Gay wedding cakes and the bigots who won't bake them.

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Based on reality just take a look on how they parade around naked in San Francisco.
they are certainly not discriminated against there in fact they probably have more rights than non gays.
Many members of the gay community thrive on intolerance and like to flaunt there deviance.

I go to check out some of the fine lesbians.:o
Based on reality just take a look on how they parade around naked in San Francisco.
they are certainly not discriminated against there in fact they probably have more rights than non gays.
Many members of the gay community thrive on intolerance and like to flaunt there deviance.

What in the fuck are you babbling about?

You're just spouting shit without any type of reference or evidence whatsoever. It's just your opinion

It's still illegal to be gay (have gay sex)in some states. If people treated them as equals there wouldn't be any showboating, there would be no need to draw attention to being gay. It'd just be treated as 'normal' (because it is).

You're arguments are incredibly basic and poorly constructed.
you certainly did trivialize the issues gays face. let me remind you what you said:

the worst thing that happens to gays is they don't(very unlikely) get a cake from certain vendors

that is 100% false and minimizes and trivializes all the other inequalities gays must endure, many of which i listed for you.

you bigoted piece of shit.


You know I grew up with lots of gay folks...lots were openly gay in school....worked with a lot of them too.
They can't get married in my state but most just live together as it they were, no biggie to me if they can or can't either way.

Verbally abuse me more its great for my blood flow hint hint.

You know I grew up with lots of gay folks...lots were openly gay in school....worked with a lot of them too.
They can't get married in my state but most just live together as it they were, no biggie to me if they can or can't either way.

Verbally abuse me more its great for my blood flow hint hint.

i didn't force you to mock and minimize the inequalities gays face, you did that all to yourself, bigot.

i fail to understand the reference to clown shoes when i am sitting here correcting your lack of facts and overabundance of bigotry.
It isnt about Christians and the Christian religion or Muslims or anything else. It is about the government forcing people to do things they have a problem with. The first amendment provides for the freedom of association. I assume the freedom of dissasociation is also a right although not enumerated. The government has decided that if a person is of a protected class as defined by the government they now have rights above and beyond the citizens of a non-protected class. We no longer have equal protection under the law.

A guy doesnt want to bake a cake for 2 lesbians and instead of going somewhere else they drag his ass all the way to the supreme court and we have idiots wondering what the problem is...

It is the intolerance of gays regarding the respecting of other people's religion obviously...

I don't care if someone owns a business and refuses to serve blacks, gays, whites, children, or people with an amputation.

In my view, if you own a business you should have very wide rights of refusal. If I don't want want to do something for you, the government shouldn't make me.

If a bakery owner says, "look dude, i hate fags so gtfo" im cool with that. While i dont agree with his business philosophy, as a human being, in my view it is within his right to not like homosexuals, and not take their business. Here is what I have a problem with. "I dont want to bake your cake because you are gay and I am a Christian."

Christians are correct in their belief that homosexuality is a sin. No way around it, scripture clearly labels it a sin. So what? We are all sinners and no sin is worse than another. Furthermore, the bible and Christianity commands that we love each other, and love the sinner.

So if you believe homosexuality is a sin, and you claim to be a Christian the last thing your faith would allow you to do is shun them. Are you also going to refuse to service a straight couple that lives together already before marriage? Deny your services to a person who drinks too much?

It is bigotry using religion as a mask to lend some credibility to itself.

If you don't want to serve gay people because you don't like gay people, just say so, don't bastardize christianity.
If people treated them as equals there wouldn't be any showboating, there would be no need to draw attention to being gay. It'd just be treated as 'normal' (because it is).

What in the fuck are you babbling about?

You're just spouting shit without any type of reference or evidence whatsoever. It's just your opinion

Your arguments are incredibly pathetic. Did you finish 3rd grade?
racist christians like yourself are doing a good enough job of that already.

i'll take mine on toasted bread please.

