Gay or not?

Should I let him suck my cock?

  • Sure, why not. Doesn't make you gay.

    Votes: 25 39.7%
  • That is queer. Don't do it!

    Votes: 38 60.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
All i have to say is no matter where your sexual endeavours have lead you straight/gay/bi/ EVERYONE who even looked at this post or had a opinion to reply is guilty of either or

A.) Subconsciously being curious as to what was the substance within this thread was about, either because you think or have thought about these things in one point of your life.

B.) Having an experience or even thoughts about these events and wanting to see others opinions to base your own insecure feelings off so you don't seem to be out of the norm with your own thoughts.

C.) Just wanting to come into the thread and bash either side which in that case makes you a homophobe, which literally means that your affraid of being gay or having gay tendencies yourself. WOW think about that for all who want to express their hatred for gays maybe you should sit in front of a mirror.

...or D.) Curious to see who is gay or homo on this forum
So to upnorth i think you did what a free man from societal norms would have done. I think this new found freedom came because you truely experienced a crisis when you lost everything you had and saw that the american dream is a myth, because in this oligarchy my friend they can take what's yours away in a swift move. And by seeing this you had a realization that one can only do what makes them happy in life, it's our purpose. So why not right? I understand you my friend with no judgement or hatred toward the subject i say explore the world around you while you still can. Enjoy life brotha

:leaf:peace and love:leaf:

Thanks for the support, but I do not consider the "American Dream" a myth. The dream exists and it can be taken away.

That is not to say someone or some thing is took it away. In my case, it was just old plain bad luck: Being in a construction oriented business during a housing crisis and a recession.

Yeah, it sucks (NPI), but shit happens. I just wanted to make it clear that I do not blame anyone for what happened.

So I am moving on finding new work.

Peace brother, and thanks for your support. :-P :leaf:
first off . i think its werid chillin wit a gay guy in the first place. second if he asked me to suck my cock id Flip. id tell him to get out right away. non of that shit mang if yu wanted yur dick suckd go get it from a girl.... or the reason you thinking of letting him suck u off cuz u cant find a girl? im not to sure about ur situation but god damn. thats the gay'est thing i heard. having thoughts of letting a guy suck yu off. common its cool wen its 2 girls ya digg? but fuk GUYS+GUYS ARE NOT MEANT TO BE ITS FUCKING ADAM AND EVE NOT FUCKING ADAM AND STEVE

If women can be homosexual but men cannot, do you not think this is a bit biased to ones own opinion of what is "gross" and what is "sexy?" You simply are not attracted to men, and due to nature putting you together in the way that you are, the thought of men together revolts you. This is similar to the Westermarck Effect, of which Anthropologist Edward Westermarck discovered. Here is a link, learn.

Westermarck vs. Freud

Freud argued that members of the same family naturally lust for one another, making it necessary for societies to create incest taboos, but Westermarck argued the reverse, that incest taboos themselves arise naturally as products of response mediated by a relatively simple inherited epigenetic rule, namely the Westermarck effect. Subsequent research over the years supports Westermarck's observations and interpretation.

Anyway, if thats how you feel, thats cool. I personally try to invest in knowledge and understanding in everyone, rather remain belligerently ignorant of what is going on around me. For instance, I choose to try and view the audience of my posts, and I assume that if well put, the simple action of presenting a novel idea into their mind might plant a seed of thought and invoke personal growth. And its funny, you and me are very alike in at least one way; we both type like we talk! :lol:

Just try to always think about the kinematics in life. We are all connected together, fucked up or not. It really is a whole lot easier to get along than to fight and argue with one another.

"United We Stand; Divided We Fall."
Wow, cool dude. Thanks. To get off tangent on DOC111's post, if other republicans were like McCain's wife, I'd have no problem voting for them. I do not mean to bring down all conservatives. I am fiscally conservative, don't like to be taxed to shit, don't like to see my tax dollars go to people who do not deserve it.
I think you might feel a little better if you broke free of such titles as "conservative," "liberal," "republican," and "democrat." If you are like most Americans I have talked to, none of these parties represent your views. You may identify with a few of the views of either side, but really ask yourself; are "they" really looking out for your best interests? Let's vote everyone out and get a new "American Citizen Party" Candidate for all locales. You can do more!

I have worked hard and paid taxes all my life. I just want what most people want: a decent life and the American Dream.

You can still have that too. Study the local politicians. Talk to your neighbors. Volunteer at Habitat for Humanity. Recycle. Learn to live more self-sufficiently. Scrape together $1000 even if it takes you a full year and buy some solar energy. The energy it produces pays for the tech within 2 to 5 years. Ride a bike. You save gas and you lose weight. It will naturally make you feel better. Best part is the more people who see you riding a bike, the more people who get to riding themselves.

That might be trite to some, but really, that is all I want. I have lived the American Dream. Owned a small business, employed people, owned a house, etc.

Unfortunately, I lost it all at the start of the recession. I am not blaming anyone. I think to some degree, we are all responsible for the state of the economy now: people living beyond their means, and Wall Street out-of-control. I owned stock, guess that makes me quilty.

