all you guys trying to say the cops can do whatever they want and what they did was "legal" is horse shit. After being chopped down last year i spent a decent amount of time counsulting with one of the top weed lawyers in California and what they did to me last year was totally illegal, what they did to this guy Norcal1985 is totally illegal. they go there in a fear tactic. If they come visit me this year i am ready to face whatever fines they are willing to throw at me because its only a fine. i lost a lot more then some fines they could have thrown at me last year. the cops are being cowboys, and you can choose to be an indian and get ran off by the cowboys, or hold your ground and become the new cowboys. all this talk about this legal that legal its all nonsense. and if you grow 6 plants in your backyard please stop talking to people like you know all these rules. If you have a Home and septic with a fenced garden, you will not get chopped unless allowing the cops to do so. Hold your head up bud