General question about dispensary bagseeds


Well-Known Member
I’ll start by saying I generally never grow bagseeds as a general rule because I don’t want to risk introducing hermies into my grow. This one particular instance is making me consider breaking this rule.

I bought a “harvest blend” from the dispensary down the street. It had popcorn buds from all their strains, including two that got seeded. Normally I wouldn’t even bother, but the two strains that got seeded, GG4 and trap star, are fucking awesome. The possibility that even one of these seeds is a cross pollination of these two strains seems like it’s worth doing a pheno hunt on these bagseeds. After all, legendary strains like chemdawg came from bagseed and GG4 and trap star both have that strain in their heritage.

If I get one stable female off these, it’s totally worth it, right? It goes without saying that any plant that gets a ‘nanner on it gets chopped right away, and I’ll be able to keep a much closer eye on it than the underpaid employees at Minerva Canna’s farm. Plus, isn’t “glue trap” a fucking awesome strain name?
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This year I’m running 5 strains including a strain I created about 5 years ago. Seeds from legal grows here.

2 Lemon OG out of 2 hermied the second week of flower.

1 Island Sweet Skunk out 4 hermied same time as the Lemons.

However I am running Cherry Bomb from bagseed and zero issues. It also produces very heavily and is very stony. Takes nutes like a champ. Killer strain so you can never tell.

Sometimes they seed from nanners and you’re good.
i have always talked down bagseed but the reality is it could really be an inbred POS plant but the slight chance of something awesome. alot of legendary strains were a product of something accidental
I’ve never liked the idea of growing from bagseed, but the dude at the dispensary told me their entire crop of both strains got seeded. If one plant hermied and pollinated everything I think there’s a decent chance of a hybrid. I dunno. I found 9 seeds in 5 grams and my girlfriend got a half ounce. I’m sure she has a ton more seeds. I just think that since both these strains are so fucking fire the chances of me finding a keeper are pretty good. These are both high yielding strains that consistently test above 25%. I’m sure I’ll get something good.
Okay so I’ve been going to this same dispensary and they have this strain I really like called Paris OG. I’ve been finding 2-3 beans in every gram, and to me the small number of seeds tells me this is not a self pollination. As of now I’ve got 6 seeds and I just bought 2 more grams I haven’t opened up yet. The dude at the dispensary told me it was the GG4 that hermed out so that’s some powerful genetics. I accidentally cracked a seed in my grinder that I missed on the first look, and I planted it. I was curious so I scraped some of the soil off and sure enough there was a taproot poking out. I only planted that one because I was worried about its long term viability but I do plan to grow these out. I can never have too many super sedative medicinal strains to knock me out.
Look at it this way ..........

When you get “ dispensary “ bagseed .... consider it a win.
Without going back thru the same story I posted in another thread about the same thing , most legit dispensaries will vet “ most “ of their breeder supplies. In Cali , there are tons of fucking hoops to jump thru , but sometimes a rogue seed or two ( that was buried within a Bud ) might make it in your purchase .... so what.

There is a high possibility that the harvest had some plants RODELIZE and throw a couple survival seeds . I ALWAYS pop those. Not only can you get the same plant you just sought , but you can BREED it to cross or make more seeds from it.

It is ridiculous to assume they are going to be solely herm offerings.
Note : If DUDE or BUDTENDER TOLD you plant Hermied ..... shop somewhere else.
Obviously they are pushing bunk.
Look at it this way ..........

When you get “ dispensary “ bagseed .... consider it a win.
Without going back thru the same story I posted in another thread about the same thing , most legit dispensaries will vet “ most “ of their breeder supplies. In Cali , there are tons of fucking hoops to jump thru , but sometimes a rogue seed or two ( that was buried within a Bud ) might make it in your purchase .... so what.

There is a high possibility that the harvest had some plants RODELIZE and throw a couple survival seeds . I ALWAYS pop those. Not only can you get the same plant you just sought , but you can BREED it to cross or make more seeds from it.

It is ridiculous to assume they are going to be solely herm offerings.

Thanks for putting it in perspective. Here in New Mexico some dispensaries sell seeded bud from time to time. They usually come in bags with red stickers but the bags I’ve mentioned in this thread didn’t. The harvest blend because of it having multiple strains and this Paris OG because the seeds are so few. The idea of it making survival seeds is pretty sweet. I love this Paris OG. It tests at 16.7% but it knocks me out harder than just about anything. I think way too much emphasis is put on THC percentage these days.
Note : If DUDE or BUDTENDER TOLD you plant Hermied ..... shop somewhere else.
Obviously they are pushing bunk.

He was kinda cagey. I asked him what happened. I asked him if it was a male that got through of if something hermied and he told me the latter. I wouldn’t necessarily take his word for it though because he seemed kinda dumb, and budtenders don’t usually end up inspecting the plants at a farm 30 miles away.
Don't waste your time running bag seed unless it's the only option. It is going to be genetically prone to hermie and thats no bueno.

Also, shop elsewhere. anyplace that has to shelve that kind of crap needs to be avoided. They could send it out for extraction but to try and sell it like that is just desperate.
He was kinda cagey. I asked him what happened. I asked him if it was a male that got through of if something hermied and he told me the latter. I wouldn’t necessarily take his word for it though because he seemed kinda dumb, and budtenders don’t usually end up inspecting the plants at a farm 30 miles away.

“ They “ don’t but if the dispensaries are looking at having quality control ... one would assume the menu offerings are gonna be right. Dispensaries are gamble spots anyways . You can end up with sketchy carts , shatter or wax. House shake is always offered in some way or another. And have bought a zip for cooking brownies or butter making. But if the DUDE or DUDETTE is already saying their shit is heavily seeded .. then it makes sense that they would push that shit.

Was that dispensary in the back of a uhaul truck ?

I would have passed on ANY buds “ bought “ that had MANY LOOSE seeds. It’s one thing cracking a nug and finding a buried one and another looking at bottom of some shops jar loaded with seeds at bottom. I remember this one sketchy pop up shop that was selling “ popcorn “ .... I had to look at that shit and it was literally airy Larf which he was trying to tell me it’s GDP . Needless to say I laughed.
I remember this one sketchy pop up shop that was selling “ popcorn “ .... I had to look at that shit and it was literally airy Larf which he was trying to tell me it’s GDP
and whats the deal with dispensary jars? At so many dispensaries they are always filled with little tiny nugs, the kind of stuff I would blast for wax. Can't these fuckers grow weed? smh to make it worse it all looks like it's been tumbled for kief or machine trimmed.
Well this is New Mexico, so yeah pretty much in the back of a uhaul truck, lol. Our dispensaries out here are pathetic compared to Colorado. The stuff we get isn’t as good. They sell half grams of sub-par concentrates for the same prices as grams of bomb shit in Colorado. I don’t buy any of that shit and instead squish my own rosin. Much of the flower is poorly flushed hydro that smells like fertilizer. Even though the bud from this dispensary has seeds in it sometimes it’s way better that sinsemilla from other dispensaries. What Renfro said is my usual attitude towards bagseeds, but I’m willing to suspend my usual standards if there’s a chance of getting a good pheno from one of these seeds. None of this bud had shitloads of seeds in it but some had more than other. The Paris OG only has a couple seeds deep down in some of the buds. The other stuff you could pull the seeds right out of some of the buds.
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