Gay wedding cakes and the bigots who won't bake them.

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since you have it on record, let's see it.

Would you rather force him to feed people he hates while spitting or doing who knows what to their food...?

  • quote_icon.png
    Originally Posted by ginwilly
    Why do we need title II?

    Originally Posted by ginwilly
    Why do we need title II Uncle Bigot?

    Originally Posted by ginwilly
    Why do we need title II chickenshit?

    Originally Posted by ginwilly
    why do we need title II?

    Originally Posted by ginwilly
    Simple question, why is title II necessary?


needing it 50 years ago is not the same as needing it today is it? I asked why it's needed today.

You feel we need it today because you think "the south" would bring back the 50's greenbook proving your bigotry toward a geographic location. You have stated that blacks need things other races don't because of blah blah blah, then you said but I'm not saying they need help others don't it's just because of ......

Damn, wasted another minute of my life on you, well played man. I have to give you high troll marks.

You avoided the question about the wedding band obviously. Are you willing to force their labor against their will too?
i believe in the constitution, and the constitution is clear about equal protection of the law.

you can not take away rights from gays and blacks just because a majority of people may want to.

why are you such a bigot?

your cake is a luxury, buddy.! bread pudding is on the house. :p

wait... what? Joke: A Mexican and Unclebuck are in a car, who's driving? .. the cop! .. wait what? a joy 'ride'?

{edit}Constitution and the pursuit', the founding "fathers" of this nation were probably having more fun in the beer halls from which they organized with their boys than their wives at home..

typical shit, still happening today.

how do you get more chairs in a 'Gay bar'? .. you turn the chairs upside-down. Parle :confused::evil::spew::hump:
The Constitution is clear on limited enumerated powers....and reserves anything not delegated BY the Constitution to the States and People in the 10th.

To use the Interstate Commerce Clause as unlimited power, is a farce.

needing it 50 years ago is not the same as needing it today is it? I asked why it's needed today.

You feel we need it today because you think "the south" would bring back the 50's greenbook proving your bigotry toward a geographic location. You have stated that blacks need things other races don't because of blah blah blah, then you said but I'm not saying they need help others don't it's just because of ......

Damn, wasted another minute of my life on you, well played man. I have to give you high troll marks.

You avoided the question about the wedding band obviously. Are you willing to force their labor against their will too?

i'm bigoted against the south for pointing out your history of racist practices that they had to be FORCED to stop doing?

if you weren't so dumb you'd know my answer to the wedding band already.

you are all for them being able to deny service to people because they are gay, just like you are all for letting businesses in the south deny service to the blacks because they are black.

but yeah, you're totally not racist or bigoted, that has to be me for having the audacity to remember what southerners like you had to be FORCED to stop doing.
The Constitution is clear on limited enumerated powers....and reserves anything not delegated BY the Constitution to the States and People in the 10th.

To use the Interstate Commerce Clause as unlimited power, is a farce.

you and your bigoted buddies psi and ginwilly can feel free to bawl your eyes out that your bigoted ways are unconstitutional, you'll be on the losing side of history and remembered for the vile bigots that you are.

when states won't stop denying service to blacks or gays on their own, that is when the federal government needs to step in to stop your hateful, harmful, racist practices and assure equal protection of the law since you won't.

this concept is anathema to racist southerners like you, but common sense to the rest of the nation.
i'm bigoted against the south for pointing out your history of racist practices that they had to be FORCED to stop doing?

if you weren't so dumb you'd know my answer to the wedding band already.

you are all for them being able to deny service to people because they are gay, just like you are all for letting businesses in the south deny service to the blacks because they are black.

but yeah, you're totally not racist or bigoted, that has to be me for having the audacity to remember what southerners like you had to be FORCED to stop doing.

Solid burn. ...................
you and your bigoted buddies psi and ginwilly can feel free to bawl your eyes out that your bigoted ways are unconstitutional, you'll be on the losing side of history and remembered for the vile bigots that you are.

when states won't stop denying service to blacks or gays on their own, that is when the federal government needs to step in to stop your hateful, harmful, racist practices and assure equal protection of the law since you won't.

this concept is anathema to racist southerners like you, but common sense to the rest of the nation.

Careful, you are yelling fire in a theater my dim witted acquaintance.
Since you insist on living vicariously in the 60's.....jingle the change in your pocket, sounds good huh?

