Getting Concerned - PLEASE help!


New Member
Hi Guys,

I got a few clones one week ago, and upon getting them, transplanted them into 1 gal. pots or organic potting soil. After transplant I watered them in with appr. 1 cup per plant, using the suggested Mills Nutrients mixing blend. The next few days they looked a bit droopy, and I figured that I overwatered them. I laid off the watering for three days, soil felt dry, so I watered them again. This time a half cup of distilled water (no nutes). This was three days ago. The larger leaves have continued droop a bit, and have also started to yellow. The new growth looks healthy. What is going on here? do they need more nutrients? Pictures and stats below

  • Some Notes:
    -86 degree f temperature
    -32% humidity
    -small amount of water came through drain holes at bottom of pot
    -monitored soil moisture with tester
    -soil pH in very high 6's
    -have only applied nutrients once, on first watering (have watered twice total in appr. 6 days)
    -Under t5 lighting (4'x8 bulb, and 2'x6 bulb)​





New Member
Thanks man, I will cirulate in some cold air. The T5's are basically on top of the plants (3") i just pulled the plant out and put it on my desk for the photo-op. Will check out the sticky, do you think it is water stress (one way or another)?
Also, Should I trim off the unhealthier looking leaves? or will they bounce back? … Read that, that will help you decide on your own if you want to trim leaves or not. I'm doing an experiment right now. 2 plants, same exact strain, planted at the same time, Im trimming one and leaving the other to just grow, so end game i can see the results and make my own decision if trimming is better for growing or if not. I suggest if you have the opportunity you do the same, so you have your own results and can decide better rather than listen to what someone else says. thats my 2 cents anyway, hope this helps.

Good luck, and happy growing!

Cereal box

Active Member … Read that, that will help you decide on your own if you want to trim leaves or not. I'm doing an experiment right now. 2 plants, same exact strain, planted at the same time, Im trimming one and leaving the other to just grow, so end game i can see the results and make my own decision if trimming is better for growing or if not. I suggest if you have the opportunity you do the same, so you have your own results and can decide better rather than listen to what someone else says. thats my 2 cents anyway, hope this helps.

Good luck, and happy growing!
Some of the best advice I've seen on trimming leaves. I've done it and didn't care for the result. But a person has to make that judgement for themselves. Side by side experiment is the best way to determine the true difference! +rep man.


New Member
Thanks for the input. I Read the post. I am pondering trimming the unhealthy looking leaves because I am not sure if they will bounce back or not, and if they are not going to, they are just robbing light and nutrients from the rest of the plant. In your experience, do yellowing drooping leaves bounce back, or are they a lost cause?