True, the depression has affected everyone, caused by everyone for continuing to support a system that fosters white collar crime while warring against any form of other crime, especially drug crime. However, most people do not realize that there is actually 45-55% unemployment according to bureau of labor and statistics Employment Situation Summary, and so unless we demand and create change ourselves, we are ALL going straight down the spiral twist to the riddlebox my man.

Unemployment rates for the major worker groups--adult men (10.2 percent),
adult women (8.2 percent), teenagers (27.1 percent), whites (9.0 percent),
blacks (16.2 percent), and Hispanics (12.9 percent)--showed little change in
December. The unemployment rate for Asians was 8.4 percent, not seasonally
adjusted. (See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.)
[note all but bold data are non-consequential also, I will use 2000 census data for a population estimate of 330m. I expect current census to be between 402-418m people.]{10.2 + 8.2 + 27.1 = 45.5% of teenagers of work age, and both men and women are unemployed.}

Among the unemployed, the number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27
weeks and over) continued to trend up, reaching 6.1 million.
In December, 4 in
10 unemployed workers were jobless for 27 weeks or longer. (See table A-9.)

The civilian labor force participation rate fell to 64.6 percent in December. [100.0 - 64.6 = 35.4% "civilian labor force NON-participation rate, not counting the united states armed forces comprising 1% = total population and of course our government]
The employment-population ratio declined to 58.2 percent. (See table A-1.) [employment infers total jobs, therefore 100.0 - 58.2 = 41.8% unemployment-population ratio]

The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes re-
ferred to as involuntary part-time workers) was about unchanged at 9.2 million
in December and has been relatively flat since March. These individuals were
working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were
unable to find a full-time job. (See table A-5.)

About 2.5 million persons were marginally attached to the labor force in
December, an increase of 578,000 from a year earlier. (The data are not sea-
sonally adjusted.) These individuals were not in the labor force, wanted and
were available for work, and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12
months. They were not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for
work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey. (See table A-13.)

Among the marginally attached, there were 929,000 discouraged workers in
December, up from 642,000 a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally ad-
justed.) Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work be-
cause they believe no jobs are available for them. The remaining 1.6 million
persons marginally attached to the labor force had not searched for work in
the 4 weeks preceding the survey for reasons such as school attendance or
family responsibilities. [at this point im tired of doing math while high]

Anyway, is it too much to ask that a hard working, tax paying guy be treated like the decent person he is? Some (mostly wing nuts) conservatives think I do not deserve to be treated like a human being.

Again, parties aside, some folks MUST remain belligerent assholes. Those people are best dealt with as necessary.

To those that disagree, I can only say try standing in my shoes. I can also say I am begining to get impatient with the Dems and Obama.

I am in your shoes. There are so many more in your shoes. Spread the word about POSITIVE change. Just use the system as intended. An intelligent, politically aware, morally subjective, and active constituency is an extremely armed one. Why do you think the status quo has been making us poorer and more stupid for over 80 years?

But, I can never vote for a party/movement that does not denounce hate.

Good. Don't vote in the bullshit national elections. Vote locally. Contact your local representative and ask to talk to them. I promise, local politicians are really easy to approach. Make sure they know you are from their district. Submit ideas to your local representatives or congressmen. Tell yourself you can make a difference because you CAN. I do every day. I can successfully educate one person every day. I can successfully make one person a day more aware of the changes we can make, because our founding forefathers had the genius to set it up in a way we can do so legally and civilly.

Sorry to get side tracked here. This is supposed to be about gay stuff. To those folks that are conservative that don't hate my guts, live long and prosper (lol). That's a joke. I am serious. :-P :-P :-P :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:

me too. But I get sidetracked a lot...
Originally Posted by lostsoul420
So to upnorth i think you did what a free man from societal norms would have done. I think this new found freedom came because you truely experienced a crisis when you lost everything you had and saw that the american dream is a myth, because in this oligarchy my friend they can take what's yours away in a swift move. And by seeing this you had a realization that one can only do what makes them happy in life, it's our purpose. So why not right? I understand you my friend with no judgement or hatred toward the subject i say explore the world around you while you still can. Enjoy life brotha

:leaf:peace and love:leaf:

You are wise my friend...
However using your logic , that he didnt blow a guy sooner , due to societal norms....or men dont blow other guys since its frowned upon in society ..(And even in this forum)
Would then imply that since he broke this norm that he is a free man ....

This is more a question of free will....

Therefore, If i choose to kill a man for no reason, I am " A free man from societal norms
I cannot concur.....Just because you choose to break these so called "rules"
dosnt make you a free man.....
Some people dont pay taxes, litter, dont leave tips, have sex with children, goats.... some people rob and steal .... even in are gov..... But that doesnt make it okay to do ....

I dont think its wrong to be gay and in my part of town ... it is very accepted .... Almost a fad now..... Its hip to be gay ....

In conclusion, guys that dont expierience bicuious activities (like me)....
Are not controlled by some system (oligarchy) or what have you .....
We just dont roll like that .... I love woman ....and thats that ......

