Garden ripped out in norcal

The state allows 6 plants unless the county says more. If he was growing 18 plants that was still in violation of state law since his location didn't allow that many, and that goes beyond code violations. They may not be able to get a warrant for code violations, but they can get one when they determine you have broken state law. God forbid they say it was cultivation with intent to distribute.

The state allows 12 plants.... 6 immature and 6 mature... Depending on County/lot size. He is in violation by 6 plants, so instead of ripping up all 18 it should only be 6. They would not waste the fees on him to get him with intent to distribute for 18 plants. Hell see all the weed shows showing 50+ plants? They would need a lot to go that far on 18 plants.
The state allows 6 plants unless the county says more. If he was growing 18 plants that was still in violation of state law since his location didn't allow that many, and that goes beyond code violations. They may not be able to get a warrant for code violations, but they can get one when they determine you have broken state law. God forbid they say it was cultivation with intent to distribute.
Sac county passed a 0 outdoor ban....there's no 'legal 6' in Sacramento county
Seeing a violation from the property line isn't an invasion of privacy. I don't know what la la land you live in.
Make up your mind did they peek over the fence or can they see it from afar? Im done, you didn't even no the legal limit of plants the state allows. Have a good day :)
My lawyer informed me that for code violation they can't get a warrant to search my house . Also I was suppose to have time To get my stuff up to code . Instead she gave me altimatium right than to chop it down . Lawyer said that is bullying tactics and she just won a similar case that way . Also since they help ripped my plants out that its destruction of property. They weren't allowed to touch a single thing but only watch . So we open up a case starting Monday . She said a client she helped win a similar case in Shasta county had much stricter rules than butte and that this is a case she can work with . Also for you growers out there in butte county of they threaten you with fines she said that she's been getting the daily fine stopped until the hearings and that you can get through ur grow season that way . She said the case she just won took 11 months to finish but she was successful . You can't let these criminals rob us and get away with it . I'll keep u guys updated as it goes on . Fuck Deborah fuck the ordinance and let us grow our medicine .
I really hope it works out for you. They shouldn't be able to harass us for a plant. But honestly I don't have faith in lawyers being able to fightthe current system. I believe your money would be better spent in lobbying to change the laws to protect growers so they can't pull this shit anymore. For every one case they win they probably lose 12 that they don't tell you about. And that is becuase the police and code enforcement have the laws and loopholes on their side.
Make up your mind did they peek over the fence or can they see it from afar? Im done, you didn't even no the legal limit of plants the state allows. Have a good day :)
It's up to each county. The state default is 6, only if the county hasn't passed there own ordinance.
She's working on a percentage and said she has some research to do . She said there was a case won where the judge said using a helicopter without any complaints wasn't legal . She said different county different law but she was looking into it . The main thing she said was that I was bullied by them to make decision right than instead of giving me 24 hrs . Also since there wasn't a warrant that she wasn't allowed to assist in taking anything down . All we can do is try .
The state allows 12 plants.... 6 immature and 6 mature... Depending on County/lot size. He is in violation by 6 plants, so instead of ripping up all 18 it should only be 6. They would not waste the fees on him to get him with intent to distribute for 18 plants. Hell see all the weed shows showing 50+ plants? They would need a lot to go that far on 18 plants.
Lols. Clueless. Keep watching those "weed shows".. we are telling you the truth. Seems like you have just a basic understanding of the laws like you learned it from wathcing law and order and cops.
The state allows 12 plants.... 6 immature and 6 mature... Depending on County/lot size. He is in violation by 6 plants, so instead of ripping up all 18 it should only be 6. They would not waste the fees on him to get him with intent to distribute for 18 plants. Hell see all the weed shows showing 50+ plants? They would need a lot to go that far on 18 plants.
Wrong. The state allows 6 mature OR 12 immature. They legally count as mature once they hit 12 inches tall and/or begin budding. So unless his plants were only a few inches tall, he was only allowed to have 6 under state law.
Lols. Clueless. Keep watching those "weed shows".. we are telling you the truth. Seems like you have just a basic understanding of the laws like you learned it from wathcing law and order and cops.
Keep playing the idiot card while I just posted a factual link LOL.
She's working on a percentage and said she has some research to do . She said there was a case won where the judge said using a helicopter without any complaints wasn't legal . She said different county different law but she was looking into it . The main thing she said was that I was bullied by them to make decision right than instead of giving me 24 hrs . Also since there wasn't a warrant that she wasn't allowed to assist in taking anything down . All we can do is try .
How much will you pay your attorney?
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Please note the "$1,000 per day" fine included in the Butte county pot regulation. How much is your property worth?..