Okay I wanna set this straight, so we are all on the same page. Yes, I'm a new grower, I know a bunch of shit, not all I need, but enough to know what I'm talking about. The strain I made is simple logic "all you need is a male, and the female plants near each other, a fan would help the male fertilize the female but not required, once the male fertilized the female she develops seeds. Done and done"
Headsack, I would if I could, I got no idea how to send a clipping lol
Dadio161, I worded the beginning post wrong, that resulted in miss communication and my true intentions were not heard. I meant to start this post to get pro-growers or well experienced growers to post what set up they use, so I could get a better idea of what kinda styles of grow rooms are out there and how efficient they are in producing results. Thats my fault and I except it, earlier in this thread I posted a similar post stating my original intentions, had you read back a little you would see this before taking such a jump at me, and its only 1 1/2 pages if that, had it been maybe 5 pages in i'd understand the laziness. I don't appreciate the hostile approach you took, speaking this is mainly a learning and information sharing forum site. So with that said, I hope we can start on a level plain and conduct civil conversation. If you are still sore for some reason, i'd appreciate it if you simply didn't fill my thread with senseless chatter as a result of rebellious intentions. *hand shake* We good? My apologizes for not being clear on my beginning post and if in any way this reply seems simply as a return hostile statement.