Getting close to choosing LED..Need educated opinions

Get a real lamp (A51) and you will understand the additional cost.. Nice penetration, true, but I can GUARAN-FUGN-TEE that you have dark corners in your 3x3..

Interesting...but I really don't think I have a dark spot. I have 2 of the CLW 200W AND a cheap chinese TaoTronics in there. I would say that it's a little overkill if anything. That's 3 lamps in a 3x3!!! Are you saying that ONE Area51 is a better option in a 3x3? I havent used the A51 though I have heard it is excellent...and I am NOT in one of those programs where you get a discount for trumpeting the virtues of a manufacturer. I was considering the a51, but liked the 5 watt diodes and the fact that it's an american company. And about $100 cheaper per unit.

3x3 led.jpgled 3x3.jpg
Not saying it is superior to the A51...but it is certainly a "real lamp" yields are up and my heat issues are gone. My electric bill is lower too.
Thanks for the heads up on that. Just more shit to make my head spin, that is mind blowing. Seems like a lot of snake oil with some LED vendors? At this point I'm probably really leaning towards the a51 and I read they might be coming out with another model pretty soon?
I agree with hyroot on the top three. I read hundreds of threads and journals and those are always getting top result's. There are too many choices out there if you don't study them, at least that's what I think ( I know from experience you don't always get what you pay for.).