right now?

I still love playing the original Call Of Duty.
Also, Super Puzzle Fighter II' Turbo was quite rad, played that a lot 2vs2.
I'm downloading Super street fighter 4 now and ME3 so I should have them later on today or tommorow. Street fighter rocks, even the older ones. I like playing as the stretchy indian guy that breathes fire....Dhalsim.
Lol. I was all set to start chatting about Puerto Rico, Race for the Galaxy, Dominion, etc. Different flavor geek....
Anyone here play Golden Eye on N64 over summer break with 3 other friends?

I dont think I will ever have better gaming memories than with that game.
Back in the day.




What did they add in the extended version? Does the storyline keep going, or is it just more side stuff? Because I hated NV's ending. It seemed really anti-climactic to me, even with the drawn out "pre-ending" scenes...

Cant remember exactly, might be extended. The only thing that I wasn't pleased about, is there is no return from hoover dam.
The ending wasn't the greatest, I hope they added more side quests, maybe the extended the map further. Either way it would add hours of fun.