Gaztoths uk indoor multi strain grow


Well-Known Member
The old thread will be up and running soon lol,going to try a air pot dont know if ill put coco or what,prrolite with a dripper or what


Well-Known Member
The old thread will be up and running soon lol,going to try a air pot dont know if ill put coco or what,prrolite with a dripper or what
i just poured coco in mine,, sambo uses clay balls in the bottom, i will sujjest getting a potting tray, they leak like FUK but i also heard if u use a watering can with a rose on so it sprinkles,, stops the leaking as much

adding perlite,, shit ul have to water regurly,,they l oose enough water without that :)


Well-Known Member
im using 6 ltr air pots mate , i fill them with a 70/30 mix coco/perlite , i dont seem to have any problems watering etc , i just feed 1ltr+ each day or every other day if there still abit damp , if you water slowely then you will be fine.
If you throw the water in it tends to pout out some of the side holes as it filters down through the coco too fast , ill feed a litres woth of nutes in a jug taking about 30 - 40 seconds and i spread it all over the top area so it filters through the coco evenly , still get the odd bit come out the side holes but its rare and very little , hope this helps Gaz