• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Gay marriage is being legalized faster than...

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Nah, I have to draw the line at the beast thing.
Marriage may be in the bible but the religious side of things has nothing to do with the human legal aspect of it. It's a clout of smoke to distract. Marriage is about a LEGAL contract. Which when defined by law, gave no indication as to whom may "contract" or marry whom. Any ideology of religion in regards to marriage is irrelevant. Church and State separated long ago, and we need to keep it that way. Its religious logic for it to be a man and a women. It's civil legal logic for a women and a women or a man and a women or a man and a man. If religious law was so righteous we would'nt be as far away from it today as we are. The same is said for the laws of nature. We are very far away from them, and we all know THAT is not righteous. But its still what it is.

I personally dont care if its man and women, man and beast, or man and a orange....I am not the one to be judging anybody. The last time I checked we still don't have a sighting of a perfect being. Until then, any human verdict is neither right nor wrong.


Active Member
Oh, and about your "hypothetical situation" question.
IF the tables were turned I probably would push for civil unions to apply to me as well. That's because I would want the best for my family and might try the way of least resistance to get there.
Oh FFS....you make it sound as though I want them to ride in the back of the bus.

I have made my opinions very clear. If you disagree, fine. Have a nice day anyway. I'm rolling another tangerine dream and moving on.
Back of the bus... Gay marriage being illegal IS the equivalent to being at the back of the bus. The back of the bus wasn't the problem for blacks, it was being treated as lesser people... second rate citizens. Gays being treated as second rate citizens by not being able to have the same marriage rights IS their back of the bus.

Not to mention these restrictions all build off of each other. It doesn't end at marriage, people wanna restrict gay adoption and even gays in public or the media. When it's okay for gays to marry it will be much easier for them to adopt and live lives closer to our standard of living. Which is something they haven't been able to do openly, ever.

You can NEVER be right because you wanna tell people what's right and wrong instead of realize that you are either narrow minded, stupid, or can't think for yourself. Maybe all three. The fact that you think civil unions are even remotely close to what gays want and deserve tells me that. The fact that you used a back of the bus reference is a bonus and the fact that you implied I think you want them to ride in the back of the bus is even funnier. As you said, you made your point very clear. I know if you could have it your way, they wouldn't be on "your" bus.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I have come into this discussion very late-sorry.

I haven't seen anything where Sharon said she'd FORCE anyone to do anything and it is her right to state her beliefs. Just as it is your right.

Please don't troll, trolling isn't nice.

Just remember that a lot of people believe its wrong to push your religious ideology onto others...INCLUDING your offspring. My parents never forced me to church outta of respect that I AM MY OWN PERSON....We dont FORCE GOD onto anyone.....God finds you or he does'nt. More so, and statistically speaking, those who get religion stuffed down their throat tend to reject it in the long run. Its like a horse...you can lead the horse to the water :)

Also, if the one preaching god this and god that had so much "faith" in their god....then would'nt they just let "god" do what "god" does......just saying :)

Changing the definition of something is not going to make any difference. It is still going to make the "straights" feel like the "gays" have undermined their precious religious sacrament bongsmilie

How does love fit into a circus so filled with hate. If your a lover and not a hater then your heart should have NO room for hate....including gays, beasts , or whatever else one might hate. Hate is a tactic of the wicked and is designed to distract you from love and life. When you can become one with the world you realize it does'nt matter who's straight or who's gay, what does matter is that you still have LOVE FOR THY NEIGHBOR :)


Well-Known Member
the whole thing is, sharon is from a different generation, has different values. and her at least being willing to be friendly and be kind even when it flouts her personal beliefs is a great thing. she just sees it differently from the rest of us. my mom sees it differently from the rest of us. does that make her wrong? maybe in our eyes but at least she is willing to show kindness. alot of people dont. and while I dont agree with her, it doesnt make either one of us any more right.

and true, gay people are treated as second class citizens, but so are so many other types of people. Have a disability? Are disfigured in some way? You are also treated like a secondary human being. i support gay marriage, and disagree quite a bit with sharon, but enough mud slinging. the more you argue with her, and the more she argues with you, the more inflamed you each become. you will never change the other person's mind
I have come into this discussion very late-sorry.

