Well-Known Member
hahaur damn right man if ya cant get the girl beat the shit outa there daddy![]()
what's yo name? who's yo daddy?
Is he rich like meeee? lol

hahaur damn right man if ya cant get the girl beat the shit outa there daddy![]()
I concur that cooking with marijuana has seperate side effects as smoking and can cure different types of pain/symptoms that smoking it will not.
Wtf? Why did you get in a fight over that piggy bitch?
HAha!you beat me to it!
the last thing you should fight over is a bitch! especially if she isnt even your g/f!!
That's funny right there!
You shouldn't be talking about anybody considering what you look like. Also your a mental case so don't throw stones when you live in a glass house.
I addressed you blatantly contradicting yourself and spouting completely inaccurate information, and the best you can come up with is ad hominems.
That's even funnier. Thanks for the laugh.
There is medical pot but WTH kind of person that prescribes stuff from what they see on the web?
You are a mental case I know who you are your bipolar.
There is medical pot but WTH kind of person that prescribes stuff from what they see on the web? You are a mental case I know who you are your bipolar.
Well, I was gonna ask you a question, but I read through this thread and it got worse and worse....then I was gonna be nice to you, but you called Kat bipolar like it's her fucking fault...kinda like calling someone with ms a "fucking cripple",only you don't think being bipolar is a disease because you can't see it.And judging from your taste in women, you can't see a hell of a lot, anyway.
Well, I was gonna ask you a question, but I read through this thread and it got worse and worse....then I was gonna be nice to you, but you called Kat bipolar like it's her fucking fault...kinda like calling someone with ms a "fucking cripple",only you don't think being bipolar is a disease because you can't see it.And judging from your taste in women, you can't see a hell of a lot, anyway.
whos friend
lmfao!! that's me HAHAHAHA
I don't know rhino though.![]()
what's yo name? who's yo daddy?
Is he rich like meeee? lol![]()
Well, I was gonna ask you a question, but I read through this thread and it got worse and worse....then I was gonna be nice to you, but you called Kat bipolar like it's her fucking fault...kinda like calling someone with ms a "fucking cripple",only you don't think being bipolar is a disease because you can't see it.And judging from your taste in women, you can't see a hell of a lot, anyway.
Fuck that! I don't care what you think of me. I hate people with bipolar my mom had a bipolar boyfriend that used to go crazy and beat her because of it. As far as I'm concerned they should be dead. There worthless to society and cause nothing but problems. If someone has to take medicine to be stable in society they should not be around in my opinion. I'm probally gonna get banned now for saying what my opinion is on it but that's fine also.
So because not everyone was blessed with your good health and good fortune they shouldn't be allowed to live in our society?
My grandmother was schizophrenic, she needed meds (most of which were experimental because schizophrenia is still such a mystery) to be stable. It wasn't her fault, she had been normal all her life until she had a break down when my grandfather abandoned her with four kids. After that she was never the same, meaning she was already schizophrenic when I was born, I never knew her when she was "normal"
But I loved her, and I have a problem with you saying she doesn't have a right to live in our society. Just because your mother was stupid enough to stay with a man who beat her, that's not anyone elses fault but HER OWN.
That's the way I feel whether you like it or not and I'm not gonna change my opinion on the matter. What if your grandmother had an hallucination to kill somebody and followed through? Should she get away with it? My mom got beat one time by him and left him and did not stay. So give me 1 reason why I should have to put up with this behavior from people?
You said your mom had a bipolar boyfriend "who used to go crazy and beat her" that suggests that it happened on more than one occasion. To avoid confusion, if ever telling this story in the future, you should say "my mom had a bipolar boyfriend, until this one time he went crazy and beat her, then she left him"
And you need to stop basing your opinions on shit you see in tv and the movies. Just because someone is schizophrenic doesn't mean they hear voices telling them to kill other people, you simpleton.
MY grandmother used to have arguments with her dead brother, because she felt responsible for his death. My grandmother was NEVER violent, and I spent a LOT of my childhood at her home.
Your mom's bipolar boyfriend doesn't make everyone else a bad person. Was he your only experience dealing with someone with a mental problem?
And what about dementia, or alzheimer's? What if, as your mother gets older, her mind just starts to go? And she starts needing to take meds to slow it...does she no longer deserve to live in society, because without the meds she would decline faster into not knowing who you are or where she is or what day it is? Will you stop loving her because her mind isn't what it was?