Garden ripped out in norcal

when is legal not legal..fuck this shit.
we cant grow where we are legally and I do 2 plants a year and help one cancer sufferer during his chemo,a back pain sufferer and an autistic girl whos over the age of 18 who suffers ptsd through daily bullying....I myself smoke to keep myself sane.I have never taken money only the best wishes and return karma these ppl give me ...What hope has Australia got going legal?
I contacted the lawyer that I was referred to . I have a meeting Sunday and will put whatever money I need into at least making these ass holes life's miserable . It's just a crying shame that there wasn't even a complaint yet they spent the money to fly around spying on people . This was her card
Just curious is all.
I was thinking code enforcement or something similar.


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That does really suck.on a good note for those who make it thru harvest maybe the market will be better this year if they are really hitting lots of gardens
They are. Hit a 15 acre garden in San benito I think, and a 80 greenhouse grow on a reservation in Humboldt. They are out in full force, but there is more gardens then ever and bigger it seems. They still won't even get 1%
It's crazy that the government can fly over YOUR HOUSE TAKE PICTURES AND THAN COME ROB YOU BECAUSE YOU HAVE NATURAL plants ! Yet the same people are probably on pain killers !
Yeah man. Cameras are everywhere. Satellites. Wait til they figure out how to use pre-routed drones. You will have to blackout your windows just to walk around naked in your own house without fear someone is watching.

Man I am really sorry about your grow. Seems almost criminal. They are merely protecting us from ourselves. Right? Sorry man. I feel you.
I have 3 buddies who all got taken out as well. Two of them right in the beginning and than my other buddy made them come back a couple times but he finally caved in as well .
As I was cutting them Deborah told me " oooo too bad we're having to cut these beautiful buds out !" I couldn't believe it . Also told me to hurry up cuz she had a full load today and that she will just write up a ticket if I don't
As I was cutting them Deborah told me " oooo too bad we're having to cut these beautiful buds out !" I couldn't believe it . Also told me to hurry up cuz she had a full load today and that she will just write up a ticket if I don't
Did they ban outdoor up there? How many plants?
I had 18 decent sized in holes nothing crazy . They didn't ban it but might as well . I had a 150x150 grow spot
You can press charges against them for trespassing and theft. They need your permission or have to present a legit warrant to your face by a Marshall or Sherriff to even enter your property.

A warrant will have case number, judges signature, a state seal, the penal code of the law broken and a description of why they got the warrant.

That does suck. Sorry man.

What they did is illegal.
I get nervous whenever a helicopter fly's over. Sorry man, hope you are able to press charges. Hope this isn't happening in the Inland Empire (Riverside County). I'm legal, but a couple plants over my limit... Finger's crossed this doesn't come to SoCal.
Any chance of lawyers making a case with this ?

Chapter 19.77 of Chico municipal code allows outdoor, residential cultivation of 50 square feet per parcel, regardless of the number of patients. Plants must be enclosed, screened, and 5 feet from the property line. Indoor cultivation (under 50 square feet and 1200 watts) can take place only with a permit stating outdoor is not possible and the building owner approves. States all marijuana grown must be for personal use only."