ganga girls northern grow


Well-Known Member
So today I get to finish up. Rain and work has made this difficult to do it as fast as I wanted. This has been back breaking lol
Almost there !! Those that put in the work reap the rewards !!

Your plants look amazingly squat and bushy already. Do I remember correctly, about 14 weeks under T5s?

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
True, they are not the same. But both spread out the limbs to catch more sun, plus provide support for when they are heavy with bud. Kind of sort of working toward the same goal.
This will have a few nets on the side and top when they get bigger. However even though this does support the plant ....I'm trying to achieve as many new tops as possible. You can use the other method for this at some degree but not nearly as effective. There is still much more to come lol I got this ;)