I haven't seen anything where Sharon said she'd FORCE anyone to do anything and it is her right to state her beliefs. Just as it is your right.

Please don't troll, trolling isn't nice.
By using Christianity and other religions as the framework for the laws that govern gay's personal rights and the right to marry who they love you are forcing them to follow things they do not believe in.


Active Member
This debate will rage on long after we get done discussing it. If you want to think I'm narrow minded, stupid, and unable to think for myself then have your little fantasy.
Your opinion of me does not influence me in the slightest.

Besides, aren't you just a certain someone with a similar name that was recently banned? Your posts have this familiar tone to them.....

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Sharon didn't write the laws. It trolling and that is not cool at all.
By using Christianity and other religions as the framework for the laws that govern gay's personal rights and the right to marry who they love you are forcing them to follow things they do not believe in.


Active Member
A lot of things in life are'nt "nice" more so you telling me to stop "trolling" for its not nice. Anyone else feel I am trolling?

What is not nice is to tell another human that its not right in the eyes of a human that their creator says its wrong to love-marry another person of the same sex because it say's so in the book man wrote about god.

I believe if you read more of this thread you will see I clearly state that I respect EVERYONE'S POINT OF VIEW-OPINION.

It also says that we should whip our slaves on Monday's if they have not showered but we don't take that literally as a society. My point is that for the most part there is a great deal of religious ideals that we don't uphold any longer in this society. To pick and choose which ones to uphold is hypocritical and not righteous. It actual creates hostility and inequalities on earth.

Number 1 KILLER known through all of human history.......RELIGION....and its probably got a lot to do with its hypocrisies. If you type that word into google its first offer is ..." hypocrisies in the bible". It's not nice to tell others what is right and wrong when your stronghold is a religious ideal built on hypocrisies :)
Simply dont agree, unnatural and religious reasons. With that said one of my best friends is gay and i do have quite a few other friends who are gay (male and female) and they are some of the greatest people ive ever had the privilege of knowing. I just dont agree with their decision.
I like that you are at least accepting. I feel like I would have thought that way, but I didn't view it as them having a choice. If we see somebody of the opposite gender we don't choose to find them attractive (wouldn't that be nice), we either do or we don't.

I always thought of it as what if the world viewed my attraction to women as weird and didn't want me to pursue it.. I'd probably do anything and everything I could to change their minds or at least get the same treatment. Gays feel those same feelings we get, just not about attractive members of the opposite sex. I have always felt that I should respect and try to understand that the important thing is that they feel free to do so in the same way I can.

To me it is kind of like when one of your friends swears he finds his girlfriend to be one of the hottest girls he has ever seen, but she looks like the bottom of a shoe to me. Who is right? Nobody! You can't choose attraction. It doesn't effect me in any way who he likes whether I agree on their level of attractiveness or not as long as I don't have to date them. I feel like my friend wouldn't like me very much if I commonly told him how gross his girlfriend was and that he shouldn't be dating a dogface...

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
You seem to think that if you badger people about their personal beliefs it will change things. Just the opposite happens, people dig in their heels. I call it, sledge hammer diplomacy, it doesn't work.

I for one believe everyone should be allowed to worship or not worship as they see fit. But, you behave like someone who wants to stamp out all religion and that is not right either.


Well-Known Member
people can bash all religions, but it isnt going to change anything. religion is a vital part of many people's lives. it may not be a huge part of my life, but to deny others their freedom to worship is out of hand. however that doesnt mean i cant get in a heated debate about the merits of christianity, but does that mean I want to abolish it? no.


Active Member
I personally ahead to the advice of my 93 year old mother....IF You don't Like it....Dont LOOK :) I live in SF bay and homosexuality is every where. I personally at one point in time did'nt agree with it until I took the religious ideals away from it and realized we are all human.....that book is yet to tell one word of truth, until then, I take the side of humanity.

No Human alive can choose attraction....nor can a book.

