GAY friend?? what should i do???? help

Maybe he'll just admit his gay fantasies. A walk on the wild side is fun. Just go with it. You don't have to be "tricked" into watching gay porn. You could just... watch it. If you get a little woody, do what comes naturally.
Maybe he'll just admit his gay fantasies. A walk on the wild side is fun. Just go with it. You don't have to be "tricked" into watching gay porn. You could just... watch it. If you get a little woody, do what comes naturally.
I dont have any gay fantasies!!!!!!!!!! I didnt think the video was going to be porn he told me it was a video of a guy slurping EGG WHITES not SEMEN
This situation could get ugly. Thats pretty extreme, I havnt dealt with that kind of situation, lately.

His moms like, Tiny Tim just wants a friend! How rude of you! Be nice and take him out for breakfast, tell him youre having egg whites..
I dont have any gay fantasies!!!!!!!!!! I didnt think the video was going to be porn he told me it was a video of a guy slurping EGG WHITES not SEMEN
The story just sounds weird is all.

Were you kids trying bath salts too? That might explain things better.
no we were not trying bath salts we were smoking a couple blunts of mids though
So, you get him high; tease the hell out of him until he snaps and now its all his fault? Tsk, tsk man. Own up to your responsibility. Take him on the ghetto trip and you kids can play hide the salami in the car both ways
Maybe it's "mostly" true.

Like they were watching gay porn and masterbating with lunch meats and then OPs bud ate the Bologna and THAT felt too gay so he freaked and ran.

Or something.
Mostly true as in the op tried to sexually entice then fuck his friend and is now creating an online alibi for when his laptop gets confiscated.
Not gonna work if he still has yer fingertip bruising on his unit.
BKburger we gotta let em know thjere's been another incident, and another thread dedicated to that point! LET DO THIS! let your freak flag fly brotha!
So,as most of you know by now,i am a member of the figgurelli crime family,and every year during summer we have a charity fundraiser to get toys for children.Its called toys for newest member has to get into a porta potty in the woods with two cut out holes-one for weiners,and one for toys.Each white cock you suck=1 toy,a black cock is bigger and smells/tastes much worse,so that=2 toys.It was horrible,i sucked dozens of cocks,but at least it was for a good cause.One of the guys i sucked off didnt cough up the toy though so the figgurellis are paying his home a visit.