Even though I don't agree with BnB about 99% of the time, he makes me laugh. You don't. But the fact he gets you so riled up is also hilarious. Don't stroke out on us, ok?
It isnt about Christians and the Christian religion or Muslims or anything else. It is about the government forcing people to do things they have a problem with. The first amendment provides for the freedom of association. I assume the freedom of dissasociation is also a right although not enumerated. The government has decided that if a person is of a protected class as defined by the government they now have rights above and beyond the citizens of a non-protected class. We no longer have equal protection under the law.

A guy doesnt want to bake a cake for 2 lesbians and instead of going somewhere else they drag his ass all the way to the supreme court and we have idiots wondering what the problem is...

It is the intolerance of gays regarding the respecting of other people's religion obviously...

Yes, the 1st does allow for freedom of association. That is accommodated by your ability to form a club that can turn people away.
Yes, the 1st does allow for freedom of association. That is accommodated by your ability to form a club that can turn people away.

the gays need to stop being so intolerant and just respect the fact that business owners want to refuse to sell them services and goods just because they are gay.
What in the fuck are you babbling about?

You're just spouting shit without any type of reference or evidence whatsoever. It's just your opinion

Your arguments are incredibly pathetic. Did you finish 3rd grade?

were you sad when you got banned, thetoolwoman?
the gays need to stop being so intolerant and just respect the fact that business owners want to refuse to sell them services and goods just because they are gay.

Let's not forget that businesses that actively discriminate against homosexuals would quickly go out of businesses. Just ask the owner of chic-fil-a how much his business has suffered.
Let's not forget that businesses that actively discriminate against homosexuals would quickly go out of businesses. Just ask the owner of chic-fil-a how much his business has suffered.

why can't they just respect us for treating them as second class citizens? why are they so intolerant of our bigotry?
the gays need to stop being so intolerant and just respect the fact that business owners want to refuse to sell them services and goods just because they are gay.

If I set up shop as a photographer, why should I be forced to attend a wedding of two folks just because they are willing to give me money?

I'm ok with someone not doing the job because they don't like gays, but my point is there is nothing in Christianity that allows you to more harshly judge homosexuals than any other sinner.

Rush Limbaugh recently got married. Those on the left criticized Elton John because he agreed to sing at the reception. Those people would be the first to criticize someone for not wanting to provide a service to a gay person because they were gay, but they were perfectly fine with saying Sir Elton should have told Mr. Limbaugh to fuck off simply because he is conservative.

The gays are extremely intolerant, "you must treat me as an equal in every aspect." This is not tolerance, that is acceptance, which cannot be mandated in a free society.

You are intolerant. You hate me because, although I support equal rights for homosexuals, you dont like the though process I use to arrive at that conclusion, so you call me names.
Rush Limbaugh recently got married. Those on the left criticized Elton John because he agreed to sing at the reception. Those people would be the first to criticize someone for not wanting to provide a service to a gay person because they were gay, but they were perfectly fine with saying Sir Elton should have told Mr. Limbaugh to fuck off simply because he is conservative.

you can be born gay, but you can't be born as a drug addicted conservative fatass (hey, that describes you too!)

The gays are extremely intolerant, "you must treat me as an equal in every aspect."

so wanting to be treated equally to others is now intolerance?

you idiots just don't stop pumping out the goodies.
why can't they just respect us for treating them as second class citizens? why are they so intolerant of our bigotry?

I just wish chic-fil-a would be more stringent in upholding it's christian values by firing/refusing services to divorcees, gluttons, adulterers, blasphemers, liars, and various other sinners.
Uncle buck has the worst kind of standards, double standards.

I, and most fair minded individuals, strive to eliminate double standards. If I become aware of the possibility of my exhibition of a double standard, I will endeavor to change my belief.

Buck doesn't care about the rights of those with whom he disagrees, at least not all of them. To him, his political and idealogical opposition are beneath him.
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