Get a real lamp (A51) and you will understand the additional cost.. Nice penetration, true, but I can GUARAN-FUGN-TEE that you have dark corners in your 3x3..
Interesting...but I really don't think I have a dark spot. I have 2 of the CLW 200W AND a cheap chinese TaoTronics in there. I would say that it's a little overkill if anything. That's 3 lamps in a 3x3!!! Are you saying that ONE Area51 is a better option in a 3x3? I havent used the A51 though I have heard it is excellent...and I am NOT in one of those programs where you get a discount for trumpeting the virtues of a manufacturer. I was considering the a51, but liked the 5 watt diodes and the fact that it's an american company. And about $100 cheaper per unit.

Not saying it is superior to the A51...but it is certainly a "real lamp"...my yields are up and my heat issues are gone. My electric bill is lower too.