Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I totally overfeed my fish but at the same time I have tons of snails in my shrimp tank and I don't feed them anything.

I would totally take some aquatic plants. Been dying for some micro sword and I'd be interested in some java fern and amazon sword as well. I could toss you some riccia, a small bit of glosso, salvinia minima, and as much dwarf hair grass as you'll take.


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah I am. And they taste much better than worms. But smell much much worse :(

Too bad they are so much pickier than worms.


Well-Known Member
lol yeah, my worms are awesome. i just gave them one last big feeding of some pretty rotten veggies that smelled TERRIBLE, 1 day later after being in the bin the mites and worms pretty much made the smell go away. i can probally harvest casting at any time now but i think im going to give them like a month with no feed before i do make sure everything is nice and decomposed. its hard to stop feeding them though lol


Well-Known Member
God damn does bat shit and kelp meal tea sealed up in a milk jug smell. I think I spilled some on me :( That or it just wont wash off my hands.


Moderatrix of Journals
if you have a small piece of stainless steel, soap and wash your hands while holding it. don't ask me how it works, it just does. food industry tip.


Well-Known Member
if you have a small piece of stainless steel, soap and wash your hands while holding it. don't ask me how it works, it just does. food industry tip.
Duh, I totally knew that. God damn my memory! Thanks mellokitty. Should help when I play with my fish - my wife HATES how my arms/hands smell after they've been in my fish tanks. I think it smells great - like a real healthy swamp hehehehe.


Moderatrix of Journals
Duh, I totally knew that. God damn my memory! Thanks mellokitty. Should help when I play with my fish - my wife HATES how my arms/hands smell after they've been in my fish tanks. I think it smells great - like a real healthy swamp hehehehe.
LOL! sort of like the way i think superthrive smells like it would be darned tasty, and mr kitty's like, "ew..... if you DARE.... :cuss:"

waste not want not.... i kept all the round cut-outs from the wall o' ballasts to wash my hands with ;)


Well-Known Member
Never played the lotto in my life but I'm buying 20 tickets today. If I win all the followers of this thread get 100k each :) But if you win I want the same courtesy extended please.


Well-Known Member
Never played the lotto in my life but I'm buying 20 tickets today. If I win all the followers of this thread get 100k each :) But if you win I want the same courtesy extended please.
haha sweet man good luck, i should tell my wife to pick up a few tickets :P

lol all of a sudden gas will be MIA but his location will change from Paradise, CA to just Paradise :)


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah it will. 640million is definitely enough for an island or two. Or course I'll need some guests to come and help me "trim the weeds" now and then - I heard islands are able to sustain lots and lots of plants ;)


Moderatrix of Journals
Fuck yeah it will. 640million is definitely enough for an island or two. Or course I'll need some guests to come and help me "trim the weeds" now and then - I heard islands are able to sustain lots and lots of plants ;)
can i come squat in your million-dollar chicken coop? i'll even be mrs gas's lady-gimp. pleasepleaseplease :lol:


Well-Known Member
You want to live in the million dollar chicken coop or the two million dollar monitor lizard pen? The first one stinks but the second ones occupants might nip at you every now and then... How much do zebras cost? Do you know anything about zebras? I'll need both a heard of wild zebras as well as some domestic ones I can ride around the island.


Moderatrix of Journals
uh, think i'll go with the "getting to keep all my body parts" option kthanks.... :lol:

don't know about zebras, but there are a few canadian islands that have wild horses.... (and since you're american i'm sure harper would gladly sell them to you)


Well-Known Member
gas, you should write a book, u funny man! i'll setup a tent on your island, a swag and a pipe, and i'll be set, lol, time for some hash oil i think, night people it's 3am here

around this time of flowering it's hard to sleep! if i get up to have a piss, i'll have a peek in the tent, i just can't help it, knowing such a splendid beast is awaiting my scissors!

nite gas, nite kitty nite all


Well-Known Member
Nite flowa. And I know the feeling. I'll send you a copy of my book when it hits the printer - kinda depressing though in a comical sad way.


Well-Known Member
gas, you should write a book, u funny man! i'll setup a tent on your island, a swag and a pipe, and i'll be set, lol, time for some hash oil i think, night people it's 3am here

around this time of flowering it's hard to sleep! if i get up to have a piss, i'll have a peek in the tent, i just can't help it, knowing such a splendid beast is awaiting my scissors!

nite gas, nite kitty nite all
i know that feeling all too well, though my girls sleep when i do


Well-Known Member
with 640 mill i would give all but 200 mill away to family, friends and mostly charity. I would then buy a island in the tropics to park my 10 million dollar yaht at 2-3 times a year and i would cruise the world for a few years.