Well-Known Member
I suppose there's always placer county for next year .
Not likely. You may need to move your grow indoors or to another county. I found some partners & we formed a co-op grow in another of luckDo you see any changes coming forward for next year ? Yeah it sucks a fat dick . I have family in Washington and its hard not to just say fuck it all n move up there to get away from this .
I'm taking it indoors. This year will be my last outdoors until I can get moved into a friendlier county.Not likely. You may need to move your grow indoors or to another county. I found some partners & we formed a co-op grow in another of luck
Not sure. It happen like 6 days ago. He hasn't even had a chance to fight them on it yet.How many of them stuck after his lawyer got through with them?
You should read Garden Boss's thread...good luckThe problem with indoors is that it took me 3 years to get decent at growing and this was my 4 th year where things were looking awesome . I've heard that indoor is harder than out door and not sure if I'm willing to put the big investment into that . Would you guys say that indoor is a solid way to go still ? ? I have a 3 car garage that I could use . How much for a upstart would you say ? Would I just grow 60 babies in 1 gallon pots or what's the trick or suggestions about indoor ?
Good luck bro....that link is to garden boss's thread, he's one of your neighbors...Alright cool I will look him up and give me a call as well . Double Jj I'm going to read that link you sent me this evening when I get home . I really appreciate all the heads up n advice on here . I original just signed up thinking It could be another resource that might help with growing issues . I absolutely love this site . I appreciate the fact that you guys take the time to help out .
What a good county to look at for land to grow
Do you guys think I will be better off just biting the bullet and letting this go ? ....
Sad to see that picture.. Damn they have no right to do that..ftpMy garden was ripped out today in butte county . Anyone have any lawyers I can contact ? No search warrant no neighbor complaint just a picture .
Damn she knew she couldn't pull them herself it would've been illegal .. but she had you do it..damn it's all bad..she tricked you it seems..I sorry for your loss brother..As I was cutting them Deborah told me " oooo too bad we're having to cut these beautiful buds out !" I couldn't believe it . Also told me to hurry up cuz she had a full load today and that she will just write up a ticket if I don't