germinating seeds


Well-Known Member
yes about 2-3 days they will pop up i used rockwool cubes im going hydro. but no nutes just ro water with added minerals from nestle and temp about 80 good
Ok so just to make sure...i can germinate...plant in soil once the shell cracks...and keep the soil in a dark warm place and it will pop soil? just makin sure..thanx


Well-Known Member
yes and they'll be fine there for around a week without light.

WOW! this I did not know...i feel stupid! Thanks tho man i will def get on that! i didnt know they could pop soil with no light....thats good cause im in texas and it gets very hott putting them outside to sprout wasnt a very good i see my mistake!!


Well-Known Member
i started using rapid rooters months ago, wouldn't use anything else now. just wet them with tap water and put them on a plate with a bowl over the top.


Active Member
Help!!! I am trying to germinate seeds! I went away for about 4 days but when i came back, none of my seeds had germinated. One seed had popped open and a white root is starting to become visible but nothing significant.

The bag was definitely wet. I am wondering if either the temp was too cold? (It felt like the bag was around 60 degrees) or if there was too much water? Can the seed drown even tho it was not covered by the paper towel? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Help!!! I am trying to germinate seeds! I went away for about 4 days but when i came back, none of my seeds had germinated. One seed had popped open and a white root is starting to become visible but nothing significant.

The bag was definitely wet. I am wondering if either the temp was too cold? (It felt like the bag was around 60 degrees) or if there was too much water? Can the seed drown even tho it was not covered by the paper towel? Thanks!
1 thing is that i think that is too cold. i think under 65 would really be bad for it and about 70 its would be slow to germ. this info is just what i read around. i germed with the temp about 78-83 degrees they popped soil in 8 of 10 popped in 2days the other 2 in 3 days cause i think i put it in deeper a little. seems to me the if i put it a bit deeper plants seem to be thicker stemmed one sprouted and maybe healthier. they still all gonna be same age and same growth rate so next time its 3/4 inch deep

also i water everyday a little bit just to keep moist but not drown them in water.

i think you need to water a little everyday making sure its not too wet. seems like you made them too wet or left them too long without water after they popped


Well-Known Member
never heard of that...what is it? a medium u put the seed in?
im guessing rapid rooter are the same as jumpstart pellets its basically a round 1/3 inch thick medium that grows to 2 inch thick when put in water.

yes and they'll be fine there for around a week without light.

i think you should have light on them as soon as they sprout. i read people put the light on them b4 they sprout cause seeds wont see light till they get closer to the surface.. just germinating needs to be dark and i would guess being in a medium thats dark will not let light to the seed. i used light green rockwool so i would leave all lights off and put a light once i see it come out the top of the rockwool.


Well-Known Member
try prodding, or at least that's what my good friend calls it, There is a thread in more detail in the 'general marijuana growing". aroun p. 5-10 maybe? check it out :weed:


Active Member
oh they were never dry at all. it was still wet when i got back but it did feel a little cold. Even if they are too cold, is it too late for the little guys or can they be rescued in warmer weather like a window sill?


Active Member
thanks.. I got some more seeds germinating after my first attempt failed. lol Q: I've heard the green ones aren't good to germinate. What are the best characteristics in seeds? Does size matter? color? pattern?


Well-Known Member
at 80 degrees with 80% humidity they took like 2 days, heard that too, my friend never tried the green ones, he says they usually crush easy if not good, they got these cool like tiger strips when good