Garden ripped out in norcal

"Lot Size (Acres) Cultivation Area
0 - 0.5 Indoor Only**
greater than 0.5 - less than 5.0 50 square feet
5.0 - less than 10.0 100 square feet
10.0 plus 150 square feet
** = (detached structure 120 square feet maximum)"

This is from norml. Hope this helps OP. Seems like very tight ordinances.
@Norcal1985 I feel for you!!! The laws there are tight? Outdoor is allowed only on lots bigger then half acre, then only on a 7ft x 7ft area on lots bigger then. These laws are crap IMO, how can anyone who isnt an expert grower get their supply from such a tight space.
@Norcal1985 I feel for you!!! The laws there are tight? Outdoor is allowed only on lots bigger then half acre, then only on a 7ft x 7ft area on lots bigger then. These laws are crap IMO, how can anyone who isnt an expert grower get their supply from such a tight space.
Sac county is worse....
@Norcal1985 I feel for you!!! The laws there are tight? Outdoor is allowed only on lots bigger then half acre, then only on a 7ft x 7ft area on lots bigger then. These laws are crap IMO, how can anyone who isnt an expert grower get their supply from such a tight space.
I think the thought is for personal use. They don't want people growing for profit. And in the allotted amount of space, you can definitely produce enough for personal use until the next outdoor season. I only do personals and I will pull enough off of two plants outside for at least the next year for myself.

Not saying I agree with it, just what the thought behind the law probably is.

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Yeah I own 2 5 acre parcels and live with no one around . I was hoping that by going small ( 18 ) not letting them get over 7 feet I'd be ok . Turns out they want everyone . She's coming back Monday to check the single plant she allowed to stay . My attorney told me she will have a letter n card telling them to fuck off and will be opening a case Monday for destruction of property trespassing n harassment . I doubt I will win anything but I'm going to leave a impression that I'm willing to fight back . My buddy used to be a big alcoholic n was ruining is life . He never tried smoking and when he did he was able to clean up . He hasn't drank in years now and no more drunk in publics . fortunately I have a lot of buddies who grow so I can get him affordable medicine , but what if I couldn't ? I doubt many people can afford flowers at the cost that dispensaries sell it at . The government is willing to spends hundreds of thousands flying around looking for people growing in the back yard ha . The real criminals are pharmasutical companies who are pushing to sell oxy cotton to 11 year olds now !!! The sick part is the fda approved it ! Banks can steal from you and never see a day in jail . Heaven forbid though the government finds a guy with a joint in the southern states . They will lock u in a cage for it out there .
When they wrote measure a up they made it seem like it was based on neighborly complaint . I feel like they tried tricking the public to vote on it but all along they were going to go on the offensive . I'll be fine but it's very frustrating that I see 2 sherries n a county slut getting paid good money to do this . I forgot how many hundreds of thousands they approved to Inforce the measure but don't you think that money would be better off in upgrading a teachers salary ? Lol it's just insane to me
Yeah I own 2 5 acre parcels and live with no one around . I was hoping that by going small ( 18 ) not letting them get over 7 feet I'd be ok . Turns out they want everyone . She's coming back Monday to check the single plant she allowed to stay . My attorney told me she will have a letter n card telling them to fuck off and will be opening a case Monday for destruction of property trespassing n harassment . I doubt I will win anything but I'm going to leave a impression that I'm willing to fight back . My buddy used to be a big alcoholic n was ruining is life . He never tried smoking and when he did he was able to clean up . He hasn't drank in years now and no more drunk in publics . fortunately I have a lot of buddies who grow so I can get him affordable medicine , but what if I couldn't ? I doubt many people can afford flowers at the cost that dispensaries sell it at . The government is willing to spends hundreds of thousands flying around looking for people growing in the back yard ha . The real criminals are pharmasutical companies who are pushing to sell oxy cotton to 11 year olds now !!! The sick part is the fda approved it ! Banks can steal from you and never see a day in jail . Heaven forbid though the government finds a guy with a joint in the southern states . They will lock u in a cage for it out there .

