Gay Marriage Ruling Cited To Overturn Ban On Polygamy


Well-Known Member
In all seriousness, can someone explain to me about the ACA fines. That is a good question, what does happen if you don't pay the fine? Is it a tax? Failure to pay tax usually leads to garnered wages or jail. Does the same hold true for failure to pay the ACA fine?
I'll try but it's a bit muddled and not something I've had to delve into. As I've had it explained to me, the collection of the fine falls under the jurisdiction of the IRS. So collection of this will be the same as collection of taxes. It's really rare to do jail time over owed taxes if you show a willingness to pay but it CAN happen. Nothing in the bill presently spells out a collection policy so the default is IRS regs.

So from how our thinktank explained it is, as of now, it's up to the IRS.