Gelato 41 & bag seed grow log


Well-Known Member
That sure is a thick canopy bro
I know! I wish I got a pic of it last night... it was perky when lights came on, left for a couple hours to come back to a completely droopy plant lol. So I watered a gallon and a half and she perked back up. In 6 hours when the lights come back on, she’ll be reaching for that light. Here in a couple days she’s going to absolutely take off. I’m so nervous because I can only raise my light another foot maybe foot and a half


Well-Known Member
I know! I wish I got a pic of it last night... it was perky when lights came on, left for a couple hours to come back to a completely droopy plant lol. So I watered a gallon and a half and she perked back up. In 6 hours when the lights come back on, she’ll be reaching for that light. Here in a couple days she’s going to absolutely take off. I’m so nervous because I can only raise my light another foot maybe foot and a half
Yeah with that beast I can see her stretching to the stars too bad u didn’t take clones from all the top branches


Well-Known Member
Yo, she's looking BEAUTIFUL. Yeah, in that tent at the rate you're growing, you can expect 400+ Though I didn't read your lighting. I see plenty and you are looking good. I saw you mentioned adding extra light. Nice! Keep growing brother. I wish my girl would help me grow. She has a 12 year old and doesn't want her to see it. She sneaks out back and smokes though. LOL....


Well-Known Member
Yo, she's looking BEAUTIFUL. Yeah, in that tent at the rate you're growing, you can expect 400+ Though I didn't read your lighting. I see plenty and you are looking good. I saw you mentioned adding extra light. Nice! Keep growing brother. I wish my girl would help me grow. She has a 12 year old and doesn't want her to see it. She sneaks out back and smokes though. LOL....
I have a 600w HPS in my 4x4, it should be more than enough. Heck, I’d be stoked if I got 400g dry! Lol


Well-Known Member
I'm tuning in cause I have a Dos Si Dos #41 Week 1 Day 3. She Was stunted cause I started her out in Coco Coir Pellets. The other 3 Died. She pushed through and I started seeing her fail so thank God I thought to purchase some Rapid Rooters and they arrived in Time.

I transplanted her in the darkness and ensured the roots were half an inch from the bottom cause she was trying to grow. 2 Days later she has burst through the bottom of the Rapid Rooters and True leaves are starting to open back up. I won't ever use them again. I think you have to be really experienced to grow in Coco Pellets. I'm normally an outdoor person, however, I now reside in an Apt and I have to grow indoors and I'm new to DWC. However, starting them out is old school as I am (45).

I dropped 2 Blue Gelatos #41 and they popped so I put them in Rapid Rooters along with 2 Jerry Berrys.

I'm going to only grow 3 or maybe 4. (edit..then again maybe only 2) I don't have the room. 47x57x72. Triangle/Corner Tent. My friend is going to be lucky cause I'm giving him one to throw outdoors but I don't think it will survive the shock? Unless I give it to him in 2 weeks, then he can just drop it in soil.


Well-Known Member
I'm tuning in cause I have a Dos Si Dos #41 Week 1 Day 3. She Was stunted cause I started her out in Coco Coir Pellets. The other 3 Died. She pushed through and I started seeing her fail so thank God I thought to purchase some Rapid Rooters and they arrived in Time.

I transplanted her in the darkness and ensured the roots were half an inch from the bottom cause she was trying to grow. 2 Days later she has burst through the bottom of the Rapid Rooters and True leaves are starting to open back up. I won't ever use them again. I think you have to be really experienced to grow in Coco Pellets. I'm normally an outdoor person, however, I now reside in an Apt and I have to grow indoors and I'm new to DWC. However, starting them out is old school as I am (45).

I dropped 2 Blue Gelatos #41 and they popped so I put them in Rapid Rooters along with 2 Jerry Berrys.

I'm going to only grow 3 or maybe 4. (edit..then again maybe only 2) I don't have the room. 47x57x72. Triangle/Corner Tent. My friend is going to be lucky cause I'm giving him one to throw outdoors but I don't think it will survive the shock? Unless I give it to him in 2 weeks, then he can just drop it in soil.
I’m growing 100% organic. FFOF as my base soil, with lots of goodies inside for the plant. It took 14 days from seed to completely fill a solo cup, and only 1 month before I saw roots coming out of my drain holes in 3 gallon pots. I have a boy in my back patio in a 3 gallon pot, just top dressed him with some 3-9-4 dr earth flower girl and mixed some soil into a 15g pot for my gelato #41. That’s the one in my last picture. I’ve never cut clones before, so I’m having a buddy do it for me. But I plan on growing this strain over and over because for only 63 days of growth, she’s insane! Lol. Hopefully her buds are just as insane. The node spacing currently is about half inch to an inch. She’s now started on a 12/12 cycle, so hopefully here in a week or so I see some good growth and hopefully flowers start popping up!


Well-Known Member
Yes I've been reading from the 1st Nice work. I am not trying that yet. I need
It’s honestly very simple, I just mixed compost, worm castings and some dry veg nutrients and now all I do is water every couple days! I did the work when building the soil, now I just need to do maintenance work on the canopy and sometimes mix in some fish and kelp fert when I water. My next watering will be with fish and kelp fertilizer just to encourage new growth and get my microbiology in my soil thriving


Well-Known Member
An hour into day 6 of flower! She was 40 inches on day 3, she’s now 43 inches and growing every day! I have been making the mistake of not watering enough, she was looking sad yesterday. A quick 2 gallon watering and this is how she looks. Ima be watering every other day about 2 gallons. Let me know what you think!C6C8694F-3CB4-45AE-8569-C890B19279FF.jpegFB5C8408-0B33-45BB-965B-00FDEC443506.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Day 8 flower: I know I’m updating a lot, but a lot is happening lol. She’s stretched a lot, she’s 13 inches from the light and 48 inches tall. She’s HUGE. I have no more room to raise my light, unless I remove the ratchet hangers which will give me about 5 inches or so. Let me know what you think! She hasn’t started forming buds YET, but she will here in a couple days.



Well-Known Member
Day 19 flower. We in full on flower mode! Stretching has stopped. Plant stands 45.5 inches tall, if I count the pot she’s at 56 inches. Here’s some pics. Let me know what you think!



Well-Known Member
Today is day 27 of 12/12, yesterday I top dressed 1 cup of DR earth flower girl and 4 cups of FFOF, hopefully the yellowing stops and the plant gets the nutes she needs!

