getawaymountain 2014 outdoor


Well-Known Member
well the next batch of clones are done and ready for transplant danky doodle is a good cloner strain , some of the ones we got for freinds are getting bigger every day now they better come get them before the crew takes them to the bush .. went for a day fishing yesterday with the old man 84 years old( and has lung / bladder cancer ) and still at it lol... a friend needed my halibut hooks to borrow to get the big fish aboard haha



Well-Known Member
the danky doodles are looking like a nice strain so far and the brains choice we topped looks good also the outdoor clones are ready to go to the people that ordered them and mommas cloning shack has been made bigger lol..



Well-Known Member
The stumble dont like the heat down here lol. The seawarp do though. I think on the bean crop I am going to chuck some seawarp pollen on some stumbleweed to make them more heat resistant. The seawarp seedlings I started this month a ago nt tooo worried bout the heat lol. Not a good time of the year to pop seeds huh? Haha, I had some flower early on me. They look like they reveggin now though.


Well-Known Member
ya the stumbleweed didn't like it for us either in ca. so i guess that one gets kicked to the curb for hot areas it loves the colder weather here lol.. i would start some more and use a shade cloth and they will do better than the ones ya started earlier ,


Well-Known Member
we went and pumped alot of water for when the swamp dries out in late july / august we will want that water then and i don't carry buckets anymore lol... set up a couple pumping stations in the swamp and got 60 ladies going in one spot -- got to love it guerilla growing !!

