Garden ripped out in norcal

I suppose there's always placer county for next year .

Zip codes;
95246....Mountain Ranch....Calaveras County...No vote on plant count yet.
95250...Sheep Ranch...Calaveras County...
95255...West Point...Calaveras County...
95665...Pine Grove...Amador County...24 plants
95667...Placerville...El Dorado County...Sq. feet rule x 3 rec's....(5 ac.=400 sq ft....20 ac.=600 sq ft)
95685...Sutter Creek...Amador County...
95949....Grass Valley...Nevada County...150 sq. ft
all you guys trying to say the cops can do whatever they want and what they did was "legal" is horse shit. After being chopped down last year i spent a decent amount of time counsulting with one of the top weed lawyers in California and what they did to me last year was totally illegal, what they did to this guy Norcal1985 is totally illegal. they go there in a fear tactic. If they come visit me this year i am ready to face whatever fines they are willing to throw at me because its only a fine. i lost a lot more then some fines they could have thrown at me last year. the cops are being cowboys, and you can choose to be an indian and get ran off by the cowboys, or hold your ground and become the new cowboys. all this talk about this legal that legal its all nonsense. and if you grow 6 plants in your backyard please stop talking to people like you know all these rules. If you have a Home and septic with a fenced garden, you will not get chopped unless allowing the cops to do so. Hold your head up bud @Norcal1985
all you guys trying to say the cops can do whatever they want and what they did was "legal" is horse shit. After being chopped down last year i spent a decent amount of time counsulting with one of the top weed lawyers in California and what they did to me last year was totally illegal, what they did to this guy Norcal1985 is totally illegal. they go there in a fear tactic. If they come visit me this year i am ready to face whatever fines they are willing to throw at me because its only a fine. i lost a lot more then some fines they could have thrown at me last year. the cops are being cowboys, and you can choose to be an indian and get ran off by the cowboys, or hold your ground and become the new cowboys. all this talk about this legal that legal its all nonsense. and if you grow 6 plants in your backyard please stop talking to people like you know all these rules. If you have a Home and septic with a fenced garden, you will not get chopped unless allowing the cops to do so. Hold your head up bud @Norcal1985
Why slight ppl because they have six plants. You had more then that Last year and according to you now you didn't know the law then. So plant count has nothing to do with knowledge. I'm with you about dude holding his head up, just like you and the other 40000 marijauna farms in california should. You would of lost more in fines then your plants are worth after 30 days at a grand a day. Not trying to argue we all are on the same team.
I never saw an almond tree..just looked up a pic of them..very pretty tree....I heard they need a lot of water. I bet the birds love em eh?

How many almonds can a tree produce?
Why slight ppl because they have six plants. You had more then that Last year and according to you now you didn't know the law then. So plant count has nothing to do with knowledge. I'm with you about dude holding his head up, just like you and the other 40000 marijauna farms in california should. You would of lost more in fines then your plants are worth after 30 days at a grand a day. Not trying to argue we all are on the same team.
the county im in 100$ a day for each infraction not for each plant. even at a 1000$ a day thats 30k. you dont think my plants are worth 30k? get out of here man. and im not slighting anyone, but people with 6 plants think they are different then people with 99. its all the same federally illegal but state law says we can grow for our personal use or for a collective of friends, supreme court has ruled on a few different occassions that plant numbers are a myth.

im just saying stop throwing all this crap at the dude for standing up for himself when most people know NOTHING about what he going thru
Tell us exactly what the cops did again?
what they did was illegal plain and simple. they are bullying people if he would have told them to fuck off, it would be a lot more of a hassle for them to pursue the case. the county im in has been trying to pursure the 36 people written up, theyve(thecounty code enforcement) visted over 150 this year.150-36 = 114 people didnt even get pursued due to lack of resources by the county. just saying guys its okay to stand up for yourself. its america wheather people remember that or not.
757 all im saying just because people grow 6 plants doesnt make them superior to anyone else, it seems those that grow 6 plants feel protected and think they "are doing to right" in all reality anyone could be growing thru the same thing as norcal1985 for any amount of plants thats all.
the county im in 100$ a day for each infraction not for each plant. even at a 1000$ a day thats 30k. you dont think my plants are worth 30k? get out of here man. and im not slighting anyone, but people with 6 plants think they are different then people with 99. its all the same federally illegal but state law says we can grow for our personal use or for a collective of friends, supreme court has ruled on a few different occassions that plant numbers are a myth.

im just saying stop throwing all this crap at the dude for standing up for himself when most people know NOTHING about what he going thru

30k per month would be like 120k if you kept them all through flower.
30k per month would be like 120k if you kept them all through flower.
its september? so MAX if u want to be kind 60 days I'm not sure where u got 120k for a flower time bud, but i still think 120k,, or loose XXX? idk its just me nice grow u got going
its september? so MAX if u want to be kind 60 days I'm not sure where u got 120k for a flower time bud, but i still think 120k,, or loose XXX? idk its just me nice grow u got going
I was meaning If they found them in veg and u just kept going with them through flower. Im not knocking anyone's decision, each person is their own man and I stay in my lane.
Interesting read...a lot of you are really confused on the laws. First off I see no legal set limit by your County (a lot of term oil, but nothing final yet) so you should use Ca's default amount. 6 mature and 12 immature. You had 18, from what I could see (by the remains) all the same age. Not divided as the law mandates. That makes the grow illegal. (When dealing with the law it's not about right & wrong, it's about the facts and who can alter them the best.) so being an illegal grow, knocking your plants down wasn't illegal. The fly by gave just cause, private property or not. So you're wasting money on that attorney. Second, city and or County laws over rule state. If your city/county doesn't have it's own laws governing the grow, State law is the default. Prime example: Alameda County,Ca has no set law, so one would follow state laws. BUT Oakland,Ca (located in Alameda County) has it's own Laws:

