I do admit that you are correct and I was wrong. I did forget that while explaining why I joined this site I said; "Since I had more decades of growing experience than many here have in years of experience, or some have in numbers of crops, I felt I could be of help." Sorry for my inaccuracy, I did indeed forget mentioning that.
But then even you would have to admit that it was not said or used in it's normal fashion and was only a part of an explanation as to why I joined this site, because I believed I could be of great help to many, rather than how it is usually used, to let someone who does not know which of the many differing answers they have received to a question to follow.
I will draw attention to yet another example of why you are not mod material, of how you lack the aptitude for the position. You asked; "Are you senile..." Those are the words of a troll, the words of a pot stirrer, the words of an instigator, the words of an agitator. That is not how a skilled mod who is cut out for the position speaks to someone, it is not how they deal with someone.
When as a mod if you insult or demean or attack or belittle or make fun of someone when the situation calls for calmly defusing things you only make things worse. You never want to say anything in an open forum that will upset or further upset a member because that provides them justification to come back as you as harsh or even harsher than you came at them. You should never push a members buttons or chastise or berate or belittle them in an open thread. It causes animosity that will often linger and be the cause for future problems. Those are things that fdd did and were a large reason why so many members hated him and also why so many members left the site. A skilled mod will pour water on a spark and put it out rather than fan it until it becomes a raging inferno. All you have done is fanned the flames.
You were incapable of remaining unbiased, something that is a must for anyone to be a good mod, and you ignored the seed of the problem and not only chose a side but chose the side of the seed of the problem. From there you teamed up with them to tell me what a horrible obnoxious insolent bore I am.
In this thread you have proven yourself to be the exact opposite of what someone absolutely has to be to be a good and successful mod.