Gay wedding cakes and the bigots who won't bake them.

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Sure hope a band doesn't refuse to play there. Apparently as long as you are gay, you get to force businesses to your will.

Don't book Boy George in a southern whiskey bar, simple. :) ..I stay my Casper arse out of Oakland, other side of the tracks.

The "common" family is one who makes children out of love from one another, we eat together, we tell each other stories passion and inspiration, we have a future. It is sad to raise an alienated child from a homosexual relationship. In nature, homosexual individuals are not having any children, they are the lost future. We are nature, we are natural individuals. I would not rape the land, or a woman, or man, I would sustain the fair relationship between all of it.

Homosexuals have a TERRIBLE past of being blamed for a multitude of debauchery, including HIV (stds), lack of family bonds, lack of passionate morals, self-concerning and selfish, disinterest in children and the future of humanity, ect.

I am not a Christian but I am not going to say all of them are shit, nor am I calling homosexuals shit but if I was surrounded, with my family, by homosexuals, I would leave. I feel it would be wrong to teach my children that the lack of real family and historic family values is not available to them - it should be available to you, and anyone.

It is my job to teach my children how to be a father and make future families who love each other. ;)

Live long and prosper - Mr. Spock.
It would be wrong to raise the life of a "strait" child with homosexual parents in such of a house. See where is gets weird? Can you make babies with 1billion year old seed in a mans arse? Woman on woman?

please respect nature.
It would be wrong to raise the life of a "strait" child with homosexual parents in such of a house. See where is gets weird? Can you make babies with 1billion year old seed in a mans arse? Woman on woman?

please respect nature.

I have to disagree with you on this.
Gay and lesbian couples who are wanting to raise a child are not the stereotypical radicals you envision.
I'd rather see a kid go to a good and loving gay home than some bible thumping radical brain washers.

You need to realize that there are good and bad examples in all races and cultures.
just mho.
its not about being forced to do anything.. its about the prevention of discrimination due to sexual preference under the pretense that "my religion doesnt allow me to"... but by all means.. a religion that is based on "love thy neighbor" and "do unto others" and "we are all the children of god" wanting to discriminate epitomizes what is so very wrong with conservative religious Americans

Yes, doing things with religion as your excuse is weaksauce. If you believe in our constitution though.....

The baker could have refused service based on any number of discrimination, but not the protected ones. I think the refusal based on religious grounds is what has caused all the hoopla. If the baker had simply said, nope, I'm busy that week and not given his reason there is nothing can be done about it.

Do you think a wedding band has a right to not play there based on "don't want to play for a gay crowd, I'll never get any bush"? Or should a band be forced to play? Should they be able to pick any pastor they want regardless of that pastor's beliefs?

Do you think maybe this was fabricated and purposeful to prove a point and raise awareness?
Sure hope a band doesn't refuse to play there. Apparently as long as you are gay, you get to force businesses to your will.

shut the fuck up you dumb racist bigot.

i know you hate civil rights for blacks and gays, but the rest of the nation does not share your bitter resentment and grudges, you piece of trash southern asshole.
How many of you guys who find homosexualality to be wrong in men would sit and watch a little girl on girl action?
that's just a roll of quarters in my pocket, by the way.

Snap. Can I touch it? hahaha sorries. Buzzed. Feeling better after a few.

Dude, did I tell you my Bf's pop's got shot in the fucking stomach during a raw pot deal? Fucking scary, mang. He's the hospital. I'm shocked that I can still be shocked. Feel me? I hate the fucking valley.
I have to disagree with you on this.
Gay and lesbian couples who are wanting to raise a child are not the stereotypical radicals you envision.
I'd rather see a kid go to a good and loving gay home than some bible thumping radical brain washers.

You need to realize that there are good and bad examples in all races and cultures.
just mho.

I hear ya.. I have lived in Cali the whole of my life. This has always been a very liberal area and I have seen what "1 in 10" does to families, especially children. I`m not emotionally prepped to argue a point on that because I will offend, i do not wish to do it at this moment.

I think you said something very important about abandoned children. I think CPA will rip a child from a young couple faster than they think about giving the child to a homosexual couple. I was trying to think of it this way, people should be responsible and homosexual couples should teach their children than the bond of man and woman has made our world possible. rape, death, slavery, all in the past and present of humanity, lets change it.
do you think gays were created in a laboratory setting or something, or do you not realize the irony of your bigotry and stupidity?

...I know you have to have been created in a lab.. there is no other possible explanation. :p

All the children I grew with in years who were raised in a homosexual environment have "experimented" in a way I never have, nor do I wish on my children. When you have known 500 families as a So-Cal urbanite, you see many things away from the farm. I have seen the damage that homosexual families have caused to children, it is not fair to them to think it is perfectly ok, nor is heroin.
shut the fuck up you dumb racist bigot.

i know you hate civil rights for blacks and gays, but the rest of the nation does not share your bitter resentment and grudges, you piece of trash southern asshole.

And you are a well adjusted productive member of society that nearly everyone likes.
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