Indoors - 72 plants in maximum 32 sq. ft growing area. Outdoors - 20 plants, no area limit. Weight limit 3 lbs dried marijuana per patient. Collective gardens limited to 3 patients. Dispensaries serving four or more patients are allowed max. 6 mature and 12 immature plants and 1/2 pound per patient. See Oakland Municipal Code 5.81.101....

Based on the evidence, you got what you deserved by not FOLLOWING the set laws....further more folks like you are why it's hard for some states to get legal. Bending the rules to accommodate your greed..I have no compassion for folks like you (who don't follow the laws) and the "guerrilla" growers who are too lazy to do the political steps needed to grow legally. If you've ever done any Marijuana Activist work, you'd understand. So I doubt you'll get where I'm coming from. Next time, follow the laws!
I agree some people are very confused on the law.......Each county is different. there is no "Ca 6 plant allowance". The state leaves it up to each county to regulate. That's why some counties have no outdoor limits so the Federal 99 guideline, kicks in. Some counties allow "0" outdoor plants. Some counties regulate by SQ Ft of grow space & plant #'s don't matter, you could legally have 1000 plants in your 10'x10' allowed space....
I'll give an example of what happened to a friend of mine. His son was smoking a joint with a friend and a cop seen what was going on. The cop questioned the kids and they said they stole it from his dads medical grow. So the cops go to my friends house and say they want to search the place. My friend says you need a warrant they said well you have to stand here and wait 4 hours in February outside. They said if you go inside they would get the warrant and bust the door in (threat). My friend didn't want to replace a door so he stays outside and waits.They asked him questions to get a confession. my friend admits to being a medical patient and has some small clones(probable cause). He had a flat full of cuttings and that was it. the cops confiscated all his baby plants (they all fit into a small shopping bag). About a year later he did 30 days for it. If he would have told them to fuck off its hearsay get a warrant and come back he could have made sure he was compliant. So they busted a medical patient over cuttings no roots. But they needed a warrant and it was not instantaneous it took 4 hours and the police and court house was only four blocks away. He was charged with 5 to 45 kilos that somehow fit in a small plastic shopping bag. They will tell you all kinds of lies to get you to admit guilt. They like to say things like we'll get you for tampering with evidence or we'll kick in your door, its all fear tactics. If cops are at your house not busting you then they're building a case period they have no evidence and that's why they ask questions.
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I agree some people are very confused on the law.......Each county is different. there is no "Ca 6 plant allowance". The state leaves it up to each county to regulate. That's why some counties have no outdoor limits so the Federal 99 guideline, kicks in. Some counties allow "0" outdoor plants. Some counties regulate by SQ Ft of grow space & plant #'s don't matter, you could legally have 1000 plants in your 10'x10' allowed space....

Here's an interesting read...notice the nationwide set guide lines...

Under Prop. 215, patients are entitled to whatever amount of marijuana is necessary for their personal medical use. However, patients are likely to be arrested if they exceed the SB 420 guidelines. SB420 sets a baseline statewide guideline of 6 mature or 12 immature plants, and 1/2 pound (8 oz.) processed cannabis per patient. Individual cities and counties are allowed to enact higher, but not lower, limits than the state standard. See local limits. Patients can be exempted from the limits if their physician specifically states that they need more for their own personal use; but beware of physicians offering "cultivation" licenses for large amounts.

In a state Supreme Court ruling, People v. Kelly (2010), the court held that patients can NOT be prosecuted simply for exceeding the SB 420 limits; however, they can be arrested and forced to defend themselves as having had an amount consistent with their personal medical needs. Patients can be exempted from the limits if their physician specifically states that they need more; but beware of physicians who charge extra for “cultivation” licenses for large amounts. The validity of recommendations for specific plant numbers is doubtful.
well here's the deal . I officially filed paper work to start the law suite . Deborah ( code enforcer ) was way out her boundaries by assisting in the removal of some of the plants according to my lawyer . I Also looked up similar cases from other counties last year where the growers prevaild In court and received a judgment . The way I see it you guys who think I deserved it are people who prob attempted to grow 4 mini plants that put no money into it and don't realize how much cash goes into a grow . If you did you would understand that hiring a lawyer is a very small investment in the big picture . You guys also are the reason why laws will never change . The growers must stop letting the government push us around without costing them court battles . So far my lawyer was able to get my 500 fine suslended . The code enforcer didn't know the laws and wrote that I had plants 50 feet from house . It's 50 feet from parcel line . I'll post a picture later . Win / lose ill be back next year. It's shameful that some of you sheep out there let them walk over you like that .