• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Gay marriage is being legalized faster than...

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
"Mad brah"?...that's funny too. You're a funny little man. But I bet you hear that a lot, don't you?
And you know what else? I checked out all your posts and journals....oh wait, you don't have any journals. And you don't post pix.
Um...u do know this site is for growers right? Sooooo is there a problem? Mb you just can't grow one? Haha I just made a funny...but you probably didn't get it.
lol you start threads about miracle grow... https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/439924-miracle-grow-love-hate.html

and i make posts about using super soil ... your right, you did make a funny. and i do get it.


Well-Known Member
I made the MG thread (they're called threads, not posts) because of the Wall Street Journal article that quoted me personally.
But ur out of the loop and it would be better if it stayed that way...gl with ur superman soil. It won't make u any cooler.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
I made the MG thread (they're called threads, not posts) because of the Wall Street Journal article that quoted me personally.
But ur out of the loop and it would be better if it stayed that way...gl with ur superman soil. It won't make u any cooler.
Cooler? now this is a popularity contest? you win MR. Wall street journal.

... but the rich terpene profiles and all organic grow medium that make my plants glitter like snow, smell so strong and taste so sweet sure make me popular in my circles :D


Well-Known Member
Cooler? now this is a popularity contest? you win MR. Wall street journal.

... but the rich terpene profiles and all organic grow medium that make my plants glitter like snow, smell so strong and taste so sweet sure make me popular in my circles :D
i bet you the gay community is not one of those circles ;)


Well-Known Member
Pre-becoming a Christian i felt and still do feel its unnatural, just not my cup of tea. Post becoming a Christian...well im sure we know where thats going.

And yes i feel its a choice.

But leave it at that, i do not want to degenerate my comment into a debate. :)
so, since sexuality is a choice, when did you make the choice to like women?

and for your edification, it is natural and a normal variation of human sexuality.

hell, for that matter, it is a natural and normal variation of animal sexuality. you'd be hard pressed to find me an animal species that does not have gays.

Simply dont agree, unnatural and religious reasons. With that said one of my best friends is gay and i do have quite a few other friends who are gay (male and female) and they are some of the greatest people ive ever had the privilege of knowing. I just dont agree with their decision.
when did you decide you liked women?

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
so a guy can stretch another guys asshole open yet i cant smoke a damn joint?! thats bullshit! personally i dont see anything wrong with gay marriage or homosexuality. if thats a persons choice then so be it! i just think politicians have their priorities all screwed up. legalization has been something the people have been trying to establish for more than just a few years.


Well-Known Member
It's already illegal in most states and federally. I am not making it illegal.
except trying to prolong that.

I suggest the compromise of civil unions.
so gays should "settle" for a compromise?

how about instead, heteros get civil unions, and the gays get marriage?

how would you like being treated as a second class citizen?

and religious freedoms are at stake here, in my opinion.
what, your religious freedom to classify a group of people as "wrong" for being born with an attraction to others?

that is one religious freedom you will always have, protected by the first amendment.

you simply won't be able to legislate it upon a group of other citizens, depriving them of their full rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

I fully expect the laws to change and guess what? I will lose no sleep over it, and I'm willing to bet my life will go on as usual the day after it becomes legal.
so, why try to stop it then? why try to tell the gays they are wrong for being born like they were and try to treat them as second class citizens?

by your own admission, legalizing gay marriage won't hurt you, but by their own admission, keeping it illegal does hurt them.


Active Member
I sense a bit of hostility from the hetero's towards the gay's. Funny enough its only the straights that have this idea that gays should have a "civil union" and not a marriage.....That agenda is fueled by ego's that think they are better than as well as jealousies that they have ever right to be EQUAL.

