getaway seeder/outdoor/greenhouse grow 2016

ya its a 7 day a week job tending the different spots we got going (7 total) and one hell of alot of water between 15-20 gallons each every other day now 3-4 gardens a day so 1500 gallons a day +/- every day hope it rains soon my tarp wells are getting done but we got enough for a couple weeks still suppose to get some rain fri/sat
What do you do about stagnant water or bad bacteria etc growing in the water that is collected in tarps. Or is that not a concern...???
It does look nice very frosty flowers. I have a few stumbleberrys that look real nice two weeks into flower I just hit them with sea dragon pollen.

looks good and healthy heres a poison warp started in may and this was early sept done late sept and really productive for here and no mold issues lemony skunky bud real stoney smaller buds and lots of them View attachment 3754023 View attachment 3754024 View attachment 3754025 View attachment 3754023 View attachment 3754024 View attachment 3754025 View attachment 3754023 View attachment 3754024 View attachment 3754025View attachment 3754023 View attachment 3754024 View attachment 3754025

Wow! Now those are nice. My 7 foot high poison warp got destroyed by an animal which is why I started the late one in my backyard.. I really want to try it and didn't want to risk a small plant out in the bush this late in the season.
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Well that sounds like a brilliant cross! I'll have to put that down on my Christmas wish list.(:
the 8 ball is nice and bushy naturly with hundreds of tops and suppose to be mold resistant and the r-2 is great for mold resistant ,we have grown it for years here on the coast with no mold issues at all and is done late sept so ill take a chance and see what happens when crossed the first three in pic are 8 ball and the ones in back are churches which are good with mold resistance here and finish first half oct but i got that crossed with the poison warp ( real good mold resistance ) to bring that down to mid/late sept 8-6 2016.jpg