Gavita lights

If you bought citizen 1818 and pin sinks I'm absolutely positive you can build 1000 watts of cobs for less than 1000.
You could do it for 750-800 If you watch what your doing.

That's seems a lot more reasonable[/QUOTE]
LOL . 1200 watts of cobs to replace 1000 watts. You really are delusional aren't you.
So now you are insulting me because I gave a viable option for replacement? Seriously dude you are a horrible advertiser and you must be just as bad a grower with the advice you give on these forums. That website "tastyled" even calls for 3 of those bars to cover a 60x60 area which any 1kw hps can cover so my estimates of 3-4 lights are spot on according to the manufacturer, but let me guess , you now know more than TastyLED does about their lights.

Space usage and light intensity in vegetative and flowering mode:
The recommended minimum and maximum flowering and full cycle footprints are at 500 and 1200 PPFD.
The recommended minimum and maximum vegetative footprints are at 300 and 700 PPFD.
24" x 48" 923 PPFD
48" x 48" 923 PPFD (2 units)
60" x 60" 590 PPFD (2 units)
60" x 60" 885 PPFD (3 units)
So now you are insulting me because I gave a viable option for replacement? Seriously dude you are a horrible advertiser and you must be just as bad a grower with the advice you give on these forums. That website "tastyled" even calls for 3 of those bars to cover a 60x60 area which any 1kw hps can cover so my estimates of 3-4 lights are spot on according to the manufacturer, but let me guess , you now know more than TastyLED does about their lights.

Space usage and light intensity in vegetative and flowering mode:
The recommended minimum and maximum flowering and full cycle footprints are at 500 and 1200 PPFD.
The recommended minimum and maximum vegetative footprints are at 300 and 700 PPFD.
24" x 48" 923 PPFD
48" x 48" 923 PPFD (2 units)
60" x 60" 590 PPFD (2 units)
60" x 60" 885 PPFD (3 units)

What's the ppfd of a single gavita in that same area????
I get roughly 2.33 sq meters and according to boulder labs a gavita puts out 1614 umol. These tests where performed by an unmentioned hydro store and they tested them all. So I calculate 696 umol in a 5x5 area. So no 590 isn't 696 but 696 isn't 885 either. Of course this isn't calculating wall loss of either system or spillage......
I get roughly 2.33 sq meters and according to boulder labs a gavita puts out 1614 umol. These tests where performed by an unmentioned hydro store and they tested them all. So I calculate 696 umol in a 5x5 area. So no 590 isn't 696 but 696 isn't 885 either. Of course this isn't calculating wall loss of either system or spillage......
According to gavita they make 2,100 umols, according to phillips its 2,000 umols for their DE bulb as well.

a) - Philips GreenPower 400W 230V - ppf 725 µmol
b) - Philips GreenPower 600W 230V - ppf 1100 µmol
c) - Philips GreenPower 1000W 400V Electronic - ppf 2000 µmol

Comes with a Gavita Pro Plus 1000W 400V DE EL lamp, 2100 μmol s-1
  • Highest output and efficacy in the market (A++ energy label)
  • Suitable for Gavita Master Controller
  • Plug-and-play installation
  • Control range 50-115%
  • Lights more than 2 square meters with 1000 μmol m-2 s-1
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According to gavita they make 2,000 umols, according to phillips its 2,000 umols for their DE bulb as well.

a) - Philips GreenPower 400W 230V - ppf 725 µmol
b) - Philips GreenPower 600W 230V - ppf 1100 µmol
c) - Philips GreenPower 1000W 400V Electronic - ppf 2000 µmol

Yeah but that's not what comes out of the reflector.
He's giving his numbers after lens loss.

Gavita reflector efficiency 84%.
Replaceable 96% efficient Gavita HR96 reflector for optimal efficiency (HRW wide reflector as an option as from Q3 2014)

the numbers don't line up :\ I think you might be wrong buddy sorry.
Replaceable 96% efficient Gavita HR96 reflector for optimal efficiency (HRW wide reflector as an option as from Q3 2014)

the numbers don't line up :\ I think you might be wrong buddy sorry.

Well a sphere don't lie and I promise you it's 96% reflective material...... There is a big difference.
I made that whole test report up too. Lmao not trying to prove I'm right just don't want you disappointed later when you find out im right lol. I would not mislead you or anyone else.
Well a sphere don't lie and I promise you it's 96% reflective material...... There is a big difference.
Yea , I think you also are having other things factor into that reading of 84% , I still am yet to see a production LED that can compete with a gavita, they don't even make an LED big enough to cover the same area a gavita does, biggest yield factor is growth area and umols, and gavitas give big amounts of both.