Gaztoths uk indoor multi strain grow


Well-Known Member
so much for thenotion that police dont give a fuk about small closet grows :( WOUNDED fella seriously but u live and learn


Well-Known Member
Hi lads,i was growin in a lockup they hit that my housr 4 up (dog jumped out window)full riot gear coz ex army they said 20b to 30 by the nothing evept 2 plants that hadent been watered in 4 weeks heald for 12 hours then let out but charged with cultivation.All my stuff taken tent ect,SHIT like.hows everyone any way lol:clap:


Active Member
dude i just had a look at your thread coz your name is similar lol, that blows! always shit to hear of someone getting busted for a harmless enjoyable hobby! hope it doesnt get your spirits too low. how you think they got onto ya?


Well-Known Member
Hi lads,i was growin in a lockup they hit that my housr 4 up (dog jumped out window)full riot gear coz ex army they said 20b to 30 by the nothing evept 2 plants that hadent been watered in 4 weeks heald for 12 hours then let out but charged with cultivation.All my stuff taken tent ect,SHIT like.hows everyone any way lol:clap:
im getting para now lmao im only 2 days in haha gunna be a long 10 weeks¬!


Well-Known Member
ic3 im right there with you mate im para too now!!!! truly am gutted for you gaz keep yir chin up mate!!! glad to see your still comming on riu for a banter bro!!


Well-Known Member
Yo gaz u hit the nail in da head der bruv trus me only certain peeps need to know and thats only on a get to know basis fuck the rest as there just nosey fuckers as u said they jst donna wanna see ya get on in life bro:-P as i stick the middle finger up to em lmao


Well-Known Member
cant wait to get a propper grow going again,growings well more addictive than smoking,.....same
i shit you not mr, you can get a piece of plastic from an old bucket and use your soldering iron to weld them together or weld cracks in plastic.... i did it with one of my trays ;-)

try it.......... you will end up making lots of wacky things lol ;-)
someone on the same page as myself ;)