If you are heterosexual what sense could it make for you to have any interest in the affairs or marriages of a gay person? You don't! If your truly happy as a hetero and you believe in equality in the land of the free then you MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS and be happy in your heterosexual union. Gay's don't go pushing for straight to have unions instead of marriage so don't be a dick wad and do it to them. If you think your a "better than" then you can forget about going to this prized heavenly land we call the after life.....Its equal status-rights or its hypocrisies.

For those who believe the christian book known as the bible is the law of sexuality then do us all a favor and stay away and out of the business of gay's. You only seek a agenda ridden by a god that not one man or women alive can prove actually exist. Until then, fuck you, your god, and everything in between. This is the land of the free that GAY MEN AND WOMEN defend, EVERYDAY WITH REAL BLOOD, in the same honor as a heterosexual! I have took multiple bullets in the name of the USA and Freedom then most! I have ever right and earned every last bit to be what ever the fuck I want despite what religious zealots and their god who is yet to prove him/herself say! Until then, your god, and you, ain't shit in a country that is founded by THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS AND FREEDOM FOR EVERYONE!

The only concern of any religious freedoms is from the dickwads that think they are better than a gay person because their god tells them so. Stop the prejudice and give the gay people the same equality as a bible humping heterosexual!

Here is a "choice" for you fuck wads humping god as a heterosexual. You as a believer have a choice to , and if we did'nt give you that right you would'nt have that choice. IN AMERICA, we give freedom of choice....if you like that freedom (both religious and sexuality) then stop fucking with others freedoms, especially those gay men and women who have "choosen" to be what they want. This country reputes the idea of any god being triumph!!! FREEDOM is the TOP DAWG! NOT GOD!


Well-Known Member
Clearly it stems from them believing it's a 'choice'.

If you think being straight or gay is a conscious choice you make in your lifetime, I'd love to hear the story of your decision making process at the time.


Well-Known Member
i have so far counted two ron paul supporters come out against full, equal marriage rights for gays. :dunce:

and i have seen a few people cite a book that should promote love and justice for all humans to promote their agenda of relegating gays to a lesser status of marriage. :dunce:

alas, time is on the side of those who support full, equal marriage rights for all.

to those opposed, i have this message: it gets worse.


Well-Known Member

this couple, 84 and 90 years old, have waited 60+ years to marry.

who has the right to tell them their love is to be relegated to a lesser status?

i hope the law kicks in while these two are still alive and kicking!


Well-Known Member

this man was raised by two women.

he seems normal to me.


Active Member
I think we need a land for all these "better than" religious zealots who believe its a choice. If they would stop and put their blinding faith aside could only then they see how important and fair it is to give equal rights to gay marriage. Take any religion and till this very day every last one of them is still an open, and more importantly EMPTY PROMISE at best but more like an EMPTY FAIRYTALE.

Anyone who is hetersexual has no business in any gay affairs, period. Because your god pumps your ego and faith to believe you are righteous does'nt mean that its true! God is still a no show.

In the words of Marilyn Manson---"Im not a slave, to a god, that does'nt exist" and I would rather spend a eternity in hell then spend a life worshiping something that never has been, and never will be factual!

If you watch the "20 year old person of god" speak next you notice not one person is listening to this wad talk about god as if he is god himself. They actual dismiss him before he can finish his speech...no one wants to hear how gods word is true....and your 20 and god gay marriage all figured out and god has promised you a seat in heaven and sent you to tell legislation how it is because god is to busy to send the message himself.


Well-Known Member
no eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn - jim morrison

don't these talking monkeys know that eden has enough to go around? - maynard james keeenan

this planet is a paradise. it can supply us with everything we need.