Damn straight. Tell all your pot smoking and growing friends to vote for Bernie Sanders in 2016, because he's the only one with restricting police overreach even on the table for discussion.
When they wrote measure a up they made it seem like it was based on neighborly complaint . I feel like they tried tricking the public to vote on it but all along they were going to go on the offensive . I'll be fine but it's very frustrating that I see 2 sherries n a county slut getting paid good money to do this . I forgot how many hundreds of thousands they approved to Inforce the measure but don't you think that money would be better off in upgrading a teachers salary ? Lol it's just insane to me

Of course it's insane- and it will continue until not only the law is changed, but THEY'RE SUED FOR NOT COMPLYING WITH IT. SO SUE THE COPS!
I get nervous whenever a helicopter fly's over. Sorry man, hope you are able to press charges. Hope this isn't happening in the Inland Empire (Riverside County). I'm legal, but a couple plants over my limit... Finger's crossed this doesn't come to SoCal.

Are shade nets or camouflage netting an option? It might make you LOOK like you're hiding something, but is that enough to grant a warrant these days..?
Yeah I own 2 5 acre parcels and live with no one around . I was hoping that by going small ( 18 ) not letting them get over 7 feet I'd be ok . Turns out they want everyone . She's coming back Monday to check the single plant she allowed to stay . My attorney told me she will have a letter n card telling them to fuck off and will be opening a case Monday for destruction of property trespassing n harassment . I doubt I will win anything but I'm going to leave a impression that I'm willing to fight back . My buddy used to be a big alcoholic n was ruining is life . He never tried smoking and when he did he was able to clean up . He hasn't drank in years now and no more drunk in publics . fortunately I have a lot of buddies who grow so I can get him affordable medicine , but what if I couldn't ? I doubt many people can afford flowers at the cost that dispensaries sell it at . The government is willing to spends hundreds of thousands flying around looking for people growing in the back yard ha . The real criminals are pharmasutical companies who are pushing to sell oxy cotton to 11 year olds now !!! The sick part is the fda approved it ! Banks can steal from you and never see a day in jail . Heaven forbid though the government finds a guy with a joint in the southern states . They will lock u in a cage for it out there .

Mon don't thnk they are coming back, and not really much you can do because YOU chopped em down. Sucks, sorry for your bad luck man.
Without a warrant I still don't see why you let them cut your plants... I would have came out armed... And told them to come back with a warrant or face the consequences. Not trying to sound like a keyboard warrior, I just take my rights seriously and personally. You come on my property and steal/damage my property you are going to be shot. I live in Woodland Hills, Ca. and see the helicopters fly by all the time. Luckily enough I have 3 really big dogs that scare most people away. Hope the lawyer can help. Sucks you have to go through this. All this BS over a plant the Earth gives us.

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Shit I know I regret that I complied . I was worried that they would wait for a warrant n go through my house . I think im at the point now where i might just put my house for sale and take the operation up north . If the laws don't change this year how many more years will we have to wait in cslif ? My buddy told them to fuck off and they are doing a thousand dollars a day fine until he complies . The lawyer got the fine reduced to 10 k but I didn't want to get caught up in that
Without a warrant I still don't see why you let them cut your plants... I would have came out armed... And told them to come back with a warrant or face the consequences. Not trying to sound like a keyboard warrior, I just take my rights seriously and personally. You come on my property and steal/damage my property you are going to be shot. I live in Woodland Hills, Ca. and see the helicopters fly by all the time. Luckily enough I have 3 really big dogs that scare most away. Hope the lawyer can help. Sucks you have to go through this. All this BS over a plant the Earth gives us.

He had 18's a $1,000 per plant fine. She gave him the opportunity to cut them down instead of receiving a code infraction for $18,000....