GanjaBitch and NattyHead357's Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Home depot. They are like $7 after tax. Looks like I have to go to the hydro store for the neem oil though. I found another kind of oil, but i don't know if it will work or not.


Well-Known Member
bought neem oil concentrate at lowes for 7 bucks. (makes 16 gallons apparently)

I also bought some perlite, blood meal, bone meal, and some new pots for the babies.

Then I decided to move them under the HPS rather than buy more CFL's. I am going to keep a good eye on them while it is on in order to miniimize potential heat stress.


There previous home


Well-Known Member
well I had my flowering plants under 12/12 under my 400W. then when I started the seedlings I was going to buy CFL's until I harvested. Well I just moved it under the HPS with the flowering plants.

I will be purchasing 2 1000W for my upcoming grow idea!


Well-Known Member
Some good news... some bad

Good. both plants are female and are doing great

Bad. They are flowering... and Im afraid to switch it to 24/0 and create hermies