Active Member
Uncle Buck thank you for both those videos. He said it as perfect as one could ever! Gays are no different than anyone else unless you believe in a god who condemns homosexuality. In which this god was unable to actually stop the passing of gay marriage laws. "all powerful"....if it be his will....then be it his will undone....must be "god" is for gay marriage after all :)

Maynard is one of my hero's. I stay in good contact with him since meeting him. I love his ideology. One of my favorite lyrics :

Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will.
I sure could use a vacation from this

Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of Freaks ( maynard often says his songs have meaning he won't discuss, but this one he is very open about...and its abould religious peeps)


Well-Known Member
Uncle Buck thank you for both those videos. He said it as perfect as one could ever! Gays are no different than anyone else unless you believe in a god who condemns homosexuality. In which this god was unable to actually stop the passing of gay marriage laws. "all powerful"....if it be his will....then be it his will undone....must be "god" is for gay marriage after all :)

Maynard is one of my hero's. I stay in good contact with him since meeting him. I love his ideology. One of my favorite lyrics :

Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will.
I sure could use a vacation from this

Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of Freaks ( maynard often says his songs have meaning he won't discuss, but this one he is very open about...and its abould religious peeps)
i think he just hates LA.

i have seen him a few times in tucson/phoenix. he was sick twice after coming from LA. he still put on a great show though. he made soem jabs at LA each time before singing aenima :lol:

that's so cool that you know the guy. i've always wanted to take a trip up to his vineyard whenever i'm back in AZ.


Active Member
Awesome wines he is making. He has'nt sent me any in a while but, demographically LA is a 90% christian city. He has faced many issues with religion in his up bringing. The song Judith is about his grandmothers regrets of having faith in a god she never meet or found in the long run. On her death bed she renounced "god" as she had known it. "

Fuck your God, your Lord, your Christ
He did this, took all you had and
Left you this way, still you pray, never stray, never
Taste of the fruit, never thought to question "Why?

It's not like you killed someone
It's not like you drove a hateful spear into his side
Praise the one who left you broken down and paralyzed

He did it all for you...
He did it all for you...

He was upset with her that she never once question her faith...she was just another "blind believer"

I am with him on not liking LA or any large city really. Just not a city person at all. I do however greatly appreciate his views on gay marriage. " Yes, end of story"....it says everything that needs to be said. He is always on the KISS program :) He is also opening vineyards in upstate ny as well as western ny. He has gone wine crazy :)

" your such an inspiration for the ways that ill never ever choose to be" Oh so many ways I can show you how your savior has abandoned you"
"Talk to Jesus Christ as if he knows the reason why"


Well-Known Member
Awesome wines he is making. He has'nt sent me any in a while but, demographically LA is a 90% christian city. He has faced many issues with religion in his up bringing. The song Judith is about his grandmothers regrets of having faith in a god she never meet or found in the long run. On her death bed she renounced "god" as she had known it. "

Fuck your God, your Lord, your Christ
He did this, took all you had and
Left you this way, still you pray, never stray, never
Taste of the fruit, never thought to question "Why?

It's not like you killed someone
It's not like you drove a hateful spear into his side
Praise the one who left you broken down and paralyzed

He did it all for you...
He did it all for you...

He was upset with her that she never once question her faith...she was just another "blind believer"

I am with him on not liking LA or any large city really. Just not a city person at all. I do however greatly appreciate his views on gay marriage. " Yes, end of story"....it says everything that needs to be said. He is always on the KISS program :) He is also opening vineyards in upstate ny as well as western ny. He has gone wine crazy :)
i heard him talk about judith before. i had not heard that his mother renounced god as she knew it on her death bed.

in fact, 10,000 days gave me the opposite impression.

but with respect to judith, i heard him say something along the lines of: it is not fuck 'god' in general, it is fuck 'YOUR' god, any god who would advocate such things as using his book to relegate gays to a lesser status, or whatever other religious intolerance you can think of.

and there are plenty


Well-Known Member
you can believe what you want, but why bash religion and god? sure some bad things have been done in the name of religion and god, but fuck, god is still good. i dont know why we exist, why he exists, but still, he is here. doesnt matter what name you worship him under, he's like a huge diamond, with thousands of different facets. lol im agnostic, and even I see the good in religion. even if it leaves a bad taste in my mouth