Im like a faded saucrities showing you that we are just dumb animals who think they know it all....lollolololol

You are wise my friend...
However using your logic , that he didnt blow a guy sooner , due to societal norms....or men dont blow other guys since its frowned upon in society ..(And even in this forum)
Would then imply that since he broke this norm that he is a free man ....

This is more a question of free will....

Therefore, If i choose to kill a man for no reason, I am " A free man from societal norms
I cannot concur.....Just because you choose to break these so called "rules"
dosnt make you a free man.....
Some people dont pay taxes, litter, dont leave tips, have sex with children, goats.... some people rob and steal .... even in are gov..... But that doesnt make it okay to do ....

I dont think its wrong to be gay and in my part of town ... it is very accepted .... Almost a fad now..... Its hip to be gay ....

In conclusion, guys that dont expierience bicuious activities (like me)....
Are not controlled by some system (oligarchy) or what have you .....
We just dont roll like that .... I love woman ....and thats that ......

Im like a faded saucrities showing you that we are just dumb animals who think they know it all....lollolololol

For my logic was not fully understood. I say free yourself from the societal norms, but there is a human factor within freeing yourself. You may free yourself only to not condemn or opress others. In this case he is not opressing anything or anyone. So yes society does have norms that shall stay only because they are reasonable and logical to do so, such as stealing and killing and littering. But whatever may have direct effect on one's self and not opressive or detrimental towards others is in my mind something you can set free.

We are all under this oligarchy my friend. No one is more enslaved that the man who thinks he is free, because you still have money right? "stuff" or material goods, Commercial produce. It's there where ever you turn.

I myself love women as well and everything single thing they have to offer. It's my experience and influence in this life that have taught me to love women in this way, not some genetic problem. With no offense intended i think that those homosexuals who state that they were born like this are simply not aware of the experience or influence that has swayed their decision making on sexual preference.

And i agree with you that we are just animals who know nothing, but we are animals who can cognitively reason through our environment.
Thanks for the support, but I do not consider the "American Dream" a myth. The dream exists and it can be taken away.

That is not to say someone or some thing is took it away. In my case, it was just old plain bad luck: Being in a construction oriented business during a housing crisis and a recession.

Yeah, it sucks (NPI), but shit happens. I just wanted to make it clear that I do not blame anyone for what happened.

So I am moving on finding new work.

Peace brother, and thanks for your support. :-P :leaf:

The dream only exists because you make it exist. Please if anyone can define the american simply cant because it's a dream or an ideal that was never defined clearly. It preys on your mind and it's fantasies so that the elite may better themselves. Yea you might say its given that economic freedom to gain stability, but where is that now? GONE? RECESSION? Come on let's say a man works his whole life to achieve the dream and then BOOOM taken away because corporate fat cats want to dominate the "free" market. I say BULLSHIT. The American Dream is propaganda against the american peoples lifes. I say live and let live but how can we. :leaf:
this thread is so gay

op you are a complete idiot if you don't know the answer to your question

normal straight men don't let other men anywhere near their penis and it's funny how everyone just listens to these people who say "oh who cares if you are gay" what a retarded argument.

I swear people are absolutely retarded these days
ahahahaha.. fuck. i was looking for spiral scrog ideas and ended up here. theres gotta be a better place for you to request a "gay/open minded" section of the forum.

+your asking to be segregated haha

+if you had that crazy experience with a girl you wouldnt have had to suck any cock.
this thread is so gay

op you are a complete idiot if you don't know the answer to your question

normal straight men don't let other men anywhere near their penis and it's funny how everyone just listens to these people who say "oh who cares if you are gay" what a retarded argument.

I swear people are absolutely retarded these days

There is nothing retarded about the argument at all. If that person is just chillin and not infringing on anybody elses rights, what difference does it really make? None.

Have you had a problem with gay guys causing you problems in your life? Do you know any gay people? (I'm sure you do, but may not know it) And why do you care if someone is gay? Specifically, what harm does it cause? :eyesmoke:
this thread is so gay

op you are a complete idiot if you don't know the answer to your question

normal straight men don't let other men anywhere near their penis and it's funny how everyone just listens to these people who say "oh who cares if you are gay" what a retarded argument.

I swear people are absolutely retarded these days

Homophobe much? or not,Stoney needs NO instruction in the art of head. I will bruise my damn throat if I have to.NOM NOM NOM!:hump:
And that's exactly the right attitude you need to have if you want to do a good job.

I have the same attitude when I go down on a girl, that of - I don't really give a damn how my tongue is going to feel in the morning, I just wanna give this chick the ride of her life tonight.

I can't tell you how many times, or how many different girls do it for a little while, then start bitching about how their mouth is hurting... omg, talk about frustrating!

I want a chick who doesn't give a fuck about her throat, she just wants to get abused. I don't care if she yaks all over me. They don't understand half the pleasure is seeing how much they want to please you... I seriously don't understand this kind of chicks mindset... A lot of the time I'd tell myself I'm not stopping till the girl cums, no matter what my situation may be, because honestly it takes a lot to stick with it for a long time, that underside of the tongue is RAW the next day and sometimes you can barely even speak! Still, do I stop? Of course not! That's retarded...

Props to you Stoney, I wish I could experience a chick like that..
. :-?