(General requirements)


...about 5 yrs here...steady.
Very nice, I'm still designing my underground grow room. I have like 15 close CLOSE friends, that also compose my sellers list, that agreed to help me dig and build my grow room for the sake of seeing it work out, mainly because I gave a good presentation on my research to them lol, or they owe me lol I think like 6 of witch have bobcats.


...how many lights do you plan to run, and how do you plan to provide adequate power, a well?
I gave this some, well a lot, of consideration. I'm going to invest into enough solar panels to run los Vegas lol
Though they aren't cheep, they are a good investment, plus ill be receiving extra income from the power companies for the extra energy i provide to them.
Also, I might be running a lot of lights, this could cause a massive heat output, but i'm only going to run my timers and hydroponic systems during the day, letting everything cool by the night, seeing as thermal imaging don't operate right during the day, as well as having carbon filters, and strong scented flowers w/ cedar chip flower beds to help with any smell. Having the whole facility underground also helps ALOT lol

trichlone fiend

New Member
...hahaha....wow, I didn't expect all that...hahaha, I hope you got some serious cheese dude....okay, okay, okay....tell me your bullshit'n man...


Thats the thing, I'm not rich. I'm working two jobs however. On that, I'm going to start small with maybe a couple of these Grow Boxes to get a feel for it, then with that income ill gradually increase my grow room to the plan of the future, the underground grow room, but also bugeting it so I save some for concrete and other construction materials, some for the steady incline of my grow room, and more into solar panels. With these stages i hope to have income from my 2 jobs, my sales, and from the power company. See, with all that income I could eventually have my dream room built and also be able to actually know how to run it lol Though it still is a good amount of time from now, and planing it all in stages like I did helps too.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I see, well...what type of setup do you have in mind for your grow boxes? What type of lights do you plan on using? What type of clone technique do you plan to use? Soil/soilless or hydro?

...you should probably go off into the journal section and start view'n different grows, you'll get a good idea where to start with just that little research I believe.


...I see, well...what type of setup do you have in mind for your grow boxes? What type of lights do you plan on using? What type of clone technique do you plan to use? Soil/soilless or hydro?

...you should probably go off into the journal section and start view'n different grows, you'll get a good idea where to start with just that little research I believe.
Um, the "grow boxes" is a link, the come pre-designed, so i plan to use whatever lights and everything they have. I actually emailed the designer and site owner about his design and we exchanges some emails, he said he was able to convert the design to feature a hydroponic design instead of a soil medium. Its just gonna cost a little more.


How many plants you planing on growing? am new myself so I know what you mean. You just want some insight from the pro's but it would be best if you show some initiative. What are your plans? ideas? what do you hope to accomplish? is it for a certain strain? will you be starting from seeds or clones? will it be hydro or soil?

here is my ghetto setup... its a small grow but maybe you can get an idea. since your planning on converting your basement to a grow room, I amagine you have big ideas... http://www.youtube.com/user/TenaciousKiM
I just watched your video, I feel I might have the same style at first, but hey we all start from some were. Good job, to bad you had to use your phone camera, i'd love to see your grow with a digital some day lol.


Active Member
Yes we all have to start some where.. so just do your thang and don't let know one hold you back, hostility is everywhere this days. Like philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca quotes:

"He who dreads hostility too much is unfit to rule"

had to throw that in there lol we were reading about him in class today. Oh and I have a new camera on the way... ordered it online so I will be updating the pics. :)


Yes we all have to start some where.. so just do your thang and don't let know one hold you back, hostility is everywhere this days. Like philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca quotes:

"He who dreads hostility too much is unfit to rule"

had to throw that in there lol we were reading about him in class today. Oh and I have a new camera on the way... ordered it online so I will be updating the pics. :)
Haha, i'm gonna give you props, its always good to hear people still quoting great philosophers.
Collage I take it? I never had high school class that taught us about great philosophers, or maybe i'm just getting old.
Oh but hey hey, sweet I can't wait for those better pictures! NO PHOTOSHOPING! I wanna see these mad creations for what they are lol


KO62706, i'm also going to give you mad approval for being...yes, female.
Up were I am, I tried to teach a couple of girls up here, the business, encase something happened to me. I felt they were the most mature out of my friends.
But its aggravating, all the girls up here are so damn use to getting things given to them they don't even wanna TRY to learn how to grow, they just wanna smoke my bud.
So again, mad props that your actually out there getting shit done!


Well-Known Member
no need speding thousands on a grow room unless your making growing your job, if your like me and grow it for personal use, a closet with a hanging system for your light will work. I just hung a rope across my room to hang the light, all the walls are white, i keep the door open with a fan blowing inside, my temps are at about 78 and humidity 60%. and the stuff is growing fine.


Well-Known Member
KO62706, i'm also going to give you mad approval for being...yes, female.
Up were I am, I tried to teach a couple of girls up here, the business, encase something happened to me. I felt they were the most mature out of my friends.
But its aggravating, all the girls up here are so damn use to getting things given to them they don't even wanna TRY to learn how to grow, they just wanna smoke my bud.
So again, mad props that your actually out there getting shit done!
Well your getting off to a great start. The first thing I did was tell all my friends (and especially the fucked up women) that I was planning on growing marijuana.

When you get to growing, don't use a carbon filter, those are for pussies. Also, I make allot more money growing when I don't pay my power bill. if you can steal power from your neighbor that is even better.

I would suggest your first strain should be train wreck.


no need speding thousands on a grow room unless your making growing your job, if your like me and grow it for personal use, a closet with a hanging system for your light will work. I just hung a rope across my room to hang the light, all the walls are white, i keep the door open with a fan blowing inside, my temps are at about 78 and humidity 60%. and the stuff is growing fine.
Right on man, I honestly have a huge passion for growing cannabis. Not saying you don't but just saying none the less. I do expect to invest lots into my career or growing, not making it my MAIN job but definitely a good source of income.


Well your getting off to a great start. The first thing I did was tell all my friends (and especially the fucked up women) that I was planning on growing marijuana.

When you get to growing, don't use a carbon filter, those are for pussies. Also, I make allot more money growing when I don't pay my power bill. if you can steal power from your neighbor that is even better.

I would suggest your first strain should be train wreck.
Alright people this guy is OBVIOUSLY bull-shitting lol
If any new growers read this, don't listen to him hes just trying to get you caught lol
Pay your bills, keep a low-profile
Don't start your first grow with train wreck, thats a high quality plant to risk. Start with something that you can get easily and can afford if somthing gose wrong, learn from it and continue.