New Member
The only way what I said could be considered to be a fail would be by you, or anyone else, putting words in my mouth or redefining what I said as to mean that I am uber-popular, the most popular guy here, more popular than anyone else in this exchange.
None of those were my meaning. I was merely pointing out that if I was as despicable as a few in this exchange are attempting to make me out to be that it is clear that many others do not see me the same way.
You math is flawed. There were not likes here for as long as you based your figures on. Since it has been a shorter period of time it would increase both our monthly numbers. Also, not that I care about the likes I missed, but I was not here for roughly six months, and in those six months I might have gotten four or maybe five more likes had I been here.
But if you want to play the popularity game relying on numbers of likes then lets also play it using numbers of friends. According to your profile page you have a grand total of 24 friends in your friends list. I have 140 friends in my friends list.
That means I have 5.8 times as many friends, and if you want to consider likes as popularity votes then most certainly friends would also be popularity votes and based on numbers of friends I would be 5.8 times as popular here than you are.
Not that it is a big deal or anything but two of those friends requests were sent by non-members, who held stranger status. One is named ArjanGreenhouseseeds, and yes it is the real Arjan from Green House Seeds. I was rather stunned to receive it since it came right after I posted a message where I was as critical of him and of Green House Seeds as I was kind. The other stranger is lovepotionman, also known as Reeferman. And not that it fits in with friends requests or even this site, but until recently when I asked for my account to be deleted from the Mr. Nice Seeds forum I was having an interesting, pleasant and at times humorous PM exchange going with Scott Blakey (known by most as Shantibaba) but what might have been the most enjoyable to me was when Nevil sent me PMs. He became fed up with the site and stopped posting there some time back now but he still reads messages and he let me know that he liked my messages and appreciated someone telling things the way they are.
Maybe I am reading too much into things but if Scott and Nev think I am a decent guy, and even Arjan and Charles (Reeferman) seem to feel the same way maybe, just maybe, I am not as big of a dick as you would love to be able to portray me as being.
As I mentioned in a previous message. I can and do get along, rather well in fact, with anyone who is not a complete and total asshole.
WOW, I am still relatively new to this forum and learning my way around. I have enjoyed all of the time I hae spent here, learned a bunch of good stuff and been able to help a few growers as well. Brick Top, since you are a very frank and blunt person, allow me to return the favor please. I have trudged through several of your 'pontifications' and I wonder how it would be possible to put words or anything else in your mouth...it never stands still long enough to accomplish that. As, for those of you who are 'Poking the bear' CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?