Your fatal flaw is this: "when states won't stop denying service to blacks and gays"
Its not the states, its bigoted individual People.
Like the ones in your PNW state that denied the cake.....god you are stupid.
Its not the states, its bigoted individual People.

and the people get to do it LEGALLY because your state has no laws against it!

here in oregon, if someone tries to deny service to gays because they are gay, they get sued and lose because gays have civil rights here.

where you come from in the south, if someone tries to do the same, they can not get sued because gays have no civil rights there. gays can even be fired just for being gay and have NO LEGAL RECOURSE because your state lets bigots be bigots.

not that a gay couple would try to buy a wedding cake in the south, since you bigots still don't recognize equality for gays in the civil institution of marriage.

and you say that's a good thing.

simply disgusting. you idiots are blind to your own hateful and harmful bigotry.
you and your bigoted buddies psi and ginwilly can feel free to bawl your eyes out that your bigoted ways are unconstitutional, you'll be on the losing side of history and remembered for the vile bigots that you are.

when states won't stop denying service to blacks or gays on their own, that is when the federal government needs to step in to stop your hateful, harmful, racist practices and assure equal protection of the law since you won't.

this concept is anathema to racist southerners like you, but common sense to the rest of the nation.

The south has never been unique in racial segregation, descrimination, nor enslavement; it is just that the south was historically the only place that had minority populations of significant number. In 1900 life was not so great for blacks in Boston or Chicago either.

The south is/was probably a few decades behind the north (everywhere else) in terms of racial equality.

New york, for instance, had slaves until the 1830's, so the south was ass holes for having them after 1840? Under political conditions most favorable to the south, slavery does not survive the 19th century.

If the south had ended slavery on it's own terms, there would not have been a Jim Crow. Jim Crow was a direct response to the forced emancipation of the souths property/slaves.

We will never know for sure, but without question the War of Northern Aggression was harmful to race relations in the south.

All that being said, the south has caught up with the rest of the country in terms of race relations. I have heard the N-word spoken one time in public, loudly and in anger by a white person in my living memory. And the black people were doing dumb stuff, and deserved insult.

Racism is alive and well, I'm not saying it isn't, but it is outlawed, but it persists everywhere and in equal amounts.
and the people get to do it LEGALLY because your state has no laws against it!

here in oregon, if someone tries to deny service to gays because they are gay, they get sued and lose because gays have civil rights here.

I know, I am aware of the lawsuit, great! Still won't keep someone from not serving "because they are gay" in disguise of "I don't like your attitude" or some such. Effectively pointless and you know it.

where you come from in the south, if someone tries to do the same, they can not get sued because gays have no civil rights there. gays can even be fired just for being gay and have NO LEGAL RECOURSE because your state lets bigots be bigots.

"if someone tries"...."can be fired"......mental retardation with no documentation.
In the south you can get fired for any reason because you are employed "at will"
. All those bigots working side by side with gays and blacks.....wonder who has this one wrong as fuck, oh yeah you do.

not that a gay couple would try to buy a wedding cake in the south, since you bigots still don't recognize equality for gays in the civil institution of marriage.

How would you know, google has no info for you? Come on out and sling a pound sometime, start with HotLanta moron.

and you say that's a good thing.
citation needed.

simply disgusting. you idiots are blind to your own hateful and harmful bigotry.

Whats disgusting is your bigoted view of a culture, half of which is not white. What's more disgusting is the bigotry in the south was perpetrated by the Democratic Party, which you tote the line for....enjoy that for the moment massah but the revolt is inevitable.

  • In the south you can get fired for any reason because you are employed "at will".

that's not true.

thanks to civil rights, you can not be fired for being black and other reasons. something that had to be FORCED on you racists because you refused to do so on your own.

  • citation needed.

i have cited it many times.

i asked you directly if you thought civil rights was a good idea, and you said that you did not think it was a good idea.

Whats disgusting is your bigoted view of a culture, half of which is not white.

what's bigoted about bringing up your documented history of racism?

and do you honestly think i am slamming the blacks for being denied service, or the racist southern whites like you for denying them service and standing opposed to civil rights?

nice attempt at a smear, ya dumb shit, but it came back to bite you.

What's more disgusting is the bigotry in the south was perpetrated by the Democratic Party, which you tote the line for....

do we really need to go over this again?

southerners like you from both parties opposed civil rights.

northerners from both parties supported civil rights.

so again, you attempt to take a swipe at me, and it comes to backfire on racist southerners like you.

what a fucking stooge.
without question the War of Northern Aggression was harmful to race relations in the south.

OMFG this is retarded.

you're claiming if the south had been left to continue the practice of slavery, that would have been less harmful than continuing slavery.

what a retarded thing to say.

you need some major perspective that you won't gain by making subway sandwiches all day long.
without question the War of Northern Aggression was harmful to race relations in the south.

that's like saying that if you cut off your leg with a chainsaw, then you would not have had to deal with that goddamn stubbed toe a week later.

holy fuck these people are dumb.

i'm glad this white supremacist is on your side and not mine, twostrokenut.
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