(General requirements)


Active Member
KO62706, i'm also going to give you mad approval for being...yes, female.
Up were I am, I tried to teach a couple of girls up here, the business, encase something happened to me. I felt they were the most mature out of my friends.
But its aggravating, all the girls up here are so damn use to getting things given to them they don't even wanna TRY to learn how to grow, they just wanna smoke my bud.
So again, mad props that your actually out there getting shit done!
Haha well basically I got tired of spending hundreds of dollars, I smoke alot.. I mean ALOT.. I wake up in the morning with a couple of bong hits and off to school. I take sneak'atokes during and after class, I hit the pipe right after and during a shower :) I roll a couple of joints to watch TV, school assignments, pick up after my roomate and cook -- then when its time for bed, I eat a special brownie with milk :) (I cook alot with hash) then I take out the secret stash and roll up a rhino joint to knock me out for bed. so an ounce wouldn't last me week

See.......... I suffered from Seizures my whole life, when I turned 16 my mom couldn't stand seeing me in pain so she asked my brother to find out who sold marijuana........... still remember how funny my brother reacted, trying to be all innocent... "what mom? I have no idea where to look" lmao goodtimes. So yeah I smoke alot and it eases my seizures... I've had great success with marijuana therapy, it tremendously reduced my seizures. :)


Haha well basically I got tired of spending hundreds of dollars, I smoke alot.. I mean ALOT.. I wake up in the morning with a couple of bong hits and off to school. I take sneak'atokes during and after class, I hit the pipe right after and during a shower :) I roll a couple of joints to watch TV, school assignments, pick up after my roomate and cook -- then when its time for bed, I eat a special brownie with milk :) (I cook alot with hash) then I take out the secret stash and roll up a rhino joint to knock me out for bed.

See.......... I suffered from Seizures my whole life, when I turned 16 my mom couldn't stand seeing me in pain so she asked my brother to find out who sold marijuana........... still remember how funny my brother reacted, trying to be all innocent... "what mom? I have no idea where to look" lmao goodtimes. So yeah I smoke alot and it eases my seizures... I've had great success with marijuana therapy, it tremendously reduced my seizures. :)
Well at least it help to a point, hope you find a permanent solution one day but yeah funny stuff lol
Just like when I saw my mom taking shots in the kitchen lol *walks in walks out*
Yeah I smoke a lot to, not for medical reasons but more um.. personal reasons. I'm Irish but instead of drowning my sorrow I smoke my sorrow lol

Yea I have a friend, well had, who had seizures. I helped take care of her when we went partying, kinda like her designated protector haha
Scary stuff though.


Active Member
Yeah like my roommate, she always looks after me... I remember when I first moved in with her, on the third night I had a seizure -- and she wakes me up with a WTF look on her face. I remember telling her what was wrong, she was crying and freaking out... she thought I was having an exorcism or some sh!t lol. But now she's used to it, I don't get them that often anymore thanks to the MJ.. but anywhoo am off to vote!

Prop 19! tonight's the big night!


Yeah like my roommate, she always looks after me... I remember when I first moved in with her, on the third night I had a seizure -- and she wakes me up with a WTF look on her face. I remember telling her what was wrong, she was crying and freaking out... she thought I was having an exorcism or some sh!t lol. But now she's used to it, I don't get them that often anymore thanks to the MJ.. but anywhoo am off to vote!

Prop 19! tonight's the big night!
I already voted, got my niffty sticker to prove it haha
But anyway, I don't wanna be hypocritical, so lets not fill this forum with chatter. If you wanna still talk, just message me, cool?


Active Member
Jayke...stay away from that grow box you linked. Had a look at it and everything from the tent to the lights is generic crap. I bet you half of that shit is purchased in bulk from sites like Alibabba. Get yourself a decent tent and lights...even piecing out quality gear, your still gonna pay less than that grow package.


Jayke...stay away from that grow box you linked. Had a look at it and everything from the tent to the lights is generic crap. I bet you half of that shit is purchased in bulk from sites like Alibabba. Get yourself a decent tent and lights...even piecing out quality gear, your still gonna pay less than that grow package.
Thanks for the heads up, I was leaning more toward buying a couple of waterfarms instead, maybe from ebay. They are about $500 a pop so idk maybe. http://cgi.ebay.com/water-farm-8pack-kit-general-hydroponics-/170486570929?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0#ht_500wt_1156


Active Member
I already voted, got my niffty sticker to prove it haha
But anyway, I don't wanna be hypocritical, so lets not fill this forum with chatter. If you wanna still talk, just message me, cool?
My bad.......... am I hijacking a thread... oopss lol