Winter Women....Trolling is more along the lines of....I wish I could punch you square in the face...until it was re arranged and looked similar to a book. Your on here just to point out who is "trolling"....I guess it takes one to see one but even then your the only person screaming trolling this and trolling that....for fucks sake go fishing if you want to claim trolling.

FYI I no longer entertain any comment maid from winter women. Fucking Trolls:clap:

You know what I think? Really? Care to take a stab a future predictions??? Hows 2012 looking? Im on the second floor....sooo the first floor would be??? BELOW ME
it doesn't seem natural when a plant of mine grows buds and balls, but it is just a normal variation on plant sexuality.

just as being born gay or straight are both normal variations of human sexuality.

it doesn't make it wrong, it just is what it is.
That's the worst part. At the root of it people are just against people who aren't like them. Nobody even know if there is a much higher genetic/human reason for homosexuality. What if it was a vital part of humanity and population control. There is a reason for almost anything I can think of in nature, it is nature's way and we are part of nature.

Homosexuality and Transgender can be found in nature and transgender plants and a few animal species are a great example of something outside the sexual norm that has an important part of nature and biology. Just because there isn't a known reason for people to be attracted to their own sex doesn't mean there isn't an important one we don't know that should be treated with respect.

Where's the FAITH that things here on Earth are biologically correct. We can't change the way Earth and her inhabitants naturally behave and interact, but we always are wasting time trying lol.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
wow this thread went down hill quick, damn apparently you cant quantify people as 'gay' without someone being offended about their beliefs, or even being offended for someone they know. Unfortunatly we have to use identifying WORDS to express our meaning in such a way thay everyone understands what is being said. If your looking for political correctness, then this forum is not for you.

Sticks and Stones... I'm sorry for those of you who got ur panties in a wad, it was not the purpose of the thread to bash on "that" community.


Well-Known Member
Well said, i never said gay marriage or sex should be illegal or i personally have a problem with it, its just the facts in some places. If i REALLY had a problem with gay people, i would just remind myself that they probably have a hard time procreating, and that might eventually weed them out. im just sayin.

"Weed them out"... That's a good one. Dude u obviously are a hater and shouldn't disguise yourself as anything else. Be proud of being a hater. Hold your head up high. Real high, so high that you don't see the bus coming toward you as you cross the street.
I hope I catch your demise on YouTube. And if you lived closer I would love to piss on your grave

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
"Weed them out"... That's a good one. Dude u obviously are a hater and shouldn't disguise yourself as anything else. Be proud of being a hater. Hold your head up high. Real high, so high that you don't see the bus coming toward you as you cross the street.
I hope I catch your demise on YouTube. And if you lived closer I would love to piss on your grave
lol, you mad brah? hahahahaha evolution can be a bitch sometimes..

That's the worst part. At the root of it people are just against people who aren't like them. Nobody even know if there is a much higher genetic/human reason for homosexuality. What if it was a vital part of humanity and population control. There is a reason for almost anything I can think of in nature, it is nature's way and we are part of nature.
Maybe me and this guy can get burried in the same area so you don't have to travel as far. :D Don't hate the PLAYER, hate the GAME. we didn't pick the rules, players, or the field. we just point out the obvious, like a referee.


Well-Known Member
"Mad brah"?...that's funny too. You're a funny little man. But I bet you hear that a lot, don't you?
And you know what else? I checked out all your posts and journals....oh wait, you don't have any journals. And you don't post pix.
Um...u do know this site is for growers right? Sooooo is there a problem? Mb you just can't grow one? Haha I just made a funny...but you probably didn't get it.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
"Mad brah"?...that's funny too. You're a funny little man. But I bet you hear that a lot, don't you?
And you know what else? I checked out all your posts and journals....oh wait, you don't have any journals. And you don't post pix.
Um...u do know this site is for growers right? Sooooo is there a problem? Mb you just can't grow one? Haha I just made a funny...but you probably didn't get it.

Here are my grow pics -- >:leaf: see i'm legit.



Well-Known Member
You know what, I'd much rather have the legal weed, even if this was just to make it seem less sinister in the eyes of society.

If I finally find a man who will want to marry me, we can go shopping for a shared ladyfriend together :3 No need to flash rings or my